What does Sup Forums think about my birthmark/mole should I get it removed or do guys actually like things like that?

What does Sup Forums think about my birthmark/mole should I get it removed or do guys actually like things like that?

Idk post the front for a better look

nice bait fag

if this is legit, no one likes that

Anyone who likes you for you will like it, many also just find things like that (including me) attractive. It makes you unique and is cute. If it bothers someone that much they can f off its just a birth mark.

keep it, its something to target when guys cum on your ass

My Wife has one a bit smaller than yours and it makes her ass that much sexier.

Timestamp it or GTFO

Second this.. from this angle it looks like a dingleberry



>Anyone who likes you for you will like it,
This is someone actually gives a shit about you they won't be bothered by something like a mole on your ass.

you have a nice ass and anyone who says they won't fuck you because of that birthmark needs to grow the fuck up

actually have a really nice ass. Seriously doubt this is OP, but dump MOAR

Dont know... show bare boobs to be sure...

Finding something like that automatically makes me think you have warts or stds or something for some reason

It looks like you have a great body and that's really all that matters.

must be retardation

it doesnt matter one bit with an ass like that

It moved!
Are you the king from Men in Tights cross dressing?

Are you that dumb?

I honestly don't think any guy in their right mind would care. I mean, it's attached to you and you're a bombshell. Don't even worry about it.

Can we get more of your ass by the way? ;)

I like a lot of unique and weird stuff but I would remove it.

Your ass is perfect though, thanks for sharing ;)

Bend over and spreadem!

Why r u guys so fuckin creepy about it?

Guys dont care as long as dat ass is fat.

They're desperate or trolls, lol

Not a butt guy but in general igaf about birth marks unless you have one on your boobs, in which case it's really sexy.


>Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)21:01:55 No.749881003▶
> (OP)

>I like a lot of unique and weird stuff but I would remove it.
>Your ass is perfect though, thanks for sharing ;)
>thanks for sharing ;)

weird ass niggas

Says the 40 yr old neckbeard virgin. I like women fucking deal with it.

Yeah we're weird because we like a girls ass. Go fuck yourself tbh.

Seriously wtf lol.. these guys are those creepy old dudes that comment on random girls pics telling them they look "very hot"

I told you not to worry about your ugly ass birthmark, and you're calling me creepy? I'm 21 and I can tell that you're an insecure teenager. I'm willing to bet you're not even old enough to be posting on this site.

white knight

The creepy guys are butthurt lmfao!
I hope you don't think talking to women that way gets you nudes or "in" especially ones you don't know faggot.

Not that guy but you're being a real faggot about liking women.
>ooh nice pooper very sex can i see moar :) (: :D (; ;) :p c:
Really, it's so gay.

I dont expect shit online but chicks like it when youre nice to them. I should know, Ive fucked about 80 so far. Apparently your whole life revolves around Sup Forums.

I mean, I was just trying to be nice to her and got shit on for it too. I have to agree with the guy above you though, you're kind of being a faggot about the whole thing.

Please tell us more about how you've fucked eighty women, though. It's hilarious. ;)

Fucking 80 prostidudes doesnt make you a ladies man.. it makes you an idiot with herpese..
Also mfw moron thinks I'm op

Op show us tits and ass then you're allowed to gtfo or youre faggot too

>for a better l

How is it bait? What mean?

Kill yourself I'm trying to have fun


Girls just wanna have fun

Lol okay, kill yourself faggot.

Yes I'm gonna listen to the lonely creep on Sup Forums who claims hes fuckes 80 "women" the dude that compliments a random fuckin girl and tells her how beautiful she is.. suck some more ass, maybe she'll send them if you ask nicer faggot

Lol, you're so autistic that you think I'm that guy? Legitimately kill yourself you edgy wannabe.

I pooped my pants today for fun.

Stop pretending faggot sperglord cum dumpster

Was it warm? Where did this happen and how did it male the people around you feel? Did you make direct eye contact with anyone while pooping?

In the shower with boxers on. I pushed it down with my feet then sat down to watch the brown wash away from my butthole.

I hate this fucking place.

Do you have any mental retardation?

it looks nice, but carefull, it could become cancer if you dont burn it.

Maybe only that I clap with poop in my hands. My last IQ test was a high 78. I count sheep before sleep.

by the time someone sees it, they're not going to care about it

Op is a faggot and left

Most guys won't give a fraction of a shit.

Her butt smells like poop fart but in a good way. It only matters if it's a really nasty poop ass birthmark. If it had hair growing out of it, then it would be gross.

Just stopping by to say that there's nothing wrong with your birthmark, OP! If anything, it makes you unique; there is nothing wrong with that.

no one got that but me :)

it: white knight cucks

sexy af, i like moles.

hmmm, I'd probably initially try to wipe it off then continuously stare at it when hitting it from behind.
Doubt anyone would be into it but not necessary to get removed

If you are legit, it is legit. Leave it alone. Guys who would make it an issue are children.