What exactly has "conservatism" conserved?

What exactly has "conservatism" conserved?

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deez nutz xD


Values both of quality and non-quality.


And we have inherited the ruins.

ever heard of a thing called "National Parks"?

No, liberals do that.
Conservatives would give that land to corporations


Jewish hegemony over Western Civilization.

you mean those things found by progressive Teddy Roosevelt

Nothing, they're still liberals.

1789 was a mistake.


National Review had a wine club, and cruises, and some fags sold a lot of books, but the culture burned down around them.

Tucker Carlson, one of those fags, summed it up:


And out of the chaos arose the God Emperor.

his other positions may make him a progressive but that one thing was true conservatism. no one else has conserved as much as he did

Conservatives are only economically culturally conservative, they don't give a shit about nature or global warming

They let the left dictate the political language and define what is politically acceptable
Therefore they've been making increeasing concessions in social issues mostly to not be viewed as "racist" and lose support. They cucked themselves and their constituency

All current Republicans fall under the "conservative progressive" classification you enormous twat. Not even Rand Paul is completely denial of state process.

>they don't give a shit about nature
literally false since we just showed how teddy used conservative policies to get the national parks

Ok I guess the green party is a conservative party by your definition

no, since they have more liberal policies than conservative policies. just because you have one conservative policy doesn't mean you're a conservative- just like teddy.

Status quo


Then why doesn't the republican party do anything to help the environment and stop denying global warming

Huh, a pretty good piece.

now you're assuming that all conservative parties must only have conservative positions. just like the green party has some conservative positions the republicans have some liberal positions. One of those being their stance on the environment and global warming.

Their money

>stop denying global warming

Don't you mean climate change?

I thought the earth was freezing and we're heading towards an ice age now.

Certainly not your mothers pussy

>I thought the earth was freezing and we're heading towards an ice age now.

That was the narrative back in the 70's. They've evolved.

It's about convincing you to give governmental institutions more control over your life. The exact lever they attempt to use to achieve that end is flexible.

Nothing since the kikes hijacked the movement.

Capitalism, I guess? So, just the privately owned banking system.