How does this short video make you feel user?

How does this short video make you feel user?

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like cookin up soem bacon, like RIGHT NOW xD

Made me hungry, faggot.

unfunny Facebook-tier edge
don't you have to get up early for school tomorrow?

Huehuehue, wow you're so fonny, user!!!! Haha you really got me there! Wowzers!



not quite



Animals are not people. They have no concept of self awareness. Nothing we do to them matters. They taste great.

They do have a concept of self awareness and are sentient. Try again meatcuck

Animals absolutely do have a concept of self awareness. They have complex thoughts, intelligence, emotion, fear, etc. Everything that makes you human other than speech and higher thought.
If you think that's not true you should find the time to open a book or talk to your pet.

I see I'm dealing with someone of low intelligence here.

The irony...

>Speech and higher thought
When they develop these, I will care.

Until then, I will not. Nothing you do will convince me otherwise, I will continue to eat a reasonable amount of meat for an average American citizen for as long as I am alive.

You want to completely disregard your health and mask the guilt that allows you to play a part in a system that is meant to make you spend money, I see.

Joe Rogan- "If milk gives you cancer then your weak and you deserve to die bitch"

I want to know how that air gun thing kills the calfs and can i make one. That might be the perfect tool to help me murder all these puppies bunnies kittens and various other defenceless animals. Thanks for the tip buddy!

Grow a backbone you gelatinous bag of vegan ovaries juice.. Its called life not floofie floof googoo gaga. Or just kys ...idc.

>quoting someone who is a known moron
Read a book. Grow some balls.
Real men protect animals.

>Completely disregard your health
If I ate nothing but raw meat by the bucket it would be a complete disregard for my health.

If I ate cooked, portion-sized pieces of meat to compliment other dishes, I would be regarding my health in a fair way.


Lol no.

>How dare you spend money

I ran out of communion beads last week and the grocery store spotted me.

>Let's make life on earth unbearable and miserable instead of a better place!

How does this make you feel?

>If I ate cooked, portion-sized pieces of meat to compliment other dishes
So you're actually eating more meat than most Americans.

Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk

Red meat and colon cancer

Study finds unsafe mercury levels in 84 percent of all fish

Like Bacon, Sausage and Hot Dogs? Then Beware: They May Raise Your Risk of Death, New Study Finds

Study Points to New Culprit in Heart Disease

I have a million more if you're interested in learning a bit about how stupid your diet is.

>reddit spacing
i see who we're dealing with here

I haven't heard this in like fifteen years, holy shit.

You're welcome.

>being this stupid

nice trip get by the way

it makes me feel like someones doing a really bad job of trying to convince me of something

Humans are animals, dipshit

null trips of truth

vegetables are gay

>implying your diet makes you homosexual
Nice try fatboi

*eats hamburger*
oh wow
*sips milkshake*
man that sucks
*wears fur*
im so sad
