My best friend broke up with his girlfriend 3 days ago and I really want to fuck her...

my best friend broke up with his girlfriend 3 days ago and I really want to fuck her. but im scared if i do he'll findout. What should I do and if I fuck her how can I explain to him if he finds out so he won't get pissed?

there is no way he wouldnt get pissed

You can't get out of him being pissed if he finds out. I did something similar once not worth it

this... faggot

Tell him you "hate fucked her" to get even for breaking your buddies heart!

but they're broken up and she is so fucking hot and I mean they were only together for 15 months

Don't be a nigger, OP. There is tons of pussy out there, a best friend is a lot more important.

>want to

but the real question is, COULD you?

had a similar situation one year ago.

let it slip user. it's for the best.

me and her got along and i think if i tried maybe. we hungout a few times without him

you sound super sure about that.

welp, if potentially losing your best friend is worth fucking this girl, maybe, you think, then by all means.

do keep in mind though, that if you try to fuck her and fail, you're just gonna look like a fuckin creep who didn't get any. and that story will get back to your friend.

if i try ill be subtle and if she try shit ill just tell my buddy she is a crazy bitch making shit up

Do you think 15 months its little time?

Don't do it man, you'll ruin everything

i get it that its kinda a long relationship but in the grand scheme of things its not really. like we are both young and only in our twenties

how/why did they split up?

Don't. Just don't. I was in a simmilar situation. Had a gf for 4 years. And decided to fuck eith my best friends gf. Now I'm living with her and I proposed to her couple months ago. But the for the price of losing pretty much every single friend I had till that point. I was in the band with these guys, we were like brothers. And my dick got me what I deserved. And I'm not even happy with her either.

so they broke up because he proposed. and i get it. its kinda a dickhead thing to do and try and fuck her because he loved her and all but im not trying to date her or anything and ideally i don't want him finding out about this

how did they findout?

Bros b4 hoes asshole, there's plenty of tail out there, fuck somebody else ex.


I told my then gf that we're done, she agreed cause the things between us were going downill pretty fast, so there was bo problem there. The other people found it out the hard way. I was in a dire need of a place to live since i didnt live with my gf any longer. So if i just moved to a flat with the best friends gf since he didnt invite her to live with him which i cant understand to this day. So we started living together and she started to avoid him. It went to a point where he started to have psychological breakdowns and started visiting a psychiatrist and was prescribed antidepressants. So i just went and told him that me and his gf are having an affair. We both cried like faggots together for an entire night, downing 3 bottles of scotch. It was honestly the most terrible moment of my life.

i havent done anything yet

but see if you never told him he wouldnt have found out

Are you fucking dumb? You think people are this fucking gullible?
>this guy is living with my gf and they are sleeping in a 20 square meter flat together
>he's driving her car, they are going places together,
>i'm not invited to their place like ever
>sure there is no way they are having an affair
Is this your logic?

but he fucked up by dating her. im just trying to fuck

Then go fuck someone that is not related to the people you care about. This is the one thing I learned from my story. The situation you are in will only end up fucking you and your friend up. There is zero chance that it wont effect anyone in a negative way. God I wish you listen to my/our advice and not do this. There is nothing worse in my life than the regret I have for my actions.

I feel like now you are justifying that you want to fuck your friends ex girl even after asking for different opinions. If you want to lose a friend in the process of getting some tail that's your choice.


Seriously, don't even think about it. That's not being "kinda a dickhead", thats being a straight up scumbag. Your friend will hate you forever if you do it.

you aren't really this dudes friend
you are just a selfish individual
so go ahead user, throw away what you don't care about for some pussy.
you fucking faggot

ive known him for 10 years of course i care about him. thats why i don't want him to know and I won't date her. i wish I culd just forget about her but i straight up fantasize about her

if you really cared about him, the thought of crossing him like that wouldn't even come to you.
you wouldn't have to go on the internet and ask a bunch of basement dwellers to tell you what you already know is right from wrong

It doesn't matter that you won't date her, you friggin imbecile, the sole act of fucking your best friends ex, 3 days after they broke up due to him proposing to her its fucking bad enough.

Well this is a perfect chance to prove that you are not a complete faggot. If you manage to resist the temptation you will be rewarded. You'll still have your friend, people wont start to treat you like a piece of betraying shit. Or you can go ahead and throw something you have, something you've been buildomg for 10 years for a moment just to get your dick wet. That is probably the weakest shit a man can do.

If HE broke up with her then he's obviously done with her. Just tell him that you are going to fuck her and if he's cool with that.

Don't do it,you faggot.