No matter how hard I work my chest I can't get rid of that fat. help

no matter how hard I work my chest I can't get rid of that fat. help

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That's called gyno and requires surgery to fix.

I have a small layer of stomach fat that no matter how much I run or workout just willnot go away, there’s just some fats that you can’t burn bruv

You would make a wonderful trap

Fix your diet and do cardio.

That is not gyno you retarded piece of shit

If you still have that layer of fat at 6% BMI scientists would do studies on you.

Disgusting, do pec fly's and rows

diet bro. I'm in the middle of the same thing. use a calorie counter till you get to the suggested weight by the bmi index. and cardio.

That is 100% gyno. Period. Sorry, pal.

>no matter how hard I work my chest
>entry level DYEL body
why don't you actually start trying?

thats not how you get rid of fat, aerobic activity is.

Pecs are mainly genetic. Doing low rep high weight reps on bench and inverted bench can help. Keto diet is about the only legit thing that can definitely fix it for you, but Id say its not worth it.

Working your chest just means you get bigger muscles, which make it look worse..

Given that you have practically no muscle definition, I find that EXTREMELY difficult to believe. Stop stuffing your fucking face and jump on a treadmill fatso.

Pics of 'small layer.' Face it. You're fat and when your fat your chest is fat too aka man titties.

It’s not like a huge layer of fat, it’s just thin enough to partially conceal my abs, like you can see the outline of my abs but they’re not as prominent as they would be if say I had it removed or found some way to burn it

Get a nip reduction


He looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy

You look dyel

Looks like you abused steroids at some point?

You're fuckin delusional. You would post on /fit/ but they probably bullied you so you posted on Sup Forums with the other autists

I used to have problems with this too op. You're just gonna have to workout twice as hard as some people would but you can lose it. Eat lean, do tons more cardio. Biking and swimming finally helped me get rid of the tits. Or just buy a bra and become a trap.

That's not fat, it's loose skin. Happened to me, I didn't even believe it until a doctor told me. Nothing you can do about it except cosmetic surgery

Does the fat feel granular? If you can feel small lumps of solid tissue then it’s gyno. Otherwise do some high intensity training, some cardio, and fuck that spot training as it’ll just make your fatty chest more visible as the muscles develop, making you look like the post-op trannies you jerk off to at night.

>one of the most dyel fggt i've seen on this website
>No matter how hard i work my chest
I don't know man, i've you tried working out?

*Have, autocorrect is a bitch

Mixture of running and weights. Do them on alternate days. Cut out junk food and sugar and eat loads of veg. Don't expect miracles overnight. Persist and you'll see results.

Try estrogen blockers (steroids) it really helps. No kek.

we call this man boobs. you can be a trap.

Is it so hard to believe that anybody other than a fat loser who lives in their parents basement goes on Sup Forums? I run the same routine just about every day, I wake up, eat something light i.e banana, oatmeal, etc, stretch, go for a mile run, stretch again, and do callisthenics.

doesn't work like that you fat fuck, also gyno, go to but they might make you cry.

There is no suck thing as targeted weight loss.

>implying /fit/ is less autistic than Sup Forums
lol, made my day user

I would berry my dick so far inside your ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

One mile? Wow don't over extend yourself... You should keep your heart rate 150+ for an entire hour a day. So I'm thinking 8 to 10 miles, you fat fuck.

Ha well at least they do something other than jack off to traps

Take up ultra running. You'll be the leanest motherfucker on the block.

yes it is, a mild one though. But yeah
You need AI-s (aromatase inhibitors), medicine that will prevent testosterone to be aromatized to estrogen, you can get them from your own pharmacy (prescription) or from lets say alldaychem, which doesn't need a prescription.

lol, steroids are not estrogen blockers, estrogen blockers or aromatase inhibitors are completely different substances.

I beginning to think you’re salty because you’re out of shape, it’s okay man everyone is different. We need you little balls of tub to make the rest of us look good. And it’s a proven fact that if you want to maintain a muscled physique that you should never run to much, you would begin to burn the muscle your trying to build. Ever seen a marathon runner? Thats the type of body you’d have if you ran to much. Having a good blend of different exercises and a routine is what gives you that toned ab look. If you knew anything about exercise you would know this.


I prefer my other callisthenics, I do run two miles once every week though. I’ve gotten my mile down to a solid 6:40 and my two mile down to an 11:56.

He never said anything about a muscled physique. He said he wanted to get rid of bitch tits. How often do you see a marathon runner with big swinging man boobs?

So much this. I'm 30, have a LTR, make 80kUSD a year, and live in a 300k house I paid for myself. Not everyone on here is a basement dwelling faggot. Only like 50%

you need a training bra.

Best way to hide it is getting a bigger belly

be a man and do not care

'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.'

You can't burn fat targetted!!!

Well then if it is OP then yes running is your best bet, also focus on chest exercises i.e. diamond push ups, wide push ups, etc. Basic callisthenics do more for you than weights.

Dude, I run more than 2 miles for the bus. I think your idea of how much exercise you should be doing needs a stark reassessment.

Eat less and do different chest excercises.
You should he doing bench in multiple ways such and flat and inclined and you need to find the machine where your arms start out pointed straight from your body to the sides and you grab handles and pull them together in front of you. You need to try to flex your pecs while your work them.

Most importantly though you need to lose wieght faggot.

Eat 5-6 meals a day spread apart evenly. Each meal should contain around 300 calories.
Drink ass loads of water.
Don't do any more then 2 gallons every 4 hours though or you'll fuck your shit up.

Do this for 3 months and you'll drown in pussy.

Pro tip: buy mens multivitamins from GNC and take that shit everyday bitch.

Pro pro tip:
Eat 2-3 eggs every couple days for cholesterol and protien. It'll up your testosterone.

You're welcome

get a real job pussy

lose weight or gain muscle
to lose weight, fucking eat less
to gain muscle eat more and do chest exercises
You have literally no chest muscle, so its not surprising you think you have too much chest fat. If you cant bench at least 90kg for 8-10 then you probably won't like what your chest looks like

Pec flies will not get rid of the fat. You need specifically cardio exercises.

A tall fellow and a shorter one who is what counted as obese these days.

that is gynocomastia. very minor, out patient medical procedures can remedy a case like that without invasive surgery. It honestly isn't bad enough for 90% of people to notice.

You ARE the 50%

Not working hard enough. Wtf u got body of a 12 yr oldgirl

listen moron, do you even know what gyno is? More testosterone in your body means more is converted to estrogen, hence the bigger your mantits will be

Lose weight. How? Eat less calories than what your body consumes. It's that easy

Thanks for your opnion you can file it in the complaint box with all the other uneducated faggots.

uhm, what? you're the one needing some education I guess, here's the link:

In men that beerbelly/pizza fat on the stomach is one of hte last places fat comes off. Fat cannot be spot-burned at all and comes off in layers over your whole body. If you have a lot of fat concentrated on your belly I'm sorry to say thare are no shortcuts and you got to keep eating clean (while maintaining a caloric deficit of no more than 25%) and doing cardio to lower your bodyfat %.

By 10% or under bodyfat your belly fat should disappear.

Nice link that didn't prove shit.
You can up youe testosterone and put on muscle even though it ups your estrogen faggot.
Do you see body builders waking around in dress and crying about the fact that its "just such a nice day outside"
Fuck off with your gay bullshit
The adults are talking

>implying bodybuilders don't use AI-s during and after the cycle
haha ok bro, go back to gym to inject your roids

Mild gyno maybe.

Do more weightlifting and intermittent fasting. Also fasted cardio does wonders for fat loss while keeping muscle.
Cut down any use soy or flax or use of plastic and find an estrogen blocker/aromatase inhibitor.
Eat celery, broccoli/cauliflower, asparagus/cabbage, spinach and other greens, saturated fats are good, unless it's Omega 3 polyunsaturated cats are bad.

Try supplementing since and selenium.

I think BPI sport A-hd helped me loose fat , it blocks some estrogen production.


The rest of your body proves that you are a lair

>low rep high weight for size
It's like you don't even lift.

seriously dude... you have no definition anywhere on your body, theres no way your working out nearly hard enough

whats your workout routine?

>Basic callisthenics do more for you than weights.

>Implying AI's don't increase estrogen just as much as naturally increasing testosterone does IF NOT MORE.

Like I said. You are uneducated.
Stop talking

Build muscle, instead. The bodyfat will be a lower percentage of total body mass when more lean mass is added. It has the added benefit of allowing you to burn more calories at rest, as well.

why does no one ever comment on my post you fucking faggots

Do circuit training workouts with 75% of max weights.... include at least 30 mins of intense cardio (i.e. running not walking) somewhere in there twice a week

And push yourself dude... if you don't have sweat somewhere on your body by the end of it you're not doing it right

because no one likes a bitch

I've read your sentence 5x now and it still makes no sense whatsoever. AI-s whole purpose is to prevent testosterone being converted to estrogen, how the fuck does it INCREASE estrogen in your world? I'd like some links now, instead of your citationless dribble. Oh and, fuck you, this is Sup Forums, I can talk as much as I want.

Do you mean aramarose inhibiters or anabolic injections?
This is a big fucking stretch buddy.
Only men taking fucking horse steroids use shit like that.
Eating some fucking eggs is gonna help you build muscle and lose some fat.
You're so deep in the coolaid I can't even figure out what the fuck you are talking about.
This is a little chubby kid with some tummy fat not arnold you ball gargler.
Jesus christ it's like you just wanna argue for the sake of feeling like you are a man for a little while.
Fucking faggot

keep yelling faggots, meanwhile OP's titties will grow and a new trap is born

Keep telling people to yell faggot. Meanwhile OP's titties will grow and he will still be to good looking for you

HAHAHAHAHA, ok now I get it, you're trolling. Well done my friend

Thats what i would say if I lost too.

REEEE I get pissed of when I see all these meatheads talking about Muscle. Fat on this kind of spots cannot be removed by you working hard on your chest op. Running is the way. Eat clean, run and maybe train chest as well. You CANNOT lose weight or fat from one spot on your body only. You must lose all of your fat. This Fat or maybe Gyno gathered there when you were a teen going trough Puberty. Train hard OP run a lot, eat clean if you lose all of the fat and you still have this it's definitely Gyno and you may need to have a surgery. But Do not be ashamed. I have it to, but i'm not really ashamed of it as I workout and have a decent body.

did op's titties grow while this thread been up, and cna we have some updated photos

>Is a fucking retard and couldn't understand what user was trying to say
>Still posts picture

try to do some sport. go to a gym. you dont look like one how goes to a gym

yeah I lost it alright. Almost pissed my pants from laughing so hard on your autistic trollpost

Judging by the rest of you, you aren't working hard enough.

Eat a little less, work out a LOT more.

Stay mad

What are you two even arguing about?

You will always have chest fat, but consider less dairy you moobie having fuck.

Your moms fat tits.
The other user things she needs a breast reduction and to lay off the sweets. I think she needs to eat less cause she is a fat fucking cow

The'yre arguing about arguing.


you can easily backtrack our conversation, we have links to eachothers posts

he was talking about "anabolic injections", I pointed out, that he's an autist, nothing much, just a regular Sup Forumsusiness


Hey OP I had Gyno surgery 2 months ago.
Your case is very minor compared to mine I had both fat and breast tissue that I couldn't get rid of no matter my body weight.

I had my OP in Australia, cost me $7k of which my private health insurance covered $2k (the day hospital component)

Op only took 2 hours, I had 3 weeks recovery before returning to work.

The first couple days sucked serious ass, I could barely move and showering was impossible. Relied on my wife to bring me food etc.

my scars were only 1.5 CM long underneath my pecs and they are healing nicely, they will be barely visible but I don't care about them, I could never go shirtless before anyway.

My nipples and skin around them are 100% numb. No feeling at all. Could take a couple years to get feeling back apparently.

Underneath them it's still tender to apply pressure.

Complete physical. Blood work up. Specifically testosterone tests. Maybe an endocrinologist as well. Low fat, high protein diet. Exercise. Bench.

2 miles every week is almost nothing. Even 2 miles every day should only be your starting off point.