Lets have a discussion about this monster

Lets have a discussion about this monster.
What could have possibly went wrong with him?

If you don't know who this is, just google Albert Fish


My Dearest Darling Sweetest Grace xx
Your dear loving little note at hand. We missed a train on act of James W. Pell. When I told him we were going to Va. He said he wanted to go to you and be spanked and whipped with the rope on his bare ass by you and your daughter. He said you were the prettiest, sweetest, loving little woman, he ever saw and your girl was just lovely. He was all set for a good whipping and expected you to strip him naked and both of you give it to him. I knew both of you would love him for he is a dear soul, with a heart of gold. He cried so I gad to take down his pants and spank him good. But I do LOVE you Grace my darling with all my heart. If you were my own dear sweet wife, you would not be agraid of me. Your nice xxxx pretty-fat-sweet ass. I am a very passionate xxxx man. Out in Hollywood xxx at the clubs I often hear men say when they saw a pretty woman, if she was mine I would kiss her sweet ass, drink her #1 xx Eat Her #2.

When you strip me named you will see what Mrs H. P. W. called a most perfect form. Yours the sweet honey of my heart. I can taste your sweet - Piss Your sweet - shit. You must Pee xxx xx xx Pee in a glass and I shall drink every drop of it as you watch me. Tell me when you want to do #2. I will take you over my knees, pull up your clothes, take down your drawers and hold my mouth to your sweet honey fat - ass holes and xxx xxxx xxx Eat your sweet Peanut Butter and as it comes out fresh and hot. That is how they do it in Hollywood. You wont need toilet paper to wipe your sweet pretty fat ass as I shall eat it all xxx xxx xx xxx of it then lick your sweet ass clean with my tongue.

He couldn't let go of the bird.

his wife left, he went from beta cuck to columbineroadshow 9000

These kinds of analysis are why I love 4chun

Whether inflicting it on himself or others, he took strange pleasure in being whipped and paddled. He encouraged his own and neighbor children to paddle his buttocks until they bled, often using a paddle that was studded with inch-and-a-half nails. He also inserted a large number of needles into his body, mostly in the genital region, and burned himself constantly with hot irons and pokers

Fish's efforts were cute.




What about this dude?

I feel like Fish would have obliterated his record if he was sane enough to tell how many kids he killed.

ehh he was ok. Just thought it was odd that he kind of had a family. I think fish was truly a nutbag

Both were fucking gone mentally; I think chikatilo was probably the crazier of the two though, as fish at least managed to keep it together enough to convince adults to let him, a stranger, take off with their kids; right up to him getting caught.
andrei only managed to get away with as much for as long as he did because the USSR was inept & corrupt as fuck.

So he killed 3 people
What's so bad about that in the grand scheme of things

True, though I fell people were much more naive/dumber back then.

What was WRONG with him? Really, you're asking this on Sup Forums, a clown-car with "Tits or GTFO" as an engine?

I'll tell you what was wrong with him. He started questioning whether the rules his society imposed on him were objectively what he wanted out of his experience of being a human.

He realized they weren't, and so he disregarded them.

More of an Ed Gein guy my self.

I do enjoy seeing Geins house and trinkets

I doubt he got that far with any thoughts in his head.

>What could have possibily went wrong with him?

Biology and childhood/adolescent trauma.

What the fuck was wrong with Speck is the question.....

Thinking back now his kids did say that he on occasion screamed out loud "I AM GOD"

I think his mental situation grew upon molesting more and more kids. Who the fuck sticks needles in their nuts so they have trouble sitting?

His childhood was beyond fucked up. Was pretty much fucked up since he was a kid and the older he got the more sadistic he got and by the time he was an old man he was eating kids.

but how do you get to the point of cutting off a kids dick, frying it up in a pan and having him try to eat it. Then leave him with money and go
Fuck man that is fucked up

After two weeks of sex, Fish decided to get really kooky and tied Kedden to a chair, made him erect, and began cutting off the head of his penis with a pair of scissors.

"I shall never forget his scream, or the look he gave me," Fish later recalled. He originally intended to kill Kedden, cut up his body, and take it home, but he thought the hot weather would draw attention to him. Instead, Fish poured peroxide over the wound, wrapped it in a Vaseline-covered handkerchief, left a $10 bill, kissed Kedden goodbye, and left.

"Took first train I could get back home. Never heard what become of him, or tried to find out," Fish said.

Well put.