
hey, does anybody still have that one comic where there was this red smarty that got turned into basically a plush and then was forgotten about so it drowned itself? I've been looking for that for months now

Also abuse thread




it's from fluffy abuse, it's in a pixel art format

if you're that same user that always ask for this then please save it this time so you can upload it whenever you want











No, I just got back into fluffies :o

ok then, welcome back i guess
there was an user for a while that would ask for that comic in every thread no matter how often it got posted

Oh wow. I can see how that'd get annoying

a little but at least they were requesting a good comic instead of some shitty ms paint




Yeah. Some comics are really great in comparison to others

yeah but even some of the ms paint stuff is decent if they have a good story or are at least funny (like flugbies or asperger daddy)



Ikr? It's like CarnivorousDuck, the art isn't all that good but it's kinda silly and very graphic

yeah pretty much, though cd is a massive edgelord and a sperg




True, true.

You niggers are only posting stupid mean ones. Post dancie babbehs and ones where people are nice to them I like those.
I don't have any picture I just transferred everything off my phone so here's the baby sinclair from Dinosaurs



beggars can't be choosers, also the theme of this thread is abuse



This addresses many of the socioeconomic problems of inner city African Americans.


So sorry, here, have something more along your lines

Oh yeah I see that now. I just clicked the fluffy picture I saw

Why's that girl have a penis?

it's ok, just messing with you mostly
i have sadbox though



you people should be sterlized



just one



I used to be a happy NEET but then I had a "manic episode" and my family put me in the hospital and now I can't play vidja anymore. I literally lost my skill while hospitalized. Without skill these games are so unfulfilling and I am so sad I have nothing to do anymore. I want to kms. I never wanted to die before they put me in. It was my second time going to the hospital. Loli threads and rekt threads are what triggered my "episode". I am so sad I ever came here but now I can't leave. I never knew there was evil in the world before I came here.

Nice copypasta
