I lost my happy merchant folder, can i get yours?

i lost my happy merchant folder, can i get yours?

Other urls found in this thread:


You had no backup?

burnt hdd






Certainly! I'll be glad to assist you for a small fee.





Is there anything in particular you're looking for, goy?


We do have a wide variety of fine, quality merchants from around the world.




and even some from out of this world!

what about the 'with jews you win'?


Oh, I'm afraid that one's been out of print since 1947. You think pepes are rare? Oy, just try and find one of those for sale!
Here's the best in that vein anyone can get.

i remeber the merchant says 'your free money sir' or something like that

I'm afraid I never heard of it. Sounds pretty good, though!


Wait, it's not exactly what you were looking for but maybe it'll tickle your fancy. Have a look.


niiiice can i get more?

I'll check in back and see if I've got anything else in your price range.








Be careful of your eyes for this one.

Oh and this one's even seasonal, very festive.

It's now known as counter-semitism

That's very clever! I'll have to remember that.


This one's a fine specimen. Look at the detail!

It drives the yids crazy



That is one beautiful piece of artwork. Don't mind if I save that!

Meanwhile you can use this anytime you like.

These ones are kinda bent up but still a great bargain.




Some mishuginah kid colored all over this one.



This one's just bent way out of shape.

We know what you want OP

Now be careful handling these ones, some got an edge.








And that's just about all folks, the rest of my stock's behind this post.





There's a couple more for the fishermen at the very top.

So that's what I've got in stock right now, what'll it be?

thanks user my folder is almost complete


Well, let me see if I got a couple more around here for you.






Oh, mr. goy, did you need a fidget spinner?

Also a couple of video games


So, my good customer, what do you think all this is worth?

>oven ready




So, ah, OP, no sale?

So you hate muslims or Jews? Jews hate Muslims which means op like Muslims? Or you hate them both in that case nazis did not hate muslims .... I’m confused goyum pick a side





We have killed so many and taken their land.

One million died in Treblinka so we can taka




Have a god damn sense oh history.

If you are going to blame Jews then fucking know how they died

3000 a day for two years, day after day

All that was left was ashes. One million people, 70% under 20 years old.

It was a hard death, a forced death.

If you want to hate Jews then be honest about what you want