How do i get rid of my acne Sup Forums?

how do i get rid of my acne Sup Forums?



carving knife


Suicide perhaps. I try to be half Meme and half Serious in my posts. But honestly dude, you're fucked. Is that the Alps on your face?
-Sam Tilden

you need to go to the ER

Go to your dermatologist and ask him for dercutane. In a year it will be gone.
Than, when people can actually look at your face without vomiting, do everyone a favour and kill yourself


I think i puked a lil in my mouth and i feel sick

Just use a belt sander and get that shit off

Paint scraper.

At least its not neckbearditis.



There are pills that helps you with that. I had them years ago. Makes your mouth and eyes dry, but totally worth it at the end. Ask a dermatologist asap.

The nuke option is accutane (isotretinoin).

After half a year on that, your acne will be eliminated forever.

axe,sword and cleaver



I'd invite him to DnD.

belt sander??

Good god, I see this pic all the time but just imagine scraping his face with a razor.

Obviously hygiene is not know to this fella...what is the deal with the crusty mouth.....ugh

This is not acne, go see a dermathologist

9mm through the temple.

good answer.

go on hormonal birth control asap

Amputate at the neck

what even is that shit? Scabs? Some kind of mold?


I've seen this thread a few times so don't know if its legit anymore. If it is why are you asking Sup Forums and not a doctor? Obamacare will help with this you know. While it lasts I mean.


do it with a straight razor though

Have a dematologist and follow their avice. Otherwise, you will lurk online and seek advice from random strangers like a child seeking wisdom from people who they have no reason trust nor respect their knowledge.


-dont fuk hoes
-dont lick random shit
-dont look at porn threads

Set fire to your face and let the fire department put it out with an axe! Best way to get rid of your swiss alps acne!


I’d start with 3000 grit sandpaper and move up

take a razor and slice every inch off your face

Cheese grater.

masturbate daily and it will get better

You need to join the fire brigade and get your face refigured by fire. I said refigured not disfigured for a reason. At least then you could get women because they like a man in uniform and scars are cool. That isn't OP but if you are even close to that chloroacne face a belt sander would be the correct tool for improvement.

you're just gonna have to rip that face off OP

Grater is only way, or sharping stone

That is some severe fucking beard scabies. Gross

Sorry, this pains me to say but you need to become a fursuit wearing furfag.

And I fucking love it everyday

Shave it off

Suicide won't do the trick: you'll become an acne deadguy.

Really fucked up guy, not even suicide could get rid of your problems (°
