Times are changing Sup Forums. This is how things are now

Times are changing Sup Forums. This is how things are now.

this is just how nigger women are, thats why black men prefer white women.




>Don't let those baby daddies break up a happy home!

>It's the dad's fault for not wanting to be with a cheating whore!

Those are niggers though? This is why we don't like them

actual whores, neat.

you expect anything different?

Lol they can say what i want, if my girl cheats the motherfucker is dying and my girlfriend is goint to be painted black and blue

The White women who goes for black men are about as loyal as black women..



You are why we still need feminism

So wrong and flawed.


Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't try to make this into law, excusing female infidelity as justification for divorce.

This is why we need sexbots, and fast.


You're fooling yourself. Women are getting a pass on this stuff because they see fidelity as male oppression. And when some dude vanishes after putting a baby in your wife's belly, what will a Judge want to do? Create a single mother who will go on wellfare and the kid will grow up to become a felon? No, he's going to tell you to suck it up and raise the bastard.

Sorry. That's how it works.

I hate niggers as much as the next guy, but you sound absolutely retarded.

You are why we need to bring back eugenics

>hates niggers
>forgives cunts
Literal cuck


Sadly these get thrown out easily by most competent lawyers. Best prevention is to not marry and shoot blanks until you find a unicorn.

[spoiler]you wont[/spoiler]

I kinda have some faith in Generation Z. They aren't screaming crazies like millennials are. I'm hoping things will become more reasonable as time goes on.




It gets me everytime


Waddefok bra. Didn't think I'd see EC featured on Sup Forums. Lol awe poes

You are NOT the father. Not that it matters, you're raising it anyways.