Hey Sup Forums, y'all ever dealt with drug addiction?

Hey Sup Forums, y'all ever dealt with drug addiction?
How the fuck do I help her?

Depends. What're you to her? Friend, bf, what?



Also depends on why she's doing drugs, what kind of drugs, and for how long. If she's just experimenting in her life, then once or twice is fine. If it's legit addiction, you need to do the following:
a.) Figure out *why* she's doing the drugs. Is she sad? Angry? Any repressed desires manifesting themselves as a "crazy wild girl" persona?
b.) Replace as much of the drug time as you can with quality time. The best way to beat an addiction (besides professional treatment) is to replace the addiction with something better, more fulfilling.
c.) Get help with her friends/family/strangers like AA groups. It takes a special kind of person to help someone through hard drug addiction, and you'll know if you're that type of person; if you have to think about it, you probably aren't. Again, what kinda stuff we talking about, why, and for how long?

I've already told her I'll never leave her and I'll do whatever it takes to help her.

She's been doing drugs for years, but recently she came back from rehab and relapsed a few months later.
She binged on crack a few weeks ago to try and lose weight because the methadone she was on caused her to gain 60lbs in a short time.

But now she's using fentanyl.
She told me she doesn't use it to get high, and only uses it to curb the withdrawals. I believe her, because she hasn't used with me around and I was here for two solid days straight and she was going into withdrawals, but when I had to go to work she went and got more and used earlier tonight before I got home.

Image bump to keep it alive just in case.

It's good that you're loyal to her; do your best, buddy.
I dunno what your all's budgets are, but if she's - just - trying to lose weight with or without drugs, try juicing and exercise. Just at least one juice a day and go out running with her, have an experience with her. You're sure the crack was *exclusively* to lose weight? One pain medicine to another, I'm just saying...
Yeah, this is a delicate balance between curbing withdrawals and quitting. How long has she been using fentanyl, just tonight?

Lock her in a room and feed her tasty wheat.

She used it simply to lose weight.
She relapsed because of the methadone causing her to gain weight and that made her hate herself more.

She's been using fentanyl since she relapsed. Probably three or four months, if not longer.

Budgets are fucked because we both barely make $10/hr, so we certainly can't afford a rehab center for $5k.

She wanted to try suboxene to ween herself off the fentanyl, two weeks worth, she's done it before but has never had anyone with her to help, but now that I'm here she wants to try it again.
She wants to be clean, but like I said, she's never had anyone to help her other than her mom, but her mom's tired.

Also, no shame whatever the answer, but is this girl kind of promiscuous by any chance? I've known an "eccentric" girl in nearly the exact same situation, and her eccentricity was a result of unique circumstances. Different people need different advice y'know?

Make her eat all the eggs

She isn't.
I asked her tonight if her dealers have made her do anything sexual and she told me no, and told me she would tell me if that ever happened or she thought it would.

Break up with her and stop letting her waste your money on her addiction. I bet shes pawning all that stupid shit you give her you pathetic cuck

I was a druggie myself. People do dope cause they either want to escape reality,forget)or they hate themselves. I went to rehab tons of com selling and etc. I can tell you it was a total waste of my time and money. If a person wants to quit they'll quit, if they don't they won't. The best this g for her is she needs help grown g in her worth and value and potential. Don't waste your time on counselors or rehab. It may help take a person away from dope for awhile but the only person hat can save them is themselves

I don't think anyone is going to buy her blueberry muffins or coffee I buy her in the morning.

She definitely doesn't like herself and struggling with various drug addictions since she was a teen has made it hard to quit without someone to love and care for her.
But that's why I'm here now.

Image bump.

All right. People can lie in these kind of situations, but you seem level-headed enough. I trust your judgment.
Without knowing this girl at all, I'm guesssing:
*She has self-esteem issues, and body issues are related to this point.
*She's been doing drugs for a while, whether was in with the wrong crowd or just made a stupid decision (hell, who hasn't?);
*She genuinely wants to break off of all of these drugs.

All I can say for sure is that this girl has to want to change more than anything in the world. Here's hoping you can keep her on the straight-and-narrow, but I recommend going back to rehab at least once and seeing what they have to say about the relapse.
Either the addiction is DAMN strong (common), or the rehab sucks (also fairly common, sadly).
This girl is worth a lot. She's nice, pretty, sweet, and caring. Right? That and more is why you're dating her. Try to solidify those notions in her both as a person and as her bf. I hope i'm making sense?

While she spends her money on her drugs. Congrats you are enabling a drug addict. Thats how it works. She makes a bit of money, spends it all on dope. Bounces arouund from different freinds and family eatin wherever she can.hell she prolly starvin herself thin anyways. On drugs barely eatin thank to captian cuck

True that. But don't ever let anyone tell you or her that she is powerless over drugs. AA, rehab,etc will tell you and make you think you are powerless over drugs. As you think in your heart so you are.
I didn't pop out my mom smokin a meth pilo. Also I have quit many times cold Turkey and did so out of pride when I could have gone to detox. Bullshit that you're powerless its a lie. You will have whatever you beleive ....dont beleive you're powerless or you can stay that way.

Okay, as an addiction professional I can give you the short version. There are, in my opinion, 2 major ways to deal with an opioid addiction. Both ways really should have a supervising physician, preferably a psychiatrist.

1) Quick taper with clonidine. This is for someone who’s really ready to be completely off drugs - but in my experience, these people are pretty rare (usually the ones taking it for pain, with only a physical dependency, not a mental addiction) Someone like you described, I would bet is strongly psychologically addicted, and make no mistake - the psychological part is the hard part. Anyone who says “it’s just psychological, you can get over it’” is a certifiable dumbfuck. Anyway, when it comes to fighting withdrawal, clonidine is the gold standard. It won’t take the withdrawal away but it will make it much more manageable. People say Valium and Xanax are good. In clinical experience, I say NO. Not because they’re addictive (true cross-addiction isn’t as common as people think), but because they’re simply shitty drugs. Even at high doses, Benzos simply cannot hold off withdrawal Compared to .1-.2mg of clonidine.

2) Suboxone. Trying to quit with street suboxone is a stupid idea. Some people (the vast minority) might have luck, but you really need a prescribing doctor’s supervision (plus, you really need a reliable supply, otherwise you’re just gonna go back to street drugs.) suboxone is really the best option for a true addiction. You can be on this shit for life and be pretty much normal. But you need to do it right. You need structure with suboxone. It will hold off the cravings and let you focus on living your life. Downside is the withdrawal is prolonged and miserable. But it will save you.

Youre retarded, the whole powerless over addiction thing is supposed to show humility toward your inability to not quit a drug. Drug addicts go to AA and rehab because they cant quit, thats why they admit they are “powerless” over theur addiction so they can admit that they have a tendency to concede to the cravings of addiction and by admitting and understanding that weakness they find the strength to avoid situations that might make them relapse. Nobody is impressed by your “i quit being a meth smoking retard and you can too” story. Besides i bet you cover your bad habits with shitty legal habits like drinking and smoking ciggerettes or weed

The rehab center she went to wanted her to use methadone for 90 days, and then move her to something else to ween her off of that. The only other people there tried to get her to smoke crack with them- so it sounds like a shitty rehab place to me.

Do you think if she stared using suboxene to week herself off the fentanyl she could handle the withdrawals of that without anything else? Like I said, she's done it before but never had anyone to be there afterward.

I don't think she's lying. I trust her.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you. This is incredibly helpful to me and I will absolutely bring it up.
She has an appointment to see a counselor in a few weeks, so if that goes well we'll probably be able to do this that way.
She was worried about finding a dealer for suboxene, asking friends who used to be addicted where they got theirs and such, and I've thought about asking the addicts who run around the apartments by my work.

Nope don't smoke or drink. And I was in AA and NA as well. Your seriously powerless if you choose to be put many people don't believe that. And. By into he lie that they are. I did to for awhile

I mean, you either find empowerment in the idea of being "powerless" (i.e. you're prone to cave to temptations), or you find power in... well, power. In saying "Fuck that, I'm not going to be controlled by this addiction. In the cold-turkey quit.
What's important is that this girl finds out what works for her, and then her loved ones help her follow through on beating this addiction. I would with a lot of painful things on my enemies, but opioid addictions? I wouldn't even go that far.

Thank you all, honestly.
I'm not crying anymore and I don't feel like I'm alone in this.
I wish all of you the best and I'm going to hold her tight tonight and take her out tomorrow to have a day of fun doing stuff she's never done before (like a corn maze- she's a dork.)

Seriously, thank you all.

I’m really glad to help. The issue with buying suboxone from a dealer is that it often defeats the purpose. A regular, reliable supply is absolutely VITAL to staying clean (and yes, I believe being on suboxone prescribed by a physician is clean). You also need a professional to get your dose right - dicking around with your suboxone dose will start making you build tolerance. The structure is really important for feeling your best and living your best life.

Some people taper with suboxone to quit stronger opioids. I don’t recommend this. If you want to come off opioids entirely, do the clonidine pathway. IMO suboxone is for long-term maintenance.

Methadone can be helpful in some situations, but suboxone is far superior. Also, going to a fucking methadone clinic is extremely inconvenient and builds bad habits. Even the most addicted people often admit that suboxone is good enough. IMO methadone will be phased out for opioid addiction in the near future.

Please, I beg you to do this right. Work with an actual physician who prescribes suboxone, or at least a clinic that has one on staff.

Harambe lives

here. Yeesh, you're right - that doesn't sound like the best rehab.
The girl I knew wasn't on opioids so I wouldn't know from experience. Your girl might be able to wean herself off with the "lesser of two evils" as it were, but I'm not the person to ask for empirical anecdotes as far as opiods go.

Now, I DON'T recommend finding dealers for weaning, so don't sue me, will not be held legally responsible, etc etc. BUT. If you're looking for dealers, approach a homeless person and offer to take them out to Chipotle or Burger King or wherever. Talk with them, learn their stories, and get their temp numbers. Homeless are unpredictable, but you'll be safe if you buy them food semi-regularly. Any given homeless person either knows where to get what you want or knows directly who to talk to. Hope you don't have to go down that road but good luck if you do. Sorry if I'm drunk and don't make as much sense.
PLEASE listen to this guy, I agree. Stay the hell away from methadone clinics at the very least.

what the fuck
i get generally some of the shit going on
on a strictly unrelated to me basis
but what the fuck
does it have to do with me at all
and why