What has America ever contributed to the world?

What has America ever contributed to the world?

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It doesn't have to do anything sand nigger

Switzerland is not europe

We contributed Thomas Edison, who is pretty much single-handedly responsible for the fact that Nikola Tesla was not able to provide unlimited free electricity for the whole human race. We also created Limp Bizkit, the Achey Breaky Song, gangsta rap, reality shows, and the banana meme.
Keep fucking with us, eurofag, you don't even want to know what we're going to export into your pop culture next.

do you even map


I certainly do

All I can think of is Hollywood

being this retarded

m00t who created Sup Forums

We contributed Thomas Edison, who is pretty much single-handedly responsible for the fact that Nikola Tesla was not able to provide unlimited free electricity for the whole human race. We also created Limp Bizkit, the Achey Breaky Song, gangsta rap, reality shows, and the banana meme.
Keep fucking with us, eurofag, you don't even want to know what we're going to export into your pop culture next.

Beetus, aids, and guns

The Large Hardon Collider. It's the science-themed atheist gay bar across the street from the creationist museum.

Swiss people rejected European union membership by vote in 1992

>implying switzerland is all europe
can you really be this fucking dumb?

Europe =/= EU


Your collider isn't even working and we have like 5 of those. Zzzzzz

Yeah but there's no amount of voting that will change the fact their country is in Europe


No faggot, Switzerland.

What about the rest of the EU. so sit the fuck down.

This is the EU flag, as in OP's pic

Actually just visited there a few months ago

oh lets see... how about the INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION you fucking country surrendering cuck!

Indeed, seems like the picture is wrong.


Fermilab. LHC for cucks

Fast food

more like large HARDON collider amirite?

Ukraine is Europe! Bad map.


has science gone too far?

geographically yes
> no monopoly shit euro money
> no high unemployment rate
> no shitty education
> high salaries
> high quality of life

this is a map of the European Union
so it's correct

How can countries in the middle of an continent not being on the continent? I'm sure you are murrican

They're crashing hard-ons so yes

>geographically yes

Helped you win two world wars, cucks.

Isn't the Euro worth more than US Dollars? As for education, Harvard will let you skip a year if you have European high school qualifications.

nuclear weapons

>What has America ever contributed to the world?


America's primary contribution to the world at its inception was the practical application of Enlightenment principles, which in turn emboldened the Western world and spurred the French Revolution, and from there the further liberalization of vast swaths of society which had been repressed since late antiquity.

Also, it prevented the entire world from falling back into tyranny. Twice.

You're welcome.



Nothing except all the technology you use, because we gave it to you...have fun wallowing in our charity thieving has beens .I.

We stole everything Germany was working on during WWII and did pretty well with that. Also didn't invent it, but pretty well perfected the art of a single man rising to power in a hierarchy and dominating everyone under him, while getting others to go along with it by convincing them that one day they too can be where he is lol

Otherwise the US's success has relied on attracting the smartest people in the world to our universities and companies and government, and keeping them here, which stopped about 15 years ago after middle eastern terrorists successfully turned USA into an ugly, hate-filled shithole of stupidity and violence and backwardness.

>implying there is even 1 scientist working on hadron from Switzerland.

Some of the collider is in Switz, some is in France, the scientists come from all over the world.

The usa was suppose to have an equal project it was cancelled; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superconducting_Super_Collider

Identical homosexual detected.


Do you mean the future IRE (Islamiac Republic of Europe)?

But it was cancelled

>implying that chemistry projects are better than pineapple

Hard-on collider has been completely useless unless wasting electricity is valid

Nice overpriced 1970s-era space program, Europe! Hope that spending all that money on muslims instead of technological advancements is worth it!

they created faggots like Neil Degrass Tasson reptilian host silly niggar-ciggar


This is also the flag of the council of europe, of which switzerland is member.
And cern stands for conseil européen de la recherche nucléaire.

Starbucks and Sup Forums

your samefag detector is broken genius


Both Polio Vaccines. Fuck off, trolls.

Mustn't forget Wall Street.

>be USA: ban entire fields of scientific research
>be China: massively fund everything the US won't do, start cloning crazy shit, employ the worlds Mathematicians and physicists, engineer human embryos, start working on dinosaurs and mammoths and go fucking big into bioweapons
USA: Wars will still be fought with aircraft carries!
China: Ok. Sure. :)
USA: Hayyyyyyy waaaaait a min...
China: U snooz u lose mafuggas

What became the Large Hadron Collider was supposed to originally be called The Superconducting Supercollider near Waco Texas in the United States.

Still all aglow?

Different project. Congress fucked the SSC bc republicunts can't into science.

Also, fuck texas, religious anti-science wacko state lands nasa and SSC? Fuck em.

Beside the fact that europe has 1/20 amount of prisoners than US and much less homeless and homicide and junkies. US has pretty much 2nd world standard for majority

Nothing to be proud of. They had to steal anything of any value.

A couple of quick things that come to mind. GPS- and they let the world use it for free. The personal computer, the internet, the cell phone most successful medicine in use today, the airplane, the moon lander and the most important to you, viagra for that limp dick you got. From America, you're welcome.


>dat sweet mid-century modern Cold War superpower design

I fuckin love that building.

>2nd world

as long as balls aren't touching i am fine with it



Yea, they stole the space shuttle from russia, I mean look at them, they are identical. Fuck the US, am I right.

What's up with that map? Is Norway part of Russia now?

Lmao ok good job pick and choose kek

Go collide hardons with your wife's Somalian lover, Sven.

I opted for the self guided tour so I'm sure I missed some things. It was fun though. Of course you don't get to see any of the juicy bits sadly.



I already stated that you live in another country, but are obsessed with the U.S. that you even have pictures saved on your computer or phone. You can stop embarrassing yourself at any time you 3rd world faggot.

Save western europe from Russian domination ? If USA did not attack Hitler in 1944 whole Europe will be Soviet Union
Just that is enough


Switzerland is I'm Europe, but it is not a member European Union

That face perfectly sums up the entire Trump presidency

Thomas Alva Edison was Mexican tho, not American

Do you mean when Buzz was shitting his diaper?

Trump is a PAINFULLY STUPID man.

Oh byooteeful for spayshus guys
and Amber waves her shame


Also colour is kinda off for Hungary

inb4 stinking shit propaganda about how powered flight, light bulbs, moon landing, Internet etc. all had nothing to do with the USA

>that filename


5,1 masterrace

Ah, the sweet revisionism of Hollywood.

What difference does it make faggot?

well who do you consider to be American then ??? Native tribes that come from Mother Russia ??
Every human in Americas come from what is known as Europe today . short of niggers that are imported from Africa

Europe =/= European union you dense motherfucker.

Europe is a Geographical/Cultural term, European Union is a political cooperation. Did Europe not exist before 1993?