What is the cheapest, high-quality starter handgun that you all would recommend?

What is the cheapest, high-quality starter handgun that you all would recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:

brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/remington-rp9-9mm-black-18-1-sku100023445-97886-193537.aspx?sku=100023445&avad=avant&aid=35987&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine
brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/709fs-3-2in-9mm-blue-7-1-sku100404929-93343-183469.aspx?sku=100-404-929&avad=avant&aid=35987&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine

Ruger 9mm

Hi-Point 9mm

It will fire bullets and it won't blow up in your hand.

I would say a Canik TP9 SF, it's a $300 9mm that is extremely reliable, I don't know how many rounds I've put through it but I haven't ever had an issue with it.

>won't blow up your hand
troll detected

>high quality
You get only get one (1)


brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/remington-rp9-9mm-black-18-1-sku100023445-97886-193537.aspx?sku=100023445&avad=avant&aid=35987&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine
brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/709fs-3-2in-9mm-blue-7-1-sku100404929-93343-183469.aspx?sku=100-404-929&avad=avant&aid=35987&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine

Used police glock, around $300.

a barret .50 rifle that is gold plated with diamond embellishments and fires diamond tipped gold jacketed rounds with gold casing

Hit up pawn shops.. I got a sub compact XD 9mm for $270

>Ruger 9mm
cheaPEST high quality

platinum, my dude
reduces recoil

A 9mm

and I'm thinking about white rhino leather for the stock
and a pure ivory trigger
and a ruby for the "fire" position and emerald for "safe"

Damn, glock's older models are ugly as fuck

Ruger .380 auto lcp. Very small and easy to handle. Decent for cc. Cheap as dirt at 160


goodbye big toe

Handgun *lvl* 1

S&W J frame?

Samefaggen 4 da ger

my nigger

got a .380 ACP

Bursa thunder 380

depends on what you intend to do with the gun, are you using it to shoot targets or are you going to carry it and have your life depend on it?

What's the Ruger .22 spacegun?

>brownells.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/709fs-3-2in-9mm-blue-7-1-sku100404929-93343-183469.aspx?sku=100-404-929&avad=avant&aid=35987&cm_mmc=affiliate-_-Itwine-_-Avantlink-_-Custom Link&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Avantlink&utm_content=NA&utm_campaign=Itwine

have my life depend on it

Just get a glock, it is the only hand gun you will ever need. All the rest are just toys.

Glock 17. Get a new one, they aren't that much. Only shoot new factory ammo.

Pure Freedom in the form of a gun.
All others are commie shit.

just get a glock, they're reliable and relatively cheap. I don't personally own one but I wouldn't be against carrying one. They're just not my first choice.

Handguns are difficult to obtain in Canada. How you gonna kill a moose with that?

I would really not suggest this as a first gun, unless the trigger and safties have been restored to stock. Some depts have the most insane trigger length/weight requirements.

OP, bust your ass to get $400 and then come back.

Ruger or S&W

Not bottom dollar but they'll never let you down.

A P95 can be had for a little over $300. Not sexy but reliable.

fucking nogunz has never heard of 10mm perfection.


yeah NYPD's glocks have a 12 pound trigger pull, lol

>What is the cheapest, high-quality starter handgun that you all would recommend?

Need more info.
What will you use it for?

My buddy got a S&W sdve9 under 300 at academy. Shoots reliably but doesn't play well with some cheap target ammo. I have a Taurus 709 (also under 300) tucked away as a cheap back up back up. I dont shoot it much and dont carry it because cheap striker fires scare me, but I hear they're okay as well as the PT111. Old glocks or M&P 9mm might be on the higher side of cheap, but are options. (Just make sure yoi check out the internals before you walk around with a loaded used striker fire)

I carry a new style sig P226 I picked up like new for 750. But that's probably not what you're looking for.

well im asking for your fucking first choice bro

concealed carry. self-defense

well it won't blow up in your hand.
firing bullets is the troll part of that comment.

Hi-Point. They suck but they wont break. Also Checkd



I alternate between carrying a CZ-2075 RAMI and an FNS-9C. The FN was around $500 and the CZ $600. Not cheap but I trust them to function when I need them to.


I would bet money you have literally never shot a gun in your own life. I don't even own a hi point, but I've shot one. They're rock solid, take abuse, but keep shooting as long as you throw any type of oil on them, and their warranty is astounding. Not the most elegant firearm in the world, but it shoots, and that's all some people need.

Yeah but I don't see why ppl bitch about guns appearances.. it's a tool/survival item not Barbie's first Glock

One of the best guns in quality per dollar spent

once you spend ages fiddling with the mag so you don't have to rack the slide after every shot.

this is true. They're cheap and ugly as fuck but they're reliable.

I might buy a cheap 40 this week. Better price for a better brand than you're all quoting. I guess I'm not as average as you guys though.

>concealed carry. self-defense

Then don't go the cheap route.
You need a faithful friend that is always with you and will reliable save your ass if necessary.

Pic related - My CCW.
Not cheap. But I carry it every day. Light, small, reliable, powerful, and accurate.


The NYPD only issues the Glock 19 so if you buy a G17 or G22 trade in, the odds that you'll get some shitty NY heavy trigger is basically zero.

$150 to $200 will get you two sessions with a shrink that can help you understand you're manhood is not dependent on a firearm.

I have seen it first hand out of the box not working until the feed lips are wrestled into place.
yes mileage varies, but it is a possibility with something so cheap.
but also it's so cheap, also possible to find in stores. the only thing similar in price if you get it used is a SCCY but I have never seen one in a store, that's only on GB or armslist as far as I know.

.357 revolver masterrace

Nice $1000 gun

>some shitty NY heavy trigger
and like aids from a heavy nigger
you'll always have to live with it
I mean you'd think guns would be able to be modified, but I guess that's just science fiction

>yes mileage varies

guns can drive now?

how much is your life worth

you concealed carry guys are so funny. Too many action movies.

do you internet?
it means results aren't the same for everybody.
it's made cheaply, it's possible what I saw was an extreme example, it's also possible that demolition ranch not having mag issues out of the box was an extreme example.


That little shit ain't scaring nobody lol

can't recommend.
if you're going to cough up the money, might as well go a little further and just get a glock 17/19

Cheapest would be growing a pair of balls instead of buying a weapon like some weak-ass faggot.

hey now, the dude that they did wrong at the feedmill might want revenge...

also, governmnt is commin for mai gunz so i gotta beef up.

CZ P-09 for a full-frame; P-07 for carry. Cheapest top-tier mass-manufactured modern pistol. Low bore axis and good grip design means the recoil goes where it needs to if you grip the pistol properly (just youtube it). Body is synthetic, durable, light. Has literally the best stock trigger system of any pistol in its class.

Still, a pistol is different for every person. You have to try them out to know which feel right. There have been a few who don't like it, but I've been surprised by how many people are surprised about it's ergonomics and easiness to fire accurately.

what's funny is once you CC you actually are less likely to engage in nor especially start anything. I mean they call it weight for a reason- where I'll pop off without thinking when some ass parks in a handicapped spot when I only have my knife, when I CC I just let it go because it could be a life or death beef. Getting your shit kicked out of you is one thing, but if you're carrying you're going to kill someone before they get the chance. It's heavy if you're not a gangbanging nigger and have more to lose than your life.

Canik TP9v2

Don't listen to commies, the Turks have been making high quality killing machines for centuries.

if you're pulling your gun to intimidate you've already lost

>Cheapest would be growing a pair of balls instead of buying a weapon like some weak-ass faggot.
So your method of defense is crying and begging for mercy?

Those are expensive as fuck.

And really uncomfortable.

And hard to hide.

$150 to $200 will get you a couple days with a private English tutor.

>So your method of defense is crying and begging for mercy?
No, only a faggot who needs a gun in the first place would be crying and begging.

>if you're pulling your gun to intimidate you've already lost

Understand the sentiment but it's not entirely correct.
I woke up a 3 am to a thumping noise. At first I thought it was my cat but then I realized he was sleeping next to me.
and went to investigate.
Heard banging at the kitchen door. Flipped on the outside light, pulled back the curtain, and there's a guy standing there with a crow bar. Lit him up with the laser.
He dropped the crowbar and ran.He was trying to pop the deadbolt.
Cops searched the area (after arriving 10 minutes later) and found nothing. Filled out a report and left. So I got a nice crowbar out of the deal.
The thing is, it was obvious that my wife and I were home so I have to assume that the asshole didn't consider that a problem.

Not the guy you're talking to, but you ever been in a fight you didn't instigate? Or with multiple people? You're not going to win them all and they can turn out worse than just an ass beating. Doesn't matter how nice your neighborhood is or how much you stay out of trouble. Sometimes shit finds you. I've been in situations where I was luck to still be alive and I've had friends die who might have lived if they had a gun. Not everyones life is the same even if they live the same way. Are some guys compensating? Sure. But you seem to be doing some of that yourself.

With Trump supporters harrassing me and me being of Mexican decent, my gun goes where I do. I have a wife and baby I want to see every night.


What the fuck, your relvolver shoots lasers?? Is there like a battery per chamber? Also how did he run after being lit up, you'd think he'd be incapacitated by a volley of laser

gonna have to agree, the 1911 has been nothing but good to me over the years. Never jammed, never had a problem, they are relatively inexpensive for recently manufactured ones, though mine is a classic. As far as I know the new ones are just as solid as the originals. Shit survived two wars and being dragged through dirt mud rain snow sun and blood through two generations before me and still fires accurately and is easy to clean and maintain. I can't endorse it enough to do it justice, the damn thing just does the job well and takes a beating like a red headed step child and keeps going strong. I've heard complaints that the trigger pull is too stiff, or that it feeds poorly, but I attribute that to tight specs that need a bit of use to break in as they wear down for newer ones, and cheap ass plastic mags with weak springs. My new(ish) mags are decent quality, browning branded ones, not generic shit. Hell, the original mag that came with it still works fine since my father and grandfather were sensible enough not to store it loaded.
Now it IS a single action, so as a starter, well, you might be stupid, I dont know, so it's a risky proposition, but if you have half a brain, you could do far worse than a 1911. Just remember to buy the right tools to take it apart. A cleaning kit is pretty cheap. You get one of these and take care of it and it will take care of you.
If it's too heavy for you and you cant handl the single action, go for a pre-40's hungarian luger. Same story, bit lighter, fires 9mm Browning (9mm ACP or 9x17 kurz depending on the manufacturer and what region you live in) instead of 9×19mm Parabellum or NATO standard 9mm like many modern pistols.
This is just my opinion based on experience.
On a related note, my fiance doesnt like my 1911, but she handles the hungarian luger just fine, so if you are a smaller man, you might take that into consideration, shes 5'6 and barely 90 pounds, where as I'm 6 foot 250 lbs.

Where's that pic of the dude loading a revolver with triple A's and below it's a screenshot of the energy weapons skill from fallout and it's at 100

Crimson Trace Laser sight.
Puts a nice red dot exactly where the bullet will go.
Yeah, I know that's probably an attempt at humor.

Nice lengthy ad.. You're fat though bro. Do some cardio and cut carbs

Not thin, but wouldnt say Im terribly fat. I keep in shape, but I work part time on dock at amazon, so I keep the muscle mass on. Cant deny a bit of a beer gut and soft layer starting to creep in on my thighs lately, I agree should probably do more cardio, but as of right now Im working to jobs and it's hard to make time.

colt mustang 380 is a decent little gun that has a hell of a bang. even if you don't hit shit, they'd think it was a fucking 40cal.
for seriously cheap weapons... hi-point, but at this point why bother? just save for something with more quality.

I know bro . Don't be a wage slave and care about your health though. I want you to be well, I'm not trying to bully you.

High Point

I do 3 shifts on the dock intake for seasonal, I'm just trying to save up for a decent christmas since last year we had to skip out on presents, and I had to let the gym membership go as well. I'll probably get a new gym membership with what I save up, but it was a hard year and that was an expense that had to be cut. I'm only just now recovering financially after having to pay out to keep my sister and my nephew from losing the house when my brother in law died and the insurance screwed her out of the settlement with a technicality over what constitutes self harm since he died while attempting to pull a couple of people out of a car in a rock slide. He willingly walked into an area with a clearly visible threat to his life, and the court ruled that it was not an accidental death. Fuck california courts eh?

So yeah, not normally a wage slave type, but hey, you gotta take care of family, and I'm putting in the hours to make things right for my sister. Should be able to sell the house next year and recoup some of what I had to pay in this year though, we just didnt want to put my nephew through changing schools and shit after losing his dad, but it's been almost a year, I think he should be ok moving out and changing schools at this point.

Sorry to hear that brother, it breaks my heart to hear things like that. Fuck most courts and insurance companies actually... California probably gave you about as good of a shake as you can get in this country. I hope you have a good Christmas. Take care of yourself man

Oh it should be great, with the hours Im putting in Ive already put away a solid 1200 and the peak season has just started. If I work the full shift for thanksgiving Ill pull double time for the full day and triple time for anything over 10 hours, I'm aiming for a full 14 hour shift. After taxes Im counting on a solid 3,800 pocketed for just christmas gifts. This is gonna be the best damn christmas I can give to my nephew, and my fiance for being supportive and sticking with me through this year.

Same guy. I feel you brother. It's good to look out for your family. I wish I could make the system less fucked.. All I meant in my original message was eat healthy. It will be alright and you sound like a good guy. Best regards.
I'm off to bed.

Usually do, I tend to grill chicken and eat mostly salads with a breast chopped on top on weekdays. Have a good one man, sleep well!

Same guy.

Take care of yourself too though man.. Your nephew doesn't need thousands of dollars of Christmas gifts like he will need a healthy male role model.
Best regards brother.

I figure working hard and saving mney and eating decent is as good as I can be rolemodel wise.
That and never allowing him to know of my deviant sexual mores and involvement with communities like Sup Forums. The fiance is on board with it, but the kid will never know. I can only hope he grows up to never have the urge to become a Sup Forumstard like his aunt and uncle.

As others have said, Hi-Point.

Don't let those fucking gun snobs force you into buying some high-dollar piece of finicky shit. Get a C9. It will fire every goddamn thing you throw into, stand up to abuse, and when you're out of ammo, you can beat the nigger to death with it.

Get your Hi-Point and spend the money you'll save on ammo, then head to the range. Later on, you can get your princess gun.

Cause it's a fucking jam artist.

apologies for going off topic like crazy, though I'd like to point out that as a family man, I trust the 1911 and Hungarian luger to protect that family. Neither is terribly expensive, use common and cheap ammo, and are reliable, so once again, I give both models my endorsement. Used ones are common as both were very popular. I've seen remakes of the 1911 used go for less than 400, and the late 1930's luger (pre german siezure of the anufacturing) are solid, just NEVER buy those cheap pot metal Walther P38s they were shitting out by the end of the war. Cheap garbage.