Walked in on my gf sleeping with her coworker in our apartment...

Walked in on my gf sleeping with her coworker in our apartment. No longer with her but my cell phone is in her name cause she works for the carrier. How can I run up the bill that will force her to pay a shit ton cause she also stole money from me.

First of

do it fagit

share nudes

show us her feet

Use data and live stream.

be smart, dont do that, get her to pay u back in court. or dont do that and use phone sex hotlines.

I think we’re on an unlimited plan, there’s not another faster way?

Don’t want it to look like I’ve been binging on phone sex hotlines lol, but honestly court will cost me money for fees and bs

Hotspot Tethering should do just the trick. Connect your pc or game console to the hotspot and run that shit up

Don’t have the hotspot feature on the account, I might have to make a bobo live stream account and live stream nothing for hours

then crack it, apply SU, get a new bootloader and rom that has hotspot unlocked.
then stream youtube and porn in the background until it runs up 40 gigs.

make out of country calls to phone sex lines.

I just looked up "cheap psychic reading" and this number came up (i think 1$ per minute but i havent tried it): (855) 970-0247

You could also try calling international numbers.

Aren’t there like ringtone services where I can buy a shit ton of ringtones or some bs? Not trying to jailbreak the phone for this

Thank you!

well, ringtones would be attached to your google play store account assuming you have an android device, which i already assumed.
i'd make international calls.
by the way, i'm sorry to hear what happened.
to be honest, after my outrage for your situation wore off...
don't do shit. turn the phone over and then ghost her. it will burn her the fuck up when she starts to suspect that you are not longer bothered. the longer you go without hinting that you care the worse it will be for her.

kek turn it into a WiFi hotspot connect your pc/ console to it and play online for like 12 hrs
i did this once and absolutely blew up the bill (except it was my own bill but still I know it works kek)

I totally get you, my plan was to just run up the bill, slash a tire and sell the phone and ghost her heavy. She called the cops when I walked in on it happening and said I hit her and never did lol so I went to jail for a day or two. Just felt like I needed some revenge.

Hotspot is purposely disabled on the carrier account. Not an option

Update, found a I’m company that charges 1.50 euros a minute for physic assistiance charged via bill lol

Find an international info line, check movie times in Australia or some shit like that

Top keks if you explain the whole situation to them and ask them if they can charge you even more, like get a dozen pyschics on the line at once, I'm sure they would fukin love to get a huge payday while helping you get revenge

Don't be cunt!!give her the phone move on with ur life!get money fuck bitches.happiness

Keep em coming

Fuck you pussy, this bitch deserves everything coming to her.


Tfw you're taken to small claims and, surprise, lose

She can’t afford a lawyer and honestly I’ll just say that it wasn’t me calling. Prove that this phone is in my possession or name?

Use phone to access endless cp downloads. Make sure to turn off your Wi-Fi.

yeah dood

If anyone has any better ideas I’m all ears.

Lawyerfag here. Small claims doesn't need lawyers. A judge would see it in her favor if she provides documents that you owned the phone (texts would work) because they deal with petty stuff all the time. I recommend photo shopping or producing nudes to everyone she knows via shell account

How are texts proof? Anyone can make a fake contact in the phone and set it up as if it was me texting her when it was really her friend with my contact. You get me?

Also if I send nudes to everyone she knows (even her family) can’t she take me to court for harassment?

Also I never signed anything that said that I have to pay for the line under her name. I could say that?