Is this glass rod okay to stick in my dick, im 19 and have never tried putting anything in urethra before...

Is this glass rod okay to stick in my dick, im 19 and have never tried putting anything in urethra before. One end is rounded, so no sharp edges.

It sounds painful, please try this. Do it for me user

should it be safe tho?

As long as it doesn't break. Use some lube or spit. I want to see it.

I stuck a rubbed fishing worm in mine before. It was awesome.


Pic of dick too? :D

Bookmarking for luls
Go for it OP

Stick it in, then try to crack it.

use lube or it will hurt.

And don't let go of it.

yeah put it in and then break it like a glow stick

how deep, its my first time, so idk

As far as you feel comfortable. There's a bend eventually so not passed the base.

Only one way to find out

I dont see why not, but i also dont see why?

Hot cock btw. Make sure you clean the area some. Don't want to push bacteria in there deep. And make sure to pee afterwards.


Perfectly safe. Make sure to break it while it's inside your dingdong.

are you fucking retarded?
never insert anything made of glass into your body

It'll probably sting a little but eventually it'll feel good. trust me. How big is your pee hole?

as deep as you want, just take care not to break it. You can legit go as deep as you want. I use a stainless steel chopstick. Its called urethral sounding

Oddly...very hot. Funny seeing a dick get penetrated. I want to see it in the hole :P

If it's tempered it should be safe.

well, it went deep

it went way deeper than the base of my penis

Does that not hurt?

Something that feels good is... (making sure that they are clean) Take a pair of earbuds and fold the length from the jack to the split in half, and insert the folded end as far as you want into your urethra. it feels good, i do it. Just make sure not to pull it out too quickly, you want to want to cause irritation

not at all

Fucking hot! enjoy it?

So I have to ask, does that actually feel good? Because it doesn't seem like it would.

Is that as far as you can go without pain?
If you can go further you could go into your bladder
Show us a pic of you cumming with it inside

thats fine, do deep as you want. look up a diagram of your urethra if you rant to see whats going on. its urethral sounding. just look up deep urethral sounding

bladder pen, feels great

I've always wanted to get a catheter tube and stick it all the way in.

Do the earbud thing i said earlier, its great.

Don't do this with glass, OP.
But I'm sure you already knew that.. If not, well..

tried the headphones

Do it then break it off

I'll try that at some point.

Sweet. I want to try that. Can I see the hole with those in?

which Jewish propaganda told you goy to insert anything into your penile penor saggy penis urethra?

This is why China is beating us.

put them all the way in, its great. if you get a dull pain in your lower stomach, keep going. its reached your bladder, and will feel great

Ok so not sure how the fuck you happened to also get this idea but i djd too a few days ago. I used a huge headphone jack, 5mm ? the old guitar amp adapter ones and stuck it in my dick with some lude. Really painful. I am actually taking some otc uti pain relief max strength because i cant piss, been about a day since it happened. May get infection. Dont do it, not any oleasure really, its quite boring actually and tons of pain afterwards.

post a pic if you do

Wtf? Whyyyyy?
You will be pissing needles for days.

this shit cayses uti's which i got once from shooting water with syringe into my urethrea to the point that it went into my bladder. The water was slightly dirty and i got a full on uti that j had to get treated. I posted on here when i was in a panic about white discharge from my dick.

Hey OP, this is called Sounding. Google is your friend.

It's fine, but be sure you use sterile lube or you're gonna get shit like UTI's and whatnot.

1. make sure it sterile
2. make sure your not moving it too quickly
3. its going to be a little sore if you do everything right, just because your urethra is sensitive. after one or two goes it dosent hurt at all.
4. ur not sticking the jack itself in, just the folded cord

yeah how long til this pain goes away, running out of uti pills.

no im talking about the huge end, it looks just like an actual urethral plug. Pic related.

its what i used, the cord is just retarded on some little apple earbuds.

right? sound quality is garbage listening to your dick on an apple device

>the cord is just retarded
>its what i used
You sure the cord is the retarded one?

My best guess is that it wasnt sterile

what happened, thread just died. Post more pics OP

how did you not understand that, i mean i used the actual plug