Comfy Thread

Comfy Thread

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That weird ass picture on the wall isn't comfy though.

maybe its comfy when you are tripping balls?

rained all day, sad that it has stopped now



love bamboo style screening and fencing.





anyone have any space themed ones?



A few, but didnt have this one, which I now do.

That looks like a proper beach. maybe new phone paper.




Go ahead! I took that last year and it was really a beatiful beach!

Love the top and bottom pics, but never saw them together, not it makes sense its the same thing.

Is there a name for this furniture? Its not a couch or a bed. Fuckstation?

There is a whole series of these, I'm sure I don't have them all.







library and space, two of my favorite things

If I was rich way in the future I'd love to travel to distant planets and study random shit in between.

Wtf with that weird lobed thing in the middle? I doubt any person could get in there.

Not sure, maybe the dogs cage?

Could be some art for arts sake kinda shit. Wish I had more pics of the place, looks crazy.


last of that series that I have

Coffins, WTF?


Japan has drawers you can sleep in. They do pretty much seem like coffins. Not for the claustrophobic.





so how long do you live with a shower like that before you press your naked ass on the window just for fun?


Love this style where the story comes alive in the art.


I also dig the space ones. Any more?


Does anyone have that one pic of a furry sitting back on his chair looks like hes playing online with his pc?



that is probably my favorite space themed comfy pic.

If that's not closed then C O L D


My initial impression of that pic was that the watermelon were enjoying a date with some wine and cooling down from the fan.

Good pic though.

Looks like a jail cell in Norway

Instantly thought of Dumbledore's office. Think the painting did it.





What kinda difference is there when listening to Floyd on vinyl, cassette, cd, etc.?

Always wanted to listen to them on older electronics.



It’s where you sleep numbnuts

Cassette has that cozy hiss, warmer bass.
Vinyl is alright. I've heard the setups in record shops, isn't anything too special. Love the crackles and pops.
CD has clean bass. Pretty vanilla

Just get the original pressings or the Master Recording versions. Never ever get remastered, they always just increase the volume and compress it. Always get the media straight from the source, bootlegs have the digital bottleneck.



That’s not cozy. Less than cozy, however it’s somewhere in the between and it would take 6th place in coziness.


I know its totally impractical, but I want a huge circle door.

This would also be my bed. No reason to ever leave (other than take a shit)

Same here man. Pic not related



Just imagine how fucking comfortable that shit must be

this was captured by a wildlife cam in the Marin hills.

All those “lines” will fuck my shit up

Nice kitty.

If I fits, I sits


Being a liquid must be comfortable.

For god's sake, high res please!

Fucking saved

Sorry man I saved this from last nights comfy thread.


Thanks, I too only had the y2k res version. It gets more comfy in higher res.

lmfao fuckstation, that was great


I'd add a 105-inch TV and surround speakers to that thing.

fit + warm = sit

Yeah, the tv is pretty small. Maybe the pic is really old so a tiny flat screen was for rich people only.

another big ass fuckstation

meg turney? damn if thats their house they must bang so much



Is this that one map from rainbow six seige



