Here's why sub-saharan Africa never left the stone age >shitty native crops >no beast of burden >no animals suitable for domestication >inhospitable climate >no cohesive language among it's people It would take all of your effort just to be able to supply enough food for your self to eat, with no free time to discover or hone any kind of technology more advanced than a stick or a rock.
Why is the western world trying to force Africa into the 21st century? They keep demonstrating they are not capable of responsibly using any technology given to them no matter what it is; food, government, weapons, medicine, water.
We have to show mercy for those that bear the Mark of Cain.
Easton Morales
>Why is the western world trying to force Africa into the 21st century? They want to exploit their resources.
Aaron Harris
yes, they didn't or couldn't advance for various reasons. They never adapted (genetically) for an environment that rewarded planning etc (as is HIGHLY necessary and advantageous in wintery areas). And so their history has left them deeply unprepared for the modern world. An accident of history, but supported by the facts.
Nolan Long
Most adult american niggers cant make it past the 8th grade, and most adult african niggers cant make it into middle school without a very dumbed down system.
Wyatt Sullivan
>muh guns germs and steel
David Price
Elijah Reed
seems logical that that environment would favor those who are motivated for instant gratification.
Jonathan Cox
>Niggers didn't progress because the African climate is too shit >Niggers didn't progress because the African climate is too good Well? Which is it?
Jordan King
>literally just parroting (((jared diamond)))
It's been torn apart a thousand times here already.
>no beast of burden >no animals suitable for domestication
And yet shortly after colonizing africa, white europeans had already begun domesticating the local wildlife, and even started selling some of them overseas to work on plantations and farms in America.
Levi Lee
Dude, who gives a fuck why. Why is this board so obsessed with niggers. I swear the only things that discussed here is nigger cocks, niggers fucking white women, and the cognitive abilities of niggers.
Jeremiah Ward
So that must be why no farms ever turned a profit in Rhodesia, ey, OP?
Michael Parker
because we're all at least a little bit racist and looking for affirmation in our prejudice
Eli Cook
>Why is Sup Forums obsessed with niggers Have you ever lived around niggers?
Dylan Russell
the climate doesn't reward long-term planning.
Ian Peterson
Let's go through all of your reasons: >wrong >wrong >redundant and still wrong >wrong >incorrect
Noah Wood
>no beast of burden >no animals suitable for domestication Mate it's chockful of niggers
Isaiah Taylor
The climate rewards baring your breasts
Josiah Flores
Anthony Lopez
o yea i forgot about that time african tribes domesticated corn, wheat, and barely for farming.
Jaxson Rogers
Adam Green
>no beast of burden >no animals suitable for domestication lol, you do realize that wild animals BECOME domesticated after years and years of breeding and trial and error.
Fucking Africans were too fucking stupid to even try, that's why.
Nolan Bailey
Actually those are all right and you're fucking dumb. Nice try, cuck.
Grayson Mitchell
The Bahamas Sup Forumstard hates niggers.
Nolan Perez
Liberals would rather kill millions of people than admit their worldview is wrong.
See: Lysenkoism.
Colton Powell
I am a nigger.
Grayson Jackson
as if that wasnt already obvious
Grayson Green
then why don't we just let them all die off
Asher Cooper
That's not what I asked
Brandon Clark
>domesticating the local wildlife
Cooper Gomez
This and >hurr durr look at the stats > durr every1 knows correlation proves causation hurr The amount of inferences made on this board are such fucking self serving bullshit
Ethan Cooper
Bullshit, even the sand niggers made progress in what it seems to be a harsher desert. >inb4 kangz
Nolan Cook
>no animals suitable for domestication
Isaiah Miller
Alexander Reed
Those obviously don't count because of reasons
Ayden Campbell
there are some white people there
Julian Foster
Damn, that looks awesome.
>Why am I not breeding zebras and riding in a stylish carriage behind them?
Josiah Cruz
Colton Edwards
>its so easy even a chinaman can do it
Why can't niggers? Too dumb? Too lazy? Theyre smart enough to put a giant plate in their lip but they cant run a ring through an calfs nose?
Austin Perez
Angel Bell
>Putting a giant plate in their lips >smart You made a mistake there
Hunter Barnes
black "man"
*A nigger, not a man, subhuman trash
Blacks = Niggers
There's absolutely NO difference, they're all ugly, stupid and disgusting
Each and every one of them should be killed, they're subhuman trash (And I'm not joking, I'm serious)
Christopher Morris
>shitty native crops False, Sub-Saharan Africa is home to more types of grains than anywhere else on Earth, they also had Watermelon, Yams, Okra, Black-eyed peas and Coffee.
>no beast of burden They had donkeys, specifically they domesticated African wild donkey.
>no animals suitable for domestication See above, they also domesticated Guineafowl.
>inhospitable climate Not really, its actually an extremely hospitable climate, which makes their failure to advance all the more hilarious.
>no cohesive language among it's people This is probably the only point you make that is objectively true, language barriers, cultural barriers and tribal attitudes have kept Africa war torn for thousands of years.
Juan Phillips
What about the abos then? Australia has a hospitable climate and plenty of decent native animals and plants. I'm pretty sure it's just a problem with blacks.
Owen Fisher
I guess you're not wrong, but we need to gas you as well.
Gabriel Morris
top kek
Joshua Phillips
i hate you faggots that say blacks and niggers are no even if you have the displeasure of living by that one black guy that acts 'white', the nigger virus is still inside him like a zombie and will come out sometimes they have to be triggered
Caleb Jones
Fuck off with this meme. Some african tribes(Including mine) were at the iron age before europeans arrived
>One tribe. >One fucking tribe. >One fucking tribe advanced itself. >One fucking tribe no longer exists because all the neighbouring tribes ran them over with a class 11 chimp out and stole all their shit and murdered the fucking lot of them.