Hey medical fags. I scalded my skin last night with hot water straight out of a kettle and got these blisters. Wat do?

Hey medical fags. I scalded my skin last night with hot water straight out of a kettle and got these blisters. Wat do?

Pop it and post pics pussy

it's aids

pop it like it's hot

Looks like a wound from S-Lost

I never said I wasn't going to pop it. I just wanted to know of I should bandage it.

Or some other type of shit.*

pop it with a clean needle or something...

No never bandage it
Pop it and drink the fluids to aid in the healing process

Medfag here, it looks pretty serious but as long as you hold a lighter under your balls for 1 minute exactly the swelling should stop and the pustules should go away soon after hopefully.


Fair enough
Pop it
Then maybe something to clean it and wrap it

Bleed fluid but leave skin on as long as possible. If you have a clean job, no bandaids but let it dry out

You never pop burn blisters. Wait it out. You're in for a world of pain when that thing pops. I've had so many as a chef

pop it and post pics

1) Cut a slit on one side of it.
2) Put your penis inside.
3) ????
4) Develop a burn fetish because no vagoo will match that feeling.

Pop it, nigger.

looks far less serious than what could have happened. let it heal on its own.

1) keep it clean, but dont scrub it too much.
2) if it looks dried out, only use moisturizer that you already know it okay for you (something you use after shaving etc)
3) whatever you do, DO NOT POP THEM.
there is NO safe way to remove them, everything you have in your household might get it infected and get it SO MUCH worse.


Partial 2nd degree. Don't pop blister. If it does you can cover w/ neosporin for prophylaxis. Don't put penis inside if at all possible.

got this when I was ten. I didn't know what to do so I doused it in cold water and it popped in my drink.
RIP cup of water from 2011 :'(

What if i sterilised a needle?

Forget pic reaturd?

get bag of weed and watch some gilmore girls

This small incision with scalpel or whatever, you can also pass a thin thread with a needle it will prevent the bubble to build up again. Leave the skin on it as long as possible, avoid water on it

Just leave it alone you stupid fuck.

get a nail clipper and strong alcool (everclear, vodka, gin...), clean the clipper, clean your arm, get a clean rag ready
and pop that fucker, remove the useless skin and pour some alcool on the rag before covering the burn with it

it will sting a little, but you'll be done with it in a day or two

>you know what protects you from infection?
your skin
>it does this work even after it forms blister like this.
>it even works after the outer layer of skin is long dead
>as long as you dont apply pressure/scrub them too much,
>the blisters will only open when they are no longer needed
>because fresh kin has grown underneath
>so fucking let your skin do its job

Next time, burn it longways, that way you can cup your balls while you fuck your arm-pussy.

Yea, i'm a welder and i've had a couple of these. Wait it out.

this. had a burn like that and popped it. stupid idea. hurt like a bastard for days and wouldn't heal. just leave it alone.

Cookfag here we burn ourselves all day long. Pop it with a needle that you've heated a lot. It will make the blister basically melt a tiny whole and the liquid will ooze out. Leave the skin of the blister and don't rip it off. Bandage it.

If you rip the skin off, this area will become insanely sensitive for 2-3 weeks, whereas if you leave the skin there it won'T hurt at all. Also bandaging will prevent it turning very ugly. Burn wounds are always ugly and full of ooze

have you had one on an important part of your hand/wrist that would get touched alot if you worked? if so did it eventually pop because of work?

Med student here. Just leave it be. Don't poke a hole in it if you don't want it to sting as hell. Which you'll do anyway.

Med student. I agree. Foolproof method

Nigga infections are not gonna kill you. 99.99% of infections will just make your wound look ugly as fuck and it'll take longer and be more painful to heal, until your body gets a certain window of time that you're cleaning your wound and leaving it alone.

Popping the blister is EXTREMELY useful especially if he works and the blister is in an area where he might rip it off by mistake. A blister can be very annoying and very easy to hit on a corner by mistake and rip it off, hence why you pop it but leave the skin.

This is why I was contemplating on popping it. Its right under my wrist and I might burst it in my sleep.

clean it with soap, then use alcohol 70% to clean the incertion point and your tool to pop it, drain the liquid and


the skin on your blister works as its own bandage. tearing it or popping it allows bacteria to your exposed wound causing various infections if you dont regularly clean and bandage a burn of that size

Wait it out. IF it pops BY ACCIDENT, clean the absolute christ out of it. Let it breathe when you can but bandage if it's going to be in contact with anything. Use alcohol, try to avoid triple antibiotic. And make sure you keep cleaning the christ out of it. It's pretty much gonna get infected if it's open and you let it touch fucking anything at all ever.

Source: I'm an ER tech. I know, I know, entry-level medfag, but still. This is pretty basic stuff.

Don't pop it if you can avoid it. Bandage it to sleep. Let it breathe otherwise.

Are you retarded?

How have you lived this long in life and not know what you're supposed to do about blisters?

Do whatever you want, hopefully you'll die and we will no longer have you in our gene pool.

Just wait for it to heal, don't put any ointments on it or otherwise cover the skin. Hopefully you ran cool water over it last night, that should help it heal faster.

For you to Insulte I would first have to value your opinion. Gtfo neckbeard.

The gene pool failed as soon as you were born, faggot.