European genocide

european genocide

Other urls found in this thread:–Arabic_numeral_system

Quite the opposite is the case. People of Islam live almost freely in Europe, except the hate coming from populist, fascist, nationalist, islamophobic, nazi groups.

Numbers for sweden ?

Actually Russia has by far the largest Muslim population in Europe
Racist Europeans don't want to admit that Russians are white though

Not even in the top 10

fact is, sweden is top 1


Sweden is 100% in the top 10 so this list is incorrect.

>muh genocide

Sup Forums go home

fake facts dont count

real cucks dont count


List also excludes Bosnia, Kosovo, doesn't color Sicily, Corsica correctly. Perhaps some people disagree, but Turkey and Russia are both in Europe and carry 80M and 17M muslims respectively. List makes no sense unless normalized for population, or land area, or really anything.

Almost like The Independent is politically-driven tripe.


There is a lot of work to do, agreed

Read this:
And after that this:
Notice how the UN immediately called it genocide when China was occopying Tibet, but when the same thing happens to Europe - it becomes a "replacement migration" instead.
This is intentional, and they are not even hiding it. This is blatantly called "replacement migration" and stating that by 2050 all European countries (and Japan) must be multicultural.
This is the founding father of the European Union, and here is his plans for European future:
"The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future"
""I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."
Barbara Lerner Spectre, a Jewish scholar in Sweden (at the time, now she has fled to Israel because of the muslim masses in Sweden)

liking a military occupation, not the same thing
>I'm not european
>and I'm not white
obviously idgaf, sorry you guys feel this way but who gives a fuck about race seriously

Poor bait is poor
Only the new world/colonies are white. Europe is not. Europe is Germanic, Baltic, Finnic, Slavic, Mediterranean etc.

Look at Africa, India, the Middle east, why are the predominantly non-white lands always so underdeveloped? And no, it is not the whiteys fault. Colonialism ended a long time ago, and the colonized lands actually fared way better than the non-colonized ones.
Most of the inventions have been made by white Europeans, and the modern age was brought forth exclusively by white people.


Honestly stop using this dumb meme, he was a nobody no one cared about him, the EU was called EEC and was all about commerce, and before that was a intra European coal and steel association.
All this immigration politics came only in the last decades, from the converted communists, who if they couldn't be commies in the economic field would be in the social field.

>what are no-go zones
You can keep living in your bubble, but some day it will burst too. If not for you than for your children or grandchildren.

>Most of the inventions have been made by white European

"Let's not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states”
- Wesley Clark, Jewish NATO general, 1999

In this case sweden is not top 1 since it counts the amount of muslims in the country and not the percentage.

Do disprove it then. Where are the non-white Teslas and Edisons?

He was talking about Bosnia or Kosovo or some godforsaken place like that.

"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states"
An example:

yeah, the Russians, in Estonia's case.

Oddly, partitioning those states along religious and ethnic lines actually reduced violence. Hmmmm.....

Read it:
It specifically mentions non-Europeans, and Washington is sure as hell is not interested in russification.

>Muslims live freely

Kek. Crime has risen so fucking much since 2015. Terrorist attacks have become daily occurrences, they aren't even surprises anymore.

It's going to shit my friend, but I'll sink with this ship, I'm not leaving Europa
This counts as normal now...

seems pretty cool

Do you live in Europe? Are you able to read statistics? I'm serious!

Merkel won the "Europa Preis" some years ago, which is linked to the ideas of Coudenhove-Kalergi. Look it up!

Yes and yes but stats don't make a geoicde
Fuck I rather have some of the nice Muslims people I met over some of the fascist In my country

You don't even know what that means
And judging by your grammar combined with opinions you are not European, and definitely not an anglophone.


I am aware of what it means,
Yes my grammar fails me sometimes I am quite dyslexic

But thanks for assuming so much,
If you stop doing that you might be right more, rather than trying to put people down

Musilms are 15 millions in France..
not 5.

God I love Switzerland

Also you can't count every person of arabic or Maghreb descent as a muslim. Most of them are either atheist or not practising.
Bwt I wonder how they made these statistics since it's forbidden to gather statistical datas on one's religion/race in France...
t. frog


>I am aware of what it means
Do tell then
>rather than trying to put people down
Says the one who calls the likes of me facists, nazis and other ill aplied terms.
>arabic or Maghreb
Not European, they do not belong here
>it's forbidden to gather statistical datas on one's religion/race
Gee I wonder why...


>Jean /Paul/ Gourévitch
>Extreme right racist

Most of science before 500BC came from Muslims. See those numbers up there referring to your post? If not for the Arabic numeral system that would have read DCCXLIXCMXVCMXII

The Islamic golden age was not Islamic at all, most of the discoveries and inventions were Persian, whom the Muhammedians conquered and procceeded to declare evething they ever made to be Islamic.

except, numeral system is Indian.

>fact are discarded if unfavorable bias is found

Gross. I always wanted to visit yurop to see some historical battlefields and memorial sites but I flat out refuse to go now. Too many sand niggers. I'd rather be blown up or ran over in my own country thank you

Pick one, facts can't be ideological, fag

At what point did I call you a fascist.
Don't know, nearly enough about your veiws to make that judgment

And I believe a lot of my country have a radical veiw of Muslims which they want enforce by the government because of misguided nationalism
I'd class that as facistic

Sorry for the grammar or lack of

Bi Sheng
Cai Lun
Min Chueh Chang
Chung On Siew
Ding Huan
Drip irrigation
Du Shi
Yingjie Jay Guo
Hon Lik
Hua Sui
Huang Daopo
Huang Hongjia
Robin Li
Liang Lingzan
Hung-Chang Lin
Liu Chenggui
Hui Liu
Lu Ban
Ma Jun
Meng Tian
Ni Zhifu
Qin Jiushao
Shen Kuo
Su Song
Simon Sze
Ching W. Tang
Tang Fu
Tang Zhongming
Tu Youyou
Wan brothers
Wan Chaochen
Wan Dihuan
Wan Guchan
Wan Laiming
Wang Xuan
Wang Zhen
Wu Yulu
Xi Zhong
Xie Fei
Xu You
David Yang
Yi Xing
Yuan Longping
Zhang Heng
Zhang Zhongjing
Zhou Yiqing
Zhou Youguang
Zhuge Liang

I too like ladyboys

You can't deny, the Asians are pretty smart too.–Arabic_numeral_system

>"over some of the fascist In my country"
You were obviously referring to pariots and nationalists by that. You are a deusional atomized individual, white you see yourself as individual the ones coming into your country are operating as a group. You are destroying everything your ancestors ever believed and fought for.
Europe is for Europeans - as the name states,

If a bias has a proper interpretation outside of an idea and in reality than it definitely can be interpreted as truth or a fact.


Most of those names are too obscure and some don't even come up at all. Of course east Asians are smart, nobody is denying that. But none of them are widely known for creating something that the modern day life depends upon. You are grasping at straws here.

so progressive

*cough * gunpowder *cough*

Sum Ting Wong
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ding Ow

yes, they are

>wheel barrels
>Square Watermelons
>Chinese/Japanese/Thai food
>Selfie Sticks
Legit my faggot, one could go on for hours about all the shit they invented.

Ok, that's one. The first ever compass too I suppose, but then again the European one (the one used globally today) was developed independently from it.
How does gunpowder help the modern day life in day to day? It doesn't, it is good only for war.

Lol, yea useless stuff like paper and the printing press. And you probably don't care about vidya either, useless stuff.

"It was an ancient Indian numeral system"
- thx for the source

Why do you gotta be so over the top with black racism? It makes you look super unintelligent

Don't see my self as a individual at all and my ancestors fought for the many things including the world, example my grandfather worked with African Muslims during the second world war while he was a navigator.

Destroying everything what are they destroying

There is Muslim European countries

And now compare that to the list of white European inventions.
>Square Watermelons
A gimmick
Most nationalities have their own ethnic foods
>Selfie Sticks
How are "selfies" of any value? They are not.
Are you even old enough to post here?


Truth and facts are by definition not biased, mogoloïd
Why do you have to always distort the truth and make-up "facts" to force your racist ideologies on people? The truth remains the truth even if you don't believe in it and there is nothing you can do about it.
99% chances it's a Sup Forums false flag psy-op

you might wanna look into this invention called "humor"

All of those countries were occupied by them. Islam is a barbaric cult that Europeans have been fending off for hundreds of years, but now you are handing it all to them freely. Pathetic.

>whites complaining about migration when they committed actual genocide against several peoples

I am laffin

this thread is shit


No sweden?

There are many more like these all across western Europe. It is all a part of the ever expanding no-go zones.

>Not Europeans but hey let's blame all of them. Amirite?

You speak like someone who's not European.

The indians were slaughtering each other when the colonists came, and actually died on from contacing smallpox. This and the "Southerners defended slavery" are liberal nightmares made fact. Same for most of WW2 history.

I care not how you think I speak. I know for a fact that this is real.

Well guess you say the same with Christianity
I am still not sure what we destroying by becoming more multicultural
It been happening to countrys in Europe for the life of Europe
England by it nature is a mash up of different countries and groups going far back before the Vikings

>Carl Benz
Henry Ford invented the automobile.

are you retarded? Islam has only existed for about 1300 years

I really wonder who is behind this post

fake news

Do look at mutlicultural nations, and compare them to (white) homogeneous ones. Which ones have higher societal trust and lower crime?
Why is there no terrorism, gang violence, and mass rapes in Poland, Hungary, the Baltics while the now multicultural west is already used to truck attacks, rapes and bombings?
Just because some bureaucrats in their ivery towers suffer from pathological altruism towards nonwhites it doesn't mean that the nonwhite masses comming in think the same of us.
Another thing: do you know how the muslim immigrants call the dole most of them live on, in the UK? Jizya tax. Look it up if you are not familiar with Islamic terminology.

4.7 mil Muslims in Germany out of 82.7 = 5.7%
15.8 mil Mormons in the US out of 323 = 4.9%


>"no-go zones"
It looks like you've watched too much Fox News and Russia Today
There are no such thing as "no-go zones" held by muslims in Europe let alone in western europe. In France we laughed when Fox reported unironically that Paris' 13th arrondissment was a no-go zone. Same with that Likoud supporter who faked a video of him being spat on by arabs for wearing a kippa in Paris. His video was debunked as false and propaganda
The only thing that can be close to what was described could be some old commieblocks in suburbs north of Marseilles, but you can't go there because of drug trafficking not Islam or your skin colour...
I now live in Brussels in Molenbeek-St-Jean in a neighbourhood depicted in the right wing medias like a radical islamist hellhole but in reality they're just Arabs and Moroccans peacefully living here and I've never felt in danger for being white.
It's in your head


They still are coming in even now, and the muslim borthrates are way above replacement. while the Germans are not even managing to reach 2.1
Think 5 generations ahead, what do you think will become of Germany, it's people and their culture? By current estimates Germany will not exist anymore by 2100.

nice try. now tell me the ratio of victims by mormons and those by muslims.

I have never watched Fox and RT is a well known propaganda channel. You are the one who has consumed too much liberal brainwashing materiel, the no-go zones are real - and expanding.

George Stephenson. Rocket.
Top kek.


Where exactly please? Give neighbourhoods known for being no-go zones in any non meme European country

>implying you ever leave the safe areas

Why don't you do the same as that retarded woman who travelled to the middle east to prove muslims are not violent and got raped and murdered?
Except you can do it on easy mode - just go to one of these so called no go zones, or several, and see if you get attacked, robbed, killed, etc
then report back.
If it's all sunshine and rainbows there, user of and myself will apologize, admit we were wrong and shut our mouths.


Mormons have big families too. They even sometimes have multiple wives !!!!elelevan111!

All hail our soon-to-be Mormon overlords.