Why do you think he did it?

Why do you think he did it?

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So we can loose our bump stocks

He just just did what we all have thought about at some point.

I think it went like this:
This guy notices one morning that he doesn't have children and works a dead end job - essentially his life is a failure. These thoughs depress him heavily and he starts to get a grudge on others who are responsible for how his life went - probably almost everyone. He asks himself what others do to get happy and he thinks about the chick he's been messenging with, but he doesn't feel like he has much to offer for her, so she would turn him down anyways. So he figures that would change if he just had more money which is where he gets the idea to take all of his money to vegas with two possible outcomes:
1) Get a fuckload of money and take the chick to live somewhere else.
2) To end it all right there, but not without fucking up some faggots.
At first he tried option 1, once he realizes that he's gonna lose all money he sends the remaining money to the chick and proceeds with option 2.

for the lols

for the lols?

high score

kek, must be destiny

I don't know what he was thinking, but I know the last thing to go through his head.

Because CNN told me duh

>This guy notices one morning that he doesn't have children and works a dead end job
he was a millionaire you nigger

>post paddock memes

he already had a ton of money

He was? Well ok i guess.

dude he just traveled around gambling and going on cruises

Because country music is fucking terrible.

Who cares... the point is he had the FREEDOM to do as he chose, that's what this great country is all about He was doing what our forefathers wanted, hence why they put the second amemdment in the constituotuin. He was probly sick of those fucking lefties and their hippie concerts. Heard he hit a lot of Canadians too so that's a bonus if your shooting socialists

He was losing money for the past decade, eventually he would be unable to hold his high roller status and be unable to reap the benefits from the casinos, he knew it was inevitable. He wanted to continue living his non chalant lifestyle dropping mills at the casino but he sucked at gambling and didnt wanna wake up one day a poor fag.

Because the government probably set him up with a luxury beach house in the Caribbean somewhere. I'm not that big on conspiracies and shit, but that whole situation looks shady as fuck.


Having children is optional in life. Being a man he knew that he would never hit menopause and be able to reproduce for as long as his life, or longer if his sperm were to be frozen.

He certainly wasn't in a dead end job, ever. He was high up in the business ladder.

The reason why he did it are uncertain, but he possibly decided that he wanted to go with a bang.

news censorship avoided to talk about his antifa magazines and shit

The best theory is that it was about guns. He made sure that there was no message, no clues, no lifestyle that gave reason for his act. The only things about it to focus on are guns and murder. There were so many guns that he could not have even used them all. He took a position where other people with guns could not stop him, removing the argument of guns being able to stop guns. Since it's all speculation, I don't have any theories of my own. If I was hard pressed to guess, I'd say he just wanted to kill a bunch of people.

w͔̳͎̭͙͘h͍̬̩͔y̮͖ ̳̻̪w̜̺̮̬̥͡o̧̞̟̭͎̪̫u̴̺̹͔̯̦l͟d̤̮̼n͕̙͓̼t͍̰̮ͅ ẖ͔͞e̘ ̹̥̼d̙̺o̠͕ ̖͕̥͖̘ͅi̙̪t?̵̫̝

why not? i mean lets be honest. how many of us aren't realistically contemplating it? waking up and going to sleep in the same shit world every day, pretending it's fine and we accept it. come on.

ive nicknamed my gun collection 'my retirement fund'. everybody thinks it means i'll sell them for cash when i get old. im just waiting for a juicy opportunity.

Because nickelback is still alive

look up kireru teen violence

Hunny look.
The world sometimes doesn't go as cicular as you might think.
However, you might think about the world,
it is clearly not just about spending $Billz on you and your UGGz.

Do you have anger issues or some other issues that I will never care about?
In Case of yes, send a mail to my assistent.

hell yeah. i want to see a resurgence in bosozoku. not the akira anime faggotry, i mean really fucking shit up.

Harvey Weinstein? Because pussy is a hell of a drug..

>The best theory is that it was about guns.

This was one of my first thought after there weren't any obvious reasons found early.

Things are starting to click holy shit. How solid is the paper trail of his history? Did he get rich by working hard and smart or was there a certain point where things dramatically changed? Kinda like the point where he "decides" to just throw it all in the trash. This whole situation fucking stinks of three letter agency bullshit "ops".

The one thing I don't see making sense here is how the endgame ties into anyones agenda (other than gun control). I though most of these ops prioritized research and methods of control, so for a promising subject like him (look what he did haha) they must have had a lot of incentive from someone who wanted this outcome.

Kinda just musing out loud here. Obviously anyone who knows anything definitively would keep it quiet for their own interest.

His life was an endless disappointment. He grew up with a single mother and a wanted father who made them feel like they were cursed. His whole life he sought excitement and destruction like flying planes and betting big in gambling, but in the end the rush and the thrill of life was gone. But he developed a plan that gave him some excitement and some joy. That he could secretly plan an event og huge destructive force that made him feel special and take it out on a society that made him feel like a nobody. Eventually the plan wasn't just about a few kills but something huge and it gave his brilliant mind something to keep itself occupied.
Somewhere along that plan though in the execution he was only able to reek 10 minutes of pure terror and destruction on the world. While he was at it he was the man and in charge it was pure bliss. Unfortunately the gas tanks didn't blow and that pesky security guard made him paranoid it was going to end not on his terms so he cut the rampage short. But that 10 minutes was pure unadulterated bliss and he died happy.
Fucken an hero man..

This guy gets it.

Sure, kid. Go back to Sup Forums, you fucking autist.

Oh he didn't do it. He was clearly framed. There's so many holes in the public story it's beyond laughable.

>gun control
With a republican controlled government and a batshit crazy president in the white house? Kek. If anything, they'd try to pass laws making it easier to get guns for "personal protection".



he started losing money in 2015 and become depressed
>but he was still wealthy

because... killing people is fun..?

for the LOL'S

He just wanted to kill some people. You never wanted to just kill a lot of people? There's not any real reason. Sometimes, you just have a shitty day. Traffic sucks, girl won't put out, people are being rude, and you can't sleep because there's a shitty country concert with a bunch of loud hicks having way too much fun doing something asinine. Sometimes that's enough to get the killing juices flowing.

he didn't, the government did because they want to take over the US bu they can't as long as the people can revolt.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand mass shootings. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of bullet trajectories most of the rounds will go over a typical victim's head. There's also the shooter's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Elliot Rodger's YouTube videos, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the suspect, to realize that he's not just funny- he is saying something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike mass shootings truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the shooter's existencial catchphrase "GOODNIGHT LAS VEGAS," which itself is a cryptic reference to The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the shooter's genius unfolds itself on their television screens.. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a YOU CANT DODGE THE RODGE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Trying to avoid sounding like a tinfoil hatter as much as possible here; I sincerely doubt the figurehead of the establishment is in absolute control.

I think much more than depression is at play here, and someone with adequate resources and knowhow would find it trivial to manipulate such a person. This is purely anecdote and speculation, mind, but as someone who has dealt with similar things (not in the same league obviously) I wouldn't rule it out.

>want to take over the US
>the government
So, you think the government doesn't already control the US? If, so, I got some bad news for you.

For the nookie

Kek, not seen this one yet.

he was ranking up slowly, so he went on a point farming server

>I sincerely doubt the figurehead of the establishment is in absolute control
Of course he isn't. That's why we have 3 separate branches of the government, to keep all the power out of the hands of just one person. But if you mean you don't think he's in complete control of himself, well, yeah, Alzheimer's will do that to you.

they want to implament a facist state and they know we could easily rebel

He probably just did it for the lulz


He didn't do it.

Because you touch yourself at night.

If they really wanted to do that, they'd just march in with the military and drone strikes and roll right over the petty "resistance" put up by anyone stupid enough to try and fight back. They'd have absolutely no problem prying your guns from your cold, dead hands, assuming there was enough of you left to do so.

He did it because of mental illness, it runs in his family. Dad was bank robber, one brother pedophile, another brother had a restraining order against him. He was very impulsive gambling tons of money, I believe he was bipolar and very manic when he did it.

to give us all quality fapping material

right user and guerilla warfare doesn't topple nations

What I was trying to illustrate is that there are any number of people with both their own beliefs of how the world should be and the means to achieve their vision. Wether that be through money, threats, the calculus of power, whatever. You can't tell me trump (purely as an example) doesn't desire anything and is therefore immune to being bent to the will of others. Things get increasingly ill defined the further up the ladder you go. Unless you have been there yourself, which I haven't either, there is no way of being absolutely certain you can see the whole picture.

He did it because of

seksual fruztration

He was rich. He had everything he ever wanted. He was bored.

He did it because he secretly craved black cock.

I swear ive seen a thread he started once that might've gotten archived but wouldn't know how to find it. He started talking about how rich he was, he was a skilled pilot, and things like he will never be hungry again and how he would always be waited on for the duration of his life, but it wasnt enough and he talked about his dad and he knew he was always a functioning psychopath. he had it all planned out and basically it genuinely seemed like he was a psychopath. I think i saw it a couple years ago and he talked about how he could do better and how bullet shells falling reminded him of a slot machine. Shoulda screenshot it, nothing people say on the internet is true though... right?

So, you mean business as usual, then?

Yeah, corporate dynamics could be laid cleanly overtop of international power dynamics. At about 1:100 scale.

They don't even need to do that when the American people are stupid enough to vote themselves into a fascist state. They'd just do it with elections, and most of of would gleefully accept it as "changing the status quo" long before we realized it was too late.

>that he doesn't have children

Since when children are measure of success in life lol? That's fucking ridiculous. I guess then all those 3rd world overpopulated shitholes like Bangladesh are full of happy successful people.

Holy shit, user, I think you hit the nail right on the head. You better be careful they don't try to silence you.

I blame trump, he let it happen.

it's just a fucking template

nothing better to do




Whoa, there, we can't blame the president when somebody goes crazy and shoots a bunch of people. I mean, sandy hook and the boston marathon bombing and orlando were all Obama's fault, and Columbine was Clinton's fault, but I don't like those guys, so it's okay to blame them for something they had absolutely nothing to do with 'cause they's filthy librulz, bot you can't go blaming that stuff on a good, smart, conservative president like Trump.

I think it's more like literally what everybody thinks about everything anymore.

prove he did do it. you can't. you only have the word of the FBI, which is working feverishly to discredit Preident Donald J Trump.

Vegas never happened.

>working feverishly to discredit President Donald J Trump
I don't think he needs any help, he seems to be doing a perfectly fine job of that all by himself.

Because he really, really liked banana images.

This dipshit right here is a perfect example of this

He always hated people. Also was smart enought to see how we humans are shit, and deserve to die.

He didn´t have the intelligence to get along with people, tho.

I seriously think he just did it because he felt like it. And he an heroed because he knew he'd likely get a death sentence anyway, or be shot by the cops. Some people just love to cause chaos. And some things really do happen just because.

Always on the shadow. Dry with people. Didn´t smoke, but lit one just to piss anybody who sat beside him on the poker machines.

Also, high IQ. That lets you see shit in the world, but he lacked empathy

Because media said ir

My tin foil hat theory is he didn't. It's easy to hide a hit by killing a bunch of people and framing someone.

Wow, is that you Sherlock?

I don't know, but the sun is going down in Vegas right now

he didn't he can't even see with his eyes closed

It's obvious just watch this.


underrated post

My nigga

Bump stocks are so inaccurate. Only way would be dangerous imo is if your in the middle of a crowd of people. Even bursting is inaccurate.

That's why we just swept through Iraq with absolutely no resistance, and mopped the floor with them within months :)

He didn't actually do anything; there was no vegas shooting. Just a hoax.


i mean faggotry is literally all you're talking about

He's the fag who liberated those fags in that las vegas concert