Hey Sup Forums, what color is my eye?

Hey Sup Forums, what color is my eye?




But it's not fully brown, there's a circle of yellow or green around it.

I believe mix of green and brown is hazel.

that of a faggot



already used to unlock your iPhone

Brown you niger faggo

My eyes look just like that.


Hazel, just like mine

It's called Amber

From where I come we call them gypsy eyes.

when i was young, my eyes were brown. over the years they started to creep in from the outside as hazel. now, years later, they are almost fully green

just sayin

That shits brown. But people will say hazel to make you feel better. Hazle eyes are supposed to be A LOT more green.

is fuckable a color?

Same as mine. You have a blue eyed parent.


>mfw Kayser-Fleischer ring

