Hey Sup Forumsros I need urgent help with guitars

Hey Sup Forumsros I need urgent help with guitars.

Found this online for 500 including hard case. Is it a good deal? Have the mods fucked it up?

The ad follows; "This genuine Fender Modern Player Strat has been overhauled to combine vintage sounds with contemporary looks and features. It has all new American made electronics, including 2 Dimarzio Hum-cancelling single coils and a Dimarzio Air Classic Humbucker. The Area 58 in the neck position gives you warm creamy tones with rich mids and lows. The Area 67 in the middle is crisp, with all the "quack" you'll ever need. The Air Classic Bridge is like a vintage humbucker, but with more clarity, overtones, and sustain. Arctic White paint with black pick guard and Cali Grown decal make this guitar stand out on stage; awesome under black lights! Includes hard case. Cash only, please."

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>Is it a good deal?

Impossible to say without playing it first

looks like a good deal to me

Fender Modern Players are usually $500 RRP, so you're not losing money if it's in good condition. In general, pickups bought separately are going to be better than ones that come with the guitar, at least for budget models like this one. And Dimarzio make good quality pickups. So it's going to come down to taste - go and take a look and have a play. Do you actually like the way it sounds?

>Do you actually like the way it sounds?
I don't know how it sounds. Would it be weird if I ask the guy to send a video or recording of how it sounds?

Agree with this, it's a good deal for the money side, but you have to know if you like the sound

Offer 450, pay 475.

>The neck position gives you warm creamy tones
Vaguely reminds me of my ex OP, buy it, seems worth.

OP here. If I buy it and decide to sell it due to whatever reason, could I sell it for the same amount you think?

Depends, on paper it sounds like an awesome deal, but you really have to play it, it may feel like absolute garbage, it may have imperfections that bug you, tell him best you can do is 400, if it's shit resell it for 450

Well I'm not really good with guitars, I've only played for 1 year on acoustic. Most likely if I play it when I take a look I will just make myself look stupid and miss notes and such, that's why I'm asking you guys

To be honest...if you have to ask don't buy it. Just buy a $200 China strat off of eBay.

He is asking because he is new to guitars. Anyone new to anything have thousands of questions

So you're looking for your fist electric? If so definitely do not buy used and definitely do not buy online, unless it's like a standardized series. Go with a harley benton, go with a strat shape definitely have a humbucker and a single coil. Thomann ship worldwide and you won't spend more than 300

Offer $400. He'll decline. Follow-up in 2 days and see if he's interested in the $400.

Good deals come from being patient, not impulsive

Being new to guitars, especially electric. I have to ask you "why?". Why not a used one and why just a single coil?

I agree. Which is why I'm saying just get the $200 China strat and learn what you like and don't like about it.

Gonna need you to put it in your butthole and take a pic with timestamp

If you’re talking about a MIAmerica Strat, thats alright, Id prefer the stock pups on those (maybe throw in s duncans) these run about 800-1200 depending where you get it (lower end used)
If its a MiMexico, almost any pups/mods done professionally will make it sound infinitely better, this price is hard to beat for either.
BUT, the most important part is actually playing it for the sound and feel, if yoy cant do that then do what you feel, but prepare for some tweaking/$$ if you want it to play, sound and feel good.

Head end or body end?

Because a single coil pickup configuration limits your playing, same as if you just went with high output humbuckers, if you're settled within a style sure, like you play blues, shred etc. But if you're just starting you should explore all avenues of guitar, like yesterday I practiced arpeggios and chicken picking, just because I want to learn country style picking. And as far as used go, to hunt for a great deal requires a bit of experience, not in the guitar your looking for, but knowing what feels comfortable to you, what suits your style, and eases your playing.

Well honestly, I don't know if this tells you anything but I'm very much into the sound of Dire Straits, The Doors and mostly older stuff, between 60's-80's. Some psych rock too, like Allah-las and Mystic Braves. This is also mostly what I play (or try to at least, getting better)

Just a high E string is fine.

its a pretty shitty deal.

i found a 07 usa flying v for 275

>tfw still only have my shitty indo strat

your seriously better off buying a cheap guitar and a bunch of pedals

You're probably better of going to a music store and tell them you want to start playing guitar. These guys can help you out and 100% won't make fun of you for not being able to play. They'll just like the fact that you want to start. You can buy a decent beginner guitar for like $300-400

I started playing, 11 or 12 years ago, and I was really into blues players and Led Zeppelin like Black Sabbath type stuff. I dunno I was 15, since then I started listening and trying to play everything from Jazz to Death metal, so just because you're currently into a specific type of music doesn't mean that will always be the case. The more you practice and the more you work on your playing the more stuff will seem appealing to you.

Wise advice from a good user.
Take heed

Fucking no, buy a Gibson.

humbucker are MEMES btw

humbucker are the TFLOPS of the video game industry

they are practically irrelevant

sure a really good humbucker can make a really big difference but its like 11% difference at max

a bigger change in sound that's worth it is a one piece guitar

those are memes but they do sound way better

I kind of disagree. If OP is serious I think he should go for a good quality guitar right from the start. Fenders are good, and the one OP wants to buy seems reasonable

Don't buy a bunch of pedals to begin with. Just buy one versatile pedal for like $150 and an $150 amp. Add a $350 guitar and you're done for $650. You'll be able to use them for like 2-3 years and find out what you like.

Take it and mod it.
Id prefer different pick ups though.
Invest in some good mods and grab a few pedals and find a good tone that fits well.

Isn't it "modded" enough? Remember I've only played for 1 year

Fenders are good if you want grunge or punk. For metal I prever ESP and for sweet satriani licks I like my Ibanez. It all depends on what you like and you won't know till you've played a bit. If you spend your whole budget on an expensive guitar and you end up not liking it, that's money wasted.

a good guitar cost about 300 - 400 easy

you could get some classic 60s models like a jazzmaster for cheap if you shop around

>modding something that cost 300 $

mods are for those ultra cheap knock off japanese copy cat guitars

the ones ibenez made before they were a big company

they cost like 50 bux shipped

the mods with this guitar are honestly baby's FIRST mods

with 3 hours on youtube you could do this work YOURSELF

if your this jewish and this small amount of money means this much to you ; do it yourself

its cheaper

just price out the humbuckers that come with it and get a cheap body and you will have 80% of the same tone

Wouldnt be weird at all. Don't buy without hearing it.


Wait OP do you have an amp, ignore the pedalfags, if you're going to spend money, and you have to seriously go in the store play a bunch of guitars in your price range even you're just playing a G chord, no one cares, genuinely no one, get the one you enjoy the most and invest the rest of your budget in a decent amp.

bitch it's not weird at all

and your not even getting a good deal at that

there's a modern strat right now on ebay for 475 shipped

get good at jewing user

op's retarded ass doesnt even have a audio interface too i bet


anyone use those iphone amp plug things?

line 6 has one that you can attach to your phone and it has a bunch of effects anyone try?

You must be crazy if you think mods are just for knock offs.
A solid 500-600$ guitar, and even higher ends ones could always use goods mods.
That isnt to say they are bad with stock pups, but I dig around and put money to get as much of a desirable tone I like (for me atleast).
But I play various styles, so a diverse selection of tones is what I go for.
Different strokes for different folks I guess

no, not a good deal, you can buy a new std for 600. used mim strats should be able to be found around 300 if you look hard enough, and 400 on avg for a decent one. plus that sticker is retarded beyond retarded.

USA or Mexico

OP here. This is what he replied

Go and play it, see how its feels and see if hell let you try his rig out so you get a good idea of what itll sound like.
How they sound and feel to you is a small but big thing to the player.

We'll thats it than. Pay the guy a visit. And suck his cock while you're at it. Faggot.

You're really settled on getting this one, well if you think the guy won't rape you go take a look at it, play it a bit, but also try to get the price down a bit seeAlso yeah that sticker is horrible

used Made in mexico strat = 300-400tops, mods don't count for shit.

As I've said, I can't really play well. I'd prefer if he would play it. Would it be weird if I ask him to play it in person instead?

you should look for a tele, more solid

I mean it seems alright. You're paying at least 80 bucks for a hardcase anyway...

I mean if you don't play it, ya won't know. Are you American? Or...

I'm Canadian and a mexi strat runs 800 bucks...

It'll depend on the year too. More modern Fenders are kinda shitty. Like I'm wondering if there's any finish on the back a the neck. Cuz like Mexi one's ain't got shit and they'll chip in a hurry. You can always add a layer of varnish yourself though.

Again, that's a decent price, I'd try and talk him down to 450 at least. But you ain't gonna know if you like it till you play it.

They're jumbo frets, so you'll have to make sure you're comfortable with that. Remeber the ACTION can easily be adjusted, but if the neck is too fat or the frets are too big or small you can't fix that.

That wouldnt be too bad, just tell him you want him, the more experienced player to play it.
Hell probably look down on you a little bit, but thats the world of music.
Eventually with a ton of practice you wont be shit, but you have to be shit first.

>Would it be weird if I ask him to play it in person instead
A bit but it also defeats the purpose of you going there, the point is for you to hold in in your hands, see how the neck profile suits you or doesn't, is the strat scale comfortable to you, is the neck too thick, too wide. Why, as a beginner, buy something that will be uncomfortable to play, you don't have to play it just hold the thing and strum a few chords.

yes that would be weird. also here, this company sets up their instruments the best and has amazing cust. service, and you wont have to deal with an awkward situation like that


there are many other similar priced options

your the crazy one if you think spending 500$ on wood will make you play better

i brought a wacom tablet to make me draw better

i still draw stick figures


false equivalency, and i'm far from a tonewood freak, however it DOES actually make a difference. not that user either.

>brought a guitar with a hard case for 56 usd

holy fuck canada fix your economy

yeah it does make a difference

but all the humbuckers and wood in the world wouldnt change your sound as much as a 10 dollar distortion pedal

an item that most guitarist dont even have

You already own a guitar? If it's your first, i wouldn't spend more than 300 bucks, even if it's a korean imitation

lol niqqa u dum

this seriously

spics know their fucking guitars

like one thing you can count on spics for

that and alright weed

most guitarists do have distortion pedals, every one that i've known (and that is literally hundreds)
if you have a low watt tube amp, you dont really need distortion.
as time goes on and my skills have progressed i have become more of a clean player anyways

all moot, ultimately, tone is in the player or hands anyways

Never said paying for an expensive/low end makes you play better you dense fuck.
I said, ANY guitar could use mods.
Low end cheapo guitars can, does it make you play better? No.
But better pick ups, dressings the frets, and small subtle things can make it sound better and play better, that doesnt make the player a virtuoso.
High end ones as well, I had a used Made in America Strat, no mods, nothing done.
And after a little work it sounded better than it initially did.
Same with a cheap knock off tele I found, they both play SIGNIFICANTLY better than when I first got them.

nice valid and constructive criticism

oh wait...

i guess your tiny brainlet brain can't comprehend these advance ideals i am throwing at you

nice way to regugitate what i

brainlets... when will they truly learn??

fuck off already, retard. fucking whiny little bitches. you are exactly why that dumbass got elected to begin with and probably will be reelected. guitar thread? oh i know, ill post trump pics and whine, because MEEEEEEE. kys already you vagina.


Oh I'm SURE you're right. You can't even tell if it's a USA or a mexi-strat or japan. You have NO place in this thread, ASSHOLE.

WOW!!!! What a line of bullshit!