I just consumed 2 table spoons of crushed nutmeg, i dont know how old it is

I just consumed 2 table spoons of crushed nutmeg, i dont know how old it is.
will it hit me? what should i expect?

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prepare your anus for a shitstorm

Fucking rip

When was you when the acid kicks on

I was at home drink smegma from bottle

acid is kick in


And you!!!!!!!

o fuk bro, gonna be mad

>what should i expect?
This question would've been better asked /before/ consumption, no?

guys my bad, i meant 2 tea spoons, really sorry, english is not my native

Call 911

No, don't call 911. Wait and experience the reality of your stupidity.

You need at least 3 whole fresh nuts to a good buzz. Two teaspoons won't get you there m8

You crushed them or they were already crushed ?
If you crushed them yourself then you'll be high if not then nothing maybe a diahrea...

Sorry bad english.

Where were you when John Lennon was kill

you'll lead to get the synapses, its kinda late but you might still be able to kick start the chemical reaction by putting a bullet in your brain

they were bought crushed crushed, dunno how old they are

How are you doin OP?

im doin good

Call 911 before it's too late.

but it was 2 tea spoons not table spoons, i messed up

did you even inform yourself about nutmeg?
I REALLY shouldn't have to post this erowid.org/plants/nutmeg/

Nutmeg is shit. Trip is unpleasant, you feel like having very strong cold or flu. Your brain is useless and you can even destroy your liver!!!!! Never do it again, fortunately your dose is too less, you need to educate more before taking any drug

>considered unpleasant by most who experience it

you should expect to feel very ill, and your mom is gonna be mad when she finds out you wasted her nutmeg.

Jon is kill?