Walk in toilet

walk in toilet
see this
what do???

Shitty post is shitty

turn 360 degrees and swim away, of course

obvious newfag is obvious

stomp that balls until its mashed potatoes

is it summer already?

Take pic.
Post on 4chinz

put foot on cock and push towards ass until it snaps

leave apple store

kick the shaft as hard as I can, so it smashes against the door and makes a loud banging noise as well as a loud screaming noise

bathe that dick with my piss and shit ofc
what else would i be in toilet for?

suck it dry

If you turn 360 degres you'd still be facing him... Kys

go to next stall and do the same
pic related


Troll or.. how can you be so new?

Leave Target

are the newfags really this retarded

Kick that shit

Leave Kevin Spacey's house.

>this fucking soap dispenser...the soap won't come out no matter how hard I...woah....woooooahh



top kek lad