Businesses are pulling out of NC because of how people use the bathroom

>Businesses are pulling out of NC because of how people use the bathroom.

I know they're free to do what they want, but isn't that just fucking stupid? Taking away potential jobs because you're butthurt over which bathrooms people can use?

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It's virtue signalling for profit. They believe they'll get more business and sales by pandering to SJWs than they will by discriminating against that one state.

Except that almost never works.

Look at Chik-fil-A. Their profits haven't suffered ever since they essentially said they didn't approve of homos.

Wow, SJW's heads must be spinning about this.

Yeah, well, executives get where they are based on nepotism, not sound judgement and business skills. Those are a bonus you hope for after you've already promoted the guy because he jacked off in a coffin in front of you back in your college days.

>Taking away potential jobs because you're butthurt over which bathrooms people can use?

>he hasn't read what's in HB 2.



No seriously I could whip my ass with your bible.

>They believe they'll get more business and sales by pandering to SJWs than they will by discriminating against that one state.

It's 2016. It's not ok to put up a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" signs at your private business.

They are threatening the state by leaving because they won't follow the cultic agenda. They need you yo be spiritually and mentally fucked up from all of this degeneracy so you stay hopelessly cucked to giving these business money. Your mind will be cucked by the love of trans bathrooms and homo marriage and you'll be more consumeristic. Saying no to this trans bathroom shit secretly counteracts nation wide degeneracy.

They are arguing this is not a civil rights issue. They are mad LGBT are saying they experience the same struggles as they have

>They are threatening the state by leaving because they won't follow the cultic agenda. They need you yo be spiritually and mentally fucked up from all of this degeneracy so you stay hopelessly cucked to giving these business money. Your mind will be cucked by the love of trans bathrooms and homo marriage and you'll be more consumeristic. Saying no to this trans bathroom shit secretly counteracts nation wide degeneracy.

>talks about cult
>follows a jew cult of a zomibe superman that only exists because of the Roman Empire making it a state religion

>It's 2016. It's not ok to put up a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" signs at your private business.
>you cant do things because ITS THE CURRENT YEAR
great argument there.

>They are arguing this is not a civil rights issue.

I couldn't care what bible thumpers have to do. I can name civil rights leaders like Al Shaprton, Jesse Jackson, naacp leader north carolina William Barber II, etc. all disagree with him and they are fucking PASTORS for crying out load.

>They are mad LGBT are saying they experience the same struggles as they have

See this map and tell me LGBT people don't have struggles you stupid fuck.

Nice try, but I don't believe in Caesar's Messiah, either. I'm a propaganda atheist. Doesn't mean I don't turn away from disgusting bullshit when I see it. Religion is just a good excuse for people instead of having to come right out and say that this shit is disgusting.

Wow. That's a bullshit bill.

Praise be to zombie Jesus!

Give all money to Israel.

Nice fucking try.

Whatever you're feeling right now, that's what it feels like to lose the culture war. Some time in the next 5 years, maybe fewer, there's going to be a SCOTUS decision that upholds LGBT civil rights nationwide. You should start mentally preparing for this eventuality, because there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Why do you think it is sensible for men to be in bathrooms with children of opposite sex?




the anti-LGBT passages in the Torah are from a section in the Zoroastrian religion that isn't really considered part of their religion by most Zoroastrians.

They don't even has basis in the Torah.

>Some time in the next 5 years, maybe fewer, there's going to be a SCOTUS decision that upholds LGBT civil rights nationwide.


Right after Hillary appoints the next Supreme Court justice(s)

Can't wait for the bible thumpers to get BTFO

>what is liability for a $6 million lawsuit represented by shecklestein and skinlampberg, alex?

Why do you think it is sensible for men to be in bathrooms with children of the same sex?

>Why do you think it is sensible for men to be in bathrooms with children of opposite sex?

Do you think it's sensible to worship a dead Jewish superman who came down and killed himself to save all of? Fuck off with your bullshit.

>Why do you think it is sensible for men to be in bathrooms with children of opposite sex?

Also this anti-male feminist piece of shit is basically saying women can go into men's bathrooms just fine because all men are pedo/rapists.

Pro HB 2 people are just extreme anti-male feminists.

Degeneracy. You're like the parents that encourage their 3 year old they aren't a girl but a boy.


Says the person who gets all their laws from Yahweh. Go back to herding goats in the deserts. We don't need your bullshit in 2016.

You brainwash your kids in a cult.

You'll get your way anyways. The laws will change to support complete degeneracy and society will continue to crumble as a result.

About as stupid as the people refusing to shop at target.


You keep using this term, but I find sacrificing your son for Yahweh's degeneracy.

>About as stupid as the people refusing to shop at target.

I wonder which political party they are apart of?

>muh le yahweh and dumb republicans
This has nothing to do with religion. I am not religious and I think it is disgusting to let grown men into the the women's bathroom, where children often go. I'm also independent. So, why do we need to let abominations use the restroom with my little sister?

>"I have an idea, let's turn a non-issue into a wedge issue and piss lots of people off because an election is coming up and we're probably going to lose!"
>Popular opinion and corporate backlash to bullshit law
Fucking retards.

Yeah, when did this bullshit even start?

You realize that if you force people into their birth certificate bathroom, you'll just have people who look and physically are men forced to use the bathroom with your stupid faggot sister, right?

Big Business wants to win points from lefties. Sanders already says that he wants to break up the big banks, regardless of your opinion of that (muh jooz), you have to acknowledge that the left is willing to take drastic action against American corporations, especially Big Business. Big Business is backing cultural marxism so that when economic Marxism comes, they won't be the first ones targeted.

ExxonMobil was vocally critical of climate change and now leftists want them to get prosecuted on charges of racketeering and fraud- that's what happens when you question the left's pet issues.

*tips fedora*

Have you not seen all the people going into target yelling about god and target being the anti Christ for letting trannies use the bathrooms?

>Businesses are pulling out of NC because of how people use the bathroom.


Well first, trannies have been using whatever bathroom they want for decades, hasn't been an issue till now. But lo and behold, an election year rolls around and some state lawmakers are worried Trump on the top of the ticket might unseat them so they pulled this non-issue out of their ass to divide voters

>sell chicken
>openly say we hate homos
>niggers still eat chicken

Doing this for that reason in North Carolina would be grossly unsound. This appears more to be a case of an ideological tone from the top.

That's just one.

The NBA is threatening to take away the All Star game too, despite Charlotte being against the bill.

>hasn't been an issue till now.

Because the GOP made it an issue because gay marriage has been settled. Prove me fucking wrong. It's the same bible thumping crap with a bathroom sticker on it.

why is that bad though?

>This appears more to be a case of an ideological tone from the top.

Capitalists don't give a shit about that.

Racism, sexism, and homophobia isn't acceptable in 2016 America, so naturally when places like Mississippi and North Carolina go full retard and start enacting literal Jim Crow laws in 2016, they flee like hell.

Specifically I think it's the line they snuck in about how municipalities can't raise minimum wage, manage child labor laws, and hour regulations for workers and benefits due to the bill superseding all of that to the state level.

>why is that bad though?

Child labor laws - GONE
Civil rights laws - GONE
Minimum wage laws - GONE

Welcome to fucking Somali North Carolina, home of the oligarchs. It's basically just Koch brothers legislation, with the bathroom stuff added to distract the stupid sheeple from what's else in the bill.

I don't understand how the boards and shareholders allow this shit to happen honestly.

>well, "trans people" make up a total of 0.012% of the population... and we get about 40% of the total 513 trans people in the state of North Carolina...
>therefore, we should pull out all 17 of our retail locations, temporarily forefiting about $300 million in revenue for SOME GREAT "TOLERANCE P.R.!!!
>"fuck yeah! Greenlight it!"



That's because it's an excuse to move elsewhere where there is a large or growing rate of immigrants both legal and illegal willing to work for less. I think there's a plan to raise minimum wage in that area so the companies are skipping town.

A lot of people do retard. The religious fundies in the USA have an extraordinary amount of power for their size.

>Caring more about politics and people than money
How dare they?

But really, it's mostly a PR thing. That an the fact that many of these businesses are run by neolibs and they're really into progressive social policies. (and only progressive social policies, ask them for some economic equality and they'll shit themselves)

I figured. I think that the state level should be the ones running things, with municipalities giving advice, so that didn't bother me
Please off yourself. They're saying that the state has control over those things now, not local municipalities. I live in Cary and I wouldn't want them in control of those things. Also, last time I checked you had 15 shit posts in this thread. I'm not sure if you're bait, foolish enough to actually believe the filth you spew, or just young and naive

Funny you mention the coffin thing, I just heard about it for the first tine earlier today

Both of these are true tho. Unless you're in the 20% percent of professionals (ie the new landed elite), you're getting fucked over by whoever you vote for

Skull and bones bro. Frats be gay and shit. Fucking white people.

Why would any sane person care, literally less than 1% of the population are transgenders lol. Are you just bored or something?

fuck your apathy

What part of that sounded apathetic? I'm very upset about this.

Gay mafia will fuck a city in the ass if you don't know tow. It's insane. Indy got hit with threats but ultimately we got more jobs, more conventions.

The liberal will tell you we lost a few conventions and we did, but gained overall.

All these tech companies are ram by faggos. They are so autistic.

>my plan sexual semi god dildo faggot just doesn't feel safe in your bigot state

>I thinj this is r/atheism

Almost no one here is religious, calm down you stupid fucking autist and stop being so edgy

Oh woe as me. I'm being so fucked over because a politician does not want to be my surrogate parent!


I truly do not understand this world

Man = Male
Woman = Female

To all scientist in this world this is the case

then Socialist come up and they say
Gender roles are fluid and you can act like a man or woman depending on society

And then Socialist say Gender is fluid if feel like a woman you are a woman

This however makes either Gender or Gender Roles completely fucking pointless
Why the fuck do we not listen to scientist unless it's something we like? You will never hear a biologist tell you Gender is fluid. However you will hear plenty of burger flippers saying it

>Government only focused on the financial wellbeing of 20% of it's citizens

You realize that all the globalization/neolib policies that the Obama administration has been churning out directly undermines manufacturing jobs but benefit the professional class, right? It isn't that I feel like I'm entitled to something, it's that a government should protect the workers in its economy.

So we shouldn't care about certain groups because they are a minority?

>all scientist in this world this is the case
>then Socialist come up and they say
But that's fucking wrong, idiot. Scientists (specifically sociologists and biologists) invented the distinction between gender and sex. Regardless of if you believe in that distinction, that's the case

Or it can stop giving preferrential treatment.


But you're a leftist concern troll masquerading as a moderate.

What the fuck are you talking about? Care to elaborate on your retarded ideas?

What does Socialism have to do with transgender people?

And learn how to form a proper sentence you fucking mongoloid.
You do realize the government is meant to be by the people, for the people, right? It's supposed to represent everyone, not just 20 percent of the population.

Another concern troll.

should we ignore the rights of others to placate a minority?

>hurr this person disagrees so he must be a troll of the opposite party
You're just as bad as the SJWs.

Don't bother, he's a retard or a troll. Either way, he has no actual information or assertions

No, but I don't really see trannies using a bathroom as infringing on other people's rights. I mean, they've been using whatever bathroom for decades and it hasn't been a problem. I just find the "muh rights" argument disingenuous when it hasn't been an issue before, but now that it's an election year everyone is getting angry

You really got off on a tangent there, huh Achmed?

>>Businesses are pulling out of NC because of how people use the bathroom.

Great news! Especially the Raleigh area is growing like crazy but the only people who get jobs are H1B pooinloos and NJ/NY Libfags.
The Construction attracts illegals who will not leave afterwards and the Libfags vote blue.

We don't need these parasites -> wee don't need these jobs

Letting trannies in the bathroom isn't violating anyone's rights, you don't have the right to not have them in the bathroom just because you don't want them there. This bill however is violating the rights of the business owners by forcing them to not let trannies in the bathroom they choose.

The only correct answer is to let the private businesses choose, this isn't the governments business.

>Child labor laws - GONE
>Civil rights laws - GONE
>Minimum wage laws - GONE
Except that there are still federal laws. The bill was written because Charlotte made a law that contradicted a 150 year old law that said we had gender specific facilities. It would be like if Texas had a law that all child care workers require a background investigation before they get hired. And then Austin says "that's discriminatory against pedophiles. Love doesn't see age" and makes a law that specifically says they don't need a background check