Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums
What are good pranks to do in your senior year at school


Too fucking soon

fill me in user, whats the story behind this

She's dead

When I was in high school we brought in a PA system and started a giant conga line in one of the hallways. Idk If that counts as a prank but it was really fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it


My grad prank I made an appointment to see the Principal in his office and then unzipped my pants and showed him my tits. Got expelled and had to repeat grade 12. Never got to graduate but I still passed, it was kind of ok.

In highschool we brought a cow upstairs, they can't walk down stairs, and they're too heavy for most elevators.

>unzipped my pants and showed him my tits

Nerve gas, seen it hundreds of times before.

Took your dare upstairs and then what?

>Her name is Mary-Ann Rialeb
>Something about her drinking antifreeze and not knowing it (The guy who took these pictures also didn't know, I'm pretty sure)
>She died, lmao
>It's a meme of Sup Forums (Perfection)
>You'll see "Too soon op", "Too soon" when ever this is posted

Let me add
>The picture was taken while she was in a deep coma

Released thousands of crickets and ladybugs into the air vents

... Guys, I have to.
Put a cow on the roof. They can walk up stairs, but not down.
Usually takes a crane to get them off.

Too soon op, too soon

Date-rape drug. Some user fucked her and she remembered everything. Killed herself a couple weeks later.


Everything takes a crane or nerve gas.

Put viagra in one of your male teachers coffee, 100 bucks he stays at his desk the whole class

Maybe add some eye drops so he has to run and take a shit? For extra luls.

>get 4 pigs
>paint on each pig a number
>1, 2, 3, and 5
>Grease up each pig
>release them into the school

thats evil heheh