Guys, what is CP ? I'm new around here

Guys, what is CP ? I'm new around here

Pic unrelated hehe

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic isn’t unrelated. CP is short for Cute Puppies!

Yo sup Darren and Philip

cactus piano

Canadian Pacific

Cheese pizza.

i thought it meant Cheese Pizza, I always say when my friends order pizza i want CP

Cherry pie


Candy popcorn

clowns pockets

Curry poops

Captain Picard

Why call mods for cute puppies user? :(


Crown Prosecutor
(if in Alberta)

Colored pencils

Chinese Prostitue

Canadian Police

Consumer products. Most multinationals have this product line. /Thread

No you idiot, it stands for Cozy Pitbulls.

Coin Purse

Canadian Pornography

Good Doggos

Cambodian Prostitue

Its slang used in the game team fortress 2 for
a "control point"

Cponge Pop

Chorn pild

Ciepłe Placki

Carnivorous Pizza

Cross Posted

curved penis

Corn Pops

Cranberry Plumberhatch

Cant Post

someone post mash already lol

Chicken Parmigiana