Please help/need advice

Please help/need advice

So I'm pretty sure I'm hooked on marijuana... Like addicted to it.

>inb4 you can't get addicted blah blah. BS.

I started smoking 1x a week when my friend introduced me to weed 6 months ago. Then now I smoke every single day... Once in morning and once in night. I can't sleep without it or go about my day without it.

If I don't get weed, I get withdrawal symptoms. Feel depressed, agitated, angry.

When I smoke weed... The withdrawal symptoms go away and it feels like pure bliss.

How to stop marijuana?

You can get addicted to weed as easily as you can get addicted to a placebo. All that matters is that you believe you can get addicted to it even though you chemically cannot. You seem to be doing a good job on that front, too.

fuck off retard.

Step 1: stop being a shill
Step 2: gtfo
Step 3: kys
Step 4: ???
Step 5: profit

those withdrawal feelings will go away within a week
the question is, how long can you hack it before you give in

then stop degenerate. i did, and i smoked every day for 3 years
do it before you become noticeably retarded

This. Really. I smoke daily too. It's all in your head. Force yourself to stop for a week. Lose sleep if you have to. By day three you'll probably be fine. If you have weed and enjoy it, enjoy it. You aren't addicted. Everybody likes weed.

Twice a day? I smoke like every hour and I'm not addicted. I can assure sure you're safe. You can even increase the dosage.

>If I don't get weed, I get withdrawal symptoms. Feel depressed, agitated, angry.

those aren't withdrawal symptoms, you little shit.

agonizing pain, curling up on the floor, vomiting, shitting and pissing your pants, screaming. THOSE are withdrawal symptoms.

what you got there is teen angst. i suggest waterboarding yourself until the symptoms go away, you small faggot.

its not a physical addiction, its a psychological one. Not to mention to get the same high you have to smoke a shitload more. What you need is a tolerance break. Dont smoke anything for at least 3 weeks, it'll be hard for the first few days, but after that you'll be ok



You ween down thats how i did it, its not easy but compared to any other drugs its a cakewalk, your hunger will come back, also treat the synptoms as they come, need to sleep take tylenol pm, dirreah take imodium ad, ect.. With weed its really down to willpower, weening down was the key though. When i ran out i scraped resine and when its gone thats it. Also stay hydrated, good luck p.$. If you have to catch a buzz to stay sane hit a can of whipped cream once its dangerous so just once

you are just depressed and weed masks the symptoms. modern medical science isn't wrong, you are

Why do you need to quit?

Take a break you dumb faggot. I have been smoking weed for 12 years. You gotta take a few month or two off every once and a while to get perspective. Don't be a cunt mate. You might just be in love with the oral fixation. Chew gum or smoke tobacco for a month instead. Nigger . Faggot. NIGGER FAGGOT

not everyone, not me

anything can become -psychologically- dependent on any substance, even if it isn't physically addictive

is right, this is not a physical addiction and those are not physical withdrawls

You can get "addicted" to literally anything. Weed is not something that is inherently physically addictive but the euphoria/pleasure you associate with it certainly is.

Basically, the human mind is relatively weak and tends to be a bitch boy. It just whines and screams for you to do nice things to it all the time. Even something like going to the gym or eating healthy can be addictive. Make a health nut eat a couple big macs and they get pissy and irritable from not getting precious vitamins and macros.

Don't let weed or anything else control you my Sup Forumsro. I've smoked for 12 years but you need to take T breaks to teach your mind who's boss. I've quit when I needed to apply for jobs out of college, switching companies, or just randomly to make sure I can. First time quitting is awful just like anything else. Watch someone do no fap the first time, they are assholes haha.

Basically if you wanna be a weak willed beta keep smoking. If not, man up and stop for a while. Discipline is underrated.

I have a psychological dependence on weed too but when you stop, it's only really rough on the first 3-4 days

> smoke weed every hour
> not addicted

Better slow down or youll eventually start getting panic attacks when you smoke and youll never enjoy it the same again

Whats Sup Forums favorite thing to do when they roll up a joint

Life 5