WTF is wrong with women

WTF is wrong with women

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We are creatures governed mostly by emotion yet we are also capable of logic. Women are creatures governed entirely by emotion and as such see little need for said logic.

might be on to something

No I’m not, do you think I’ve ever even talked to a woman? People are nuts bro, it’s up to you to weed that shit out.

lol coulda fooled me you roody-poo

They are annoying fucks that 99.9999999999999% of the time only want to use you.


imagine you see something that isnt. that is women

for a better picture of what i'm saying try to see beyond your field of view

not a thing


>Women are creatures governed entirely by emotion and as such see little need for said logic.
>People are nuts bro, it’s up to you to weed that shit out.


how much do you weigh?

millenia of being raped and conquered by savages has led to women yearning for aggressive violent men to take them and fuck them against their will. women destroy civilizations and are actively turned on by the thought.

Jesus....yet he's spot on.

ur suggesting that raep as pleasurable is somehow genetically passed down

they are human.



same amount of things that are wrong with men XD

This On the other hand, being a faggot is whats wrong with you, OP.
Stop liking men (traps)

femanon detected

About 175, athletic. And I have a fiance whom I've been with for 6 years but In the glorious words of our Lord and savior tom lyekis "there are exceptions to every rule. But I deal with broad brush averages. As majority matters. "


the women who refused to have sex with their conquerors did not pass on their genes. it's literally as simple as that. the women who fight back get slaughtered

this comic. so accurate.

literally my gf
>mired in sjw bullshit at school and work
>sometimes argues things with me, but usually knows I don't buy it
>hates debating with me because I never start from opinion
>knows that I care even if we disagree
>Likes being tied up and told to gag on my cock

>accepting refusal to put out

You don't know how this whole war thing really works, do you?

They aren't taught reason or accountability while they are children.

The complete fucking truth. Wish I would still be in contact with my ex just to smash this in her face.



dubs confirms

>WTF is right with women

Women are not weaker than men. Physical strength is only one attribute of many attributes. Emotional intelligence is another attribute and being able to use it to manipulate others effectively is a form of strength.

The fact that men have evolved into a state where they have larger muscles than women is actually evidence of women being able to dominate men. They dominate men by manipulating men into turning over the fruits of their labor to women and they accomplish this feat rather easily. Women have no need for muscles when they can just get a man to perform menial tasks for them. Your larger muscles are evidence of your forefathers having been emotionally dominated by a woman who manipulated him into volunteering to be her drone.

Allow me to put this concept into terms to which you can relate.

When you play a summoner in an RPG and you use your summoned creature to kill the enemies you encounter in the game environment while you hang back at a relatively safe distance, do you give credit for those kills to the creature you summoned? Of course not. You consider every creature your summoned creature killed for you your kill and you don't even question that you deserve the experience points. The summoned creature who actually did the killing for you is just a drone.

Getting a man to do something for her is as easy for a woman as it is for you to press the #3 key on your keyboard to summon a creature in an RPG. That isn't weakness. It is a very strong capability.

Traditional women are a very real danger to men. They go through life surrounded by drones and all they have to do to activate them for protection is damsel.


tell any of that to women before 1940

So is it women's fault for "destroying civilizations" or is it the "savages" who have committed rape since prehistory? Your argument is counterintuitive.

>Both men and women are fucked by culture

tell us, your problem, with women soyboy.?
maybe Sup Forums can help

>Traditional women
Have you never met a male feminist?

It has been this way since the dawn of our species.

Dumb. If you asked men this problem, one might say "fingering and going down". Sex is an important part of a relationship and both men and women want it.

>It's a joke

Why was Helen Keller such a terrible driver?
>Because she was a woman.

a woman who refuses isn't going to make it the 9 months to give birth.

What is this comic trying to say?

you just went full retard

Historical accounts say otherwise.

What the fuck are you even talking about, you utter faggot?

Theu refuse to do anal. That's why you should fuck traps.

>be me
>date a girl in her early 20s
>she is a pretty obvious liberal hipster, but otherwise seems normal
>hang out, hook up, have sex a couple times
>now she's bored of the whole process, especially the sex
>try to keep her around because she is a 9/10 body and an 8.5 face
>one night she reveals that she is a hardcore feminist
>"i'm practically a militant feminist"
>goes on long rant about men subjugating women
>practically in tears
>she wants to bring down the patriarchy
>ask her if that perspective is why she hasn't enjoyed the sex
>later that exact same night during sex, she says she wants to try something different
>"i want to be tied up"
>"now choke me"
>"squeeze harder"
>"now spank me"
>"beat the shit out of me"
>say to her "i thought you were all about women's rights and shit"
>she says "what do you mean?"

I have given up trying to understand these creatures. They are fun to fuck, and that's it

how come the only dominant female relationships in nature are fucking bugs and reptiles?

me and my sisters grew up with our irresponible drug addict mother and the many disgusting men she brought home

my sisters may have devolved into mile wide cumtroughs but atleast I discern who I let throatfuck me

my ex as like that
even wrote feminist texts to say out loud
was a fucking psycho that would fuck at any moment she could
get it in her ass

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the women sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.

Jesus, what drivel.

Male Lions are bigger. Male Gorillas are bigger. Male anything is bigger in mammals.

Female Lions don't "manipulate" the males. They just get fucked by them. And the males take whatever food the females catch whenever they want too.

I'm not a female hater - they have their qualities, but this is just shitposting.

Youre a fucking idiot, women don't have any power. The only strong influence they have is on a weak male.
The pitfalls of women are only prevalent and worsening because of man.
We failed to keep those bitches in line.
Somewhere on the chain the pimp hand became weak now we have fags paying money for any whore to spread eagle on cam.

this is giving me cancer as we speak

So all men are pedophiles?
Flawed logic...

just gonna post some of these



not a lot but clearly you have some problems relating to women which make you frustrated because other people are having orgasms inside women and you're not



The principal of "women and children first" is a code of honor that we men put on ourselves.

It is yet one more way that men prove we are the stronger sex, for we're willing to actively sacrifice ourselves for the good of weaker members of society.

Most guys I know would take a bullet for a woman or a child if they had to choose who got shot. Same as they'd do for someone handicapped. Does it make biologic sense? Nope. But that's what differentiates us from animals. We have certain values that we're willing to die for, to sacrifice for, and that makes us unique, and is why we have any kind of civilization at all.

you're responding to the wrong post, fucktard


Don't be an ignorant faggot, OP. Educate yourself.

The only two blogs you need in this regard are:

The only love equation you need to know is:

Men > women > children > cats

Where the ">" is "love"; so:

Men love women, and women love children, and children love cats.

You're welcome.

Well you must not know me in real life because if it's a bullet for me or some child or woman, I'm not volunteering for shit unless it's family

Sex life and life outside of sex are two separate things you acoustic nigger.

Jesus christ you guys are pathetic.

You’re claiming that women are somehow lesser beings than men, yet you give their bullshit part of some of their ideals value and let it go on your nerves “Hurdur double standard” “Women can but I can not waaah” – Shut the fuck up and man up.

A lot.


>we're willing to actively sacrifice ourselves for the good of weaker members of society.

see >cuck

>noun: cuck; plural noun: cucks

>1. Someone who advocates politically for a group, movement or entity while not realizing doing so is against his own interest

You're are mentally cucked.

This guys funny

Romance is truly dead. Does no one believe in love any more?

No, I'm not.

that sexuality and human psychology are pretty complex things.

It’s because to keep a population alive you need more women than men. Basic survival instincts ingrained over millions of years

Welcome to the 21st Century Male. kek.

Doesn't change my argument one bit.

Not so separate. The disparity between the two perspectives reveals the amalgamation of contradictions that are stuffed into the female brain. Plus sexual tendencies reveal our innermost instincts, and it becomes clear that the whole feminist agenda is the woman's attempt to escape her shameful innate desire to be subjugated

GirlWritesWhat is fucking awesome. If you disagree with her, Tits or GTFO

This makes me wonder what code of honor women have that helps men in any way. A child is understandable, but an adult is an adult regardless of gender.

Wasn’t trying to, was just stating how that came to be from the standpoint of an evolutionary biologist


I've been to plenty of walmarts and theme parks, and I've seen hundreds of thousands of women and children that I see no point in saving if it were my life or theirs.

No. I'm just old-school.

If you wonder why your society is going to fall to pieces leaving you little homo's and your PS4's all broken around you with no electricity grid to power your weeaboo habits, look no farther than the degradation of the Male Role Model which served to create the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen.

Little metrosexual homo's who's motto is "i gots me mine!" would rather grab their iPhone to record someone being attacked in public rather than jump in and assist ("ooh, I might get hurt, why would I want to do that??").

Glad I'm closer to my way out rather than my way in. You kids are fucked.

actually we dont need more women than men to replace the population . we could do with aout 20 to 30 % of the current numbers of women and be just fine especially with the overpopulation and constant growth figures in mind.

matter of fact having more men than women would drastically increase the labor force . the ammount of genius level intelects , the ammount of competent leaders and inventors / scientists that actually benefit and push mankind forward .

We dont need people like you right now because the earth is already fucking overpopulated. Women as a biological creature with their function of giving birth isnt as needed now anymore

Choose one. Seriously, women know nothing of abstract terms like honor, justice, truth in the way men understand these terms, which are bedrock foundations for Western society. Which is why Western society is fucked. Men stopped being men several decades ago, and we're now seeing the fallout of that.


It's not about women, dude. It's about MEN. A code is a code that you honor, despite what others might be doing. THAT is what makes you different.

how can an evolutionary biologist be so ignorant and not realize that in order to replace the current population level you would need less than half of their current number at best ....

While men achieve success by direct, assertive, logical and tactical action, women achieve success by social manipulation.

I agree with the notion that women don't understand the abstract as men do. When a man in war thinks about the honor of dying for his people's cause, it is an idea that is larger than himself and outside of his mind and body. When a woman perceives something such as honor, the idea of honor includes her image and her "self" and her body and her instagram followers too

this. Women raising boys in single-parent homes ushered in the destruction of western civilization.

This is why I tend to rage against the niggerish habit of men having "baby-mama's". On an individual level, the male may seem to be advancing his genes, but from a meta civilization level it is the corrosion that will eventually bring the whole thing down.

Sounds pretty great except for the ugly woman concept; or are you beholden to our corporate overlords?

fucking make me kek.

That is such a sexy picture.