I'm 5'2, and the guy I like is as short as me

I'm 5'2, and the guy I like is as short as me.
The only problem is that I love to wear heels.
Should I stop wearing heels to make him feel less like a manlet?
What to do, Sup Forums?

>What to do, Sup Forums?

Show tits and time stamp or get the fuck out, you raging faggot.

It's just a question, you lanket.

get him some heels too

You don't like a guy, you like a child.
Find a real man.

Wear heels. Tower over him. Make him your bitch.

I'm 5'1

You can wear heals while I go up on you bitch.

OP here, I actually made the first move and kissed him.
Fucking end me, I won't be the man in this thing.

If he's 5'2" and you're even remotely attractive he's in no position to complain about anything. Plus how much taller would heels really make you?

Also if not tits you should post a pic so we can tell you exactly how little he can complain

Tits + timestamp or fuck off

you should Tits or GTFO

>2017 and not getting it on with a BBC
wtf is wrong with you?

Traps are gay, do nothing.

>You don't like a guy, you like a child.

If Tom cruise can where heels so can your manlet.

tits or gtfo

Manlet gets pussy, Sup Forums spergs out.


what do you like about him?
if it's personality then you'll regret passing him up for something petty, and it'll hit pretty hard on lonely nights when you can't fall to sleep

maybe just be extra flirty when on heels so he'll associate it with positive feelings?

OP here, I like his personality a lot. I just don't want to make it weird, because he considers himself tall.

are you sure he considers himself tall? surely it must be in jest?
if it isn't then you might have to deal with some insecurity issues on his part, but if he is then you scored a confident guy

he wasn't joking. He actually told me that I must be taller than I say I am

Listen. No offence to him but 5'2 is not tall. At all. It's like the opposite

I know. I need a chair to reach the top shelves.

what about his personality do you like OP?
the little insight you're giving is leading us to think he's a tad deluded but we don't have the full picture

well,I make really weird jokes and he laughs at them. Not the fake laugh, but actually thinks my gory jokes are funny. And he doesn't act like a chad when I tell him girly stuff.

that sounds nice, I'm glad for you two

if he doesn't act like too much of a Chad then he probably would be fine with you being taller on heels

if he comments on it, you could just make a little white lie: "you're tall, you know that, I'm just freakishly tall in heels"

Whew, this thread became nice.

>little white lie
Don't. That's a terrible thing to do. He knows he's short. He's 5'2 for god's sake. He's probably been teased and abused and bullied about it his whole life.
And now, you telling him he's tall will only hurt him and he'll feel like you're making fun of him which you are obviously not.
The safest way to approach this without hurting each other's egos is to just ask him to choose a pair of shoes for you. Point out to two, one being the heels, the other being the non-heels. That way, if he points to the heels, tell him you'll be taller than him and go forward from there. If he picks the non-heels, you'll know what he wants and how he feels about it.

smart way of going about it but OP mentioned he genuinely believes he's tall

that's a pretty good idea. Thanks

Maybe it's just him covering up his insecurities.
It depends on the are but the world average for a guy's height is 5'8 or something close to that.

Where are you from OP?

Unless he is completely delusional and/or a fuckin' idiot, he knows he is short. Or unless he's about eight years old....how old is this nigger?

it's weird, but most guys my age in my city are about my height, maybe with 7-8 cm taller, so it's not like he's a total manlet, since I see guys shorter that him around here, I just don't want to make him feel bad.

Devil trips of truth

tits or gtfo


If you genuinely like the guy, ask him if you wearing heels would bother him then react accordingly.

put that heel in his dickhole

anyone got that if btw?