First one to roll trips gets to name my very first company. I'm incorporating it tomorrow so go go go go

First one to roll trips gets to name my very first company. I'm incorporating it tomorrow so go go go go

P.S. The companies house will reject blatant inflammatory stuff so be creative, faggots.

The cool company

I love Money

Nigger B Gone Inc.


shit I like this one. roooollling

I love dogs Inc.

Puppero inc

Blatant Inflammatory Stuff Inc.

Frogpost Inc.

Web Lover Inc

Peter File Childcare

Professional Cat Removers Inc.

Desert Eyes?

Mysterious (Services|Consulting|Manufacturing|Music|SYstems|etc)

The Company that is Cool


Marxism United



crotch velocity


"B Creative F4ggots"

Good Boi Inc.

Kid Diddler LLC

Fried Chicken & Gasoline

Good Boy Points Ltd

Company McCompany-Face

Vigilantibus Iura


Independent systems international sales

Yalla Kewl Beans

untrustworthy co.

Doggersea Bats Home

Shilling & Sterling Launderettes

The Stanky Yanks

Accidental Airhorns?


I thought about Muh Shekls LLC

Federal Bureau of Impregnation

Plazuela 3500

Road Failsafe

Cholera Co



The company formally known as Prince


Collected Company

Nrog is unhappy

Shit. I never imagined that my first company would be named Cholera. But Sup Forums is never wrong. Will go to the companies house tomorrow and deliver.

godspeed OP

Moving Stationery

Dagron industries

Feel Good Incorporated.