Just took 2mg for the fist time

just took 2mg for the fist time
wat do


Watch a comfy documentary.
Go to sleep.

Kick back, relax and maybe finger your butt hole, you know normal things...

I would have seen >drink some vodka

It doesnt just work. You have to drink on that too

Take 2 more and 3 shots of liquor enjoy the ride.

lose your memory for the next 12 - 24hrs

this, drink a bit but not too much so your kidney wont fail

should I take some more?

I mean liver sorry for my english

I would reckomend a beer and a joint.

graffiti something in broad daylight thats what i did

How are xanax different from vallies?

You must be a real sensitive fella to have memory loss after only 2mg lol I used to take 2mg 2-3 times a day and never had any memory problems.

I'm jelly.

Suggest taking the rest in that box.

Hey! I used to take them when I was diagnosed with panic disorder. The only good thing about taking these pills is that they completely go out of your system via urine. You can take up to 6 mg a day but Im not sure. Please be aware that this is a strong medicine and you should NEVER drink alcohol with it. I'm serious. I did and it didn't have a happy end. Best regards Ben from Hungary.

Enjoy the disappointment. It's a shit-tier drug

listen to lil pump

Keep taking them until you get addicted which shouldn't be long

20mg of valium or 4mg of xans does it for me but I also use opiates


this is pretty much the best advice

and what is your drug ranking?

Finally someone with a proper taste in music.
Have you seen his new music video for Gucci Gang? It's pretty lit tbh

Please do listen to Ben from Hungary. They are a strong medicine and you shall NEVER abuse description pills.
Plus if you do description pills with alcohol, you will have a bad ride, you may even achieve verry instense feelings of relaxation, euphoria and may even become addicted!

Don't do drugs kids!


I have 7.5mg of Valium left.

Careful of withdraws. They fucking suck.

I actually use mine for anxiety though.


Why the fuck is that good music???
That shit is corporate diarrea, developed on hand of statistics on what sells best.
This shit isn't music, it's literally cancer to the musicindustry and you are a gentic waste for supporting it.


Fucking braindead normies. Back to facebook!

>be careful of withdraws
>literally took 2mg for the first time


should I took more?

yeh but benzos are addictive af and the withdraw can kill you

The answer is always yes. You ain't gonna die I guarantee you that, it can only get better.
There is no worse feeling than after the turn hits, you realise it wasn't enough and you want more.

Take a couple shots of vodka. Best combo ever

Check em

had a seizure from withdrawing off these.
could have died.
have fun with them. just don't have fun with them every day.

Anyone here love oxy? Gonna pop a 20 mg perc later, feelsgoodman.

this meme perfectly describes the feeling of xanax

benzos > opiates/opioides

Oh so that's why he has 14 million montly listeners on Spotify?
Because it's "shit music"


Just got off of opiates. Shits great at the beginning. But after a while it sucks. Only went through one week of withdrawal. Fucking saving money like a mofo. I still drink occasionally but my cravings are gone.

u feel anything yet op?

20mg what a faggot. Bitch snort 2 30mgs one for each nostril. Then you'll feel good.

those withdraws from taking 2mg for the very first time, yeah theyre deadly

Eh, a 20 followed by a 10 a couple hours later lets me coast for a good 5, 5 and a half hours. I don't need to get completely bombed to enjoy it.

India has 1.3 billion people. Still a shit country

dude have you never taken benzos before??

2mg turns to 5....to 10....

because you build tolerance. Like have you ever popped pills before?

You'll need more for the same effect if you take it everyday.

So thats why I take mine when I need it and some nights on occasion when I "need" it.

Just remember OP

if you're taking it for fun just dont do it everyday because withdraws are worse then heroine withdraws and benzo withdraw can kill you.

Tfw I can get fucked on 5mg with some tonic water and grapefruit juice. I’m hypersensitive to all drugs, especially opiates. I took 20mg of oxy over 2 hours once and became really uncomfortable

I can't even...

How the fuck are you capable of breathing? You do also know that Hitler, Trump, Stalin, Killer Kim, etc also have/had millions of supporters??
Quantity does not define quality.

Seriously how old are you? If you are under 18 GTFO, this shithole is already suffering and we really don't need normies like you destroying the last bastion of mentally handicapped people on the internet.

What’s recreational about benzos even with alcohol? It always just makes me sleepy, eventually I fall asleep and wake up groggy

Benzos are no joke, though you can still you higher than 2mg if you lime to get totally smashed. I'm into that shit

Top it with 16 benadryl and the weed

what do you mean with withdraws? fuck i just took another 2mg

haha say goodbye to your memory

Szia! Tudod, hogy hol lehet venni Magyarországba gombát?

what will happen?

wont remember shit

>feeling of xanax
What about all uncontrollable violence, petty crimes and memory lapses?

think of it as being drunk, without all the negatives that come with being drunk


take another 2 mg, OP. I will deliver high grade nudes if you do so with proof

and for how many time?
if it's only that, I am going to sleep till tomorrow

are you serious?

Best. Idea. Ever.

OP, that shit will make it that you can't cum no matter how many hours you beat off.......

did I screw up taking 4mg with zero tolerance?
what will happen? lol you scar e me guyz

You'll get smashed hard, smoke a joint and you'll be feeling like nothing can bother you.
Withdraws occur when you get addicted and your body realises that the substance isn't in your system anymore, can really nasty. Just google Benzo-withdrawsymptoms.
But you'll be fine, as long as you don't do them often. Try taking them once a month, you'll get addicted quite easily and tolerance builds up fast.

never heard of this person i youtubed him
i fucking hate you more than anyone else on the planet right now...just wanted you to know that

Go out for a walk OP. Maybe go get some soda or smokes. Don't worry.
Also bring a knife just in case and don't trust whitey

you'll honestly be fine, it's best to take as much as u can while you're a newbie before baseline tolerance rises.
You should take another 2 mg, live a little bro

i just took some cocaine

took about 4 xans today

sipping lean, dying slow

drugs make me feel okay

>live a little bro

Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean that everyone else doesn't. You just won't admit that he and many other rappers are dominating the music industry because they're giving people what they want: Good, solid music.

Times have changed, get over it.

>took cocaine
Sure you did

I can sleep/doing something for 13 hours from now
wat do

nothing i guess but be gay on Sup Forums

atleast you arent going to listen to lil pump and say lit so i like you a little bit

what music are you into to?

Benzo hardly absorb via insufflation, most of what you feel from snorting is drip that you swallowed

How in the world are shitty written lyrics, about money and bitches >good solid music.
Please do kill yourself.
This isn't Rap this is cancer like I said.
Do you know what Rap stands for?
Rythem And Poetry.
Rap should be about political and social problems and not about what sells best, to 13 year old kids, that feel "lit" when they listen to ear-aids.
Please just cleanse the genpool for the sake of humanity.

Whatever floats your boat fam.

Nigger, he is talking about Oxy

this, and enjoy tomorrows down even more

I have the shit prescribed to me. It's not that big of a deal.