What is your job?

>What is your job?
>How many hours do you work a week
Working 60+ hours sounds retarded to me

Anywhere from 40 to 70 at present. Will continue to go up for the next 3-4yrs before dipping down again.

does working that much not stress you out? burn out must be high af for doctors

>software developer
>40 hours/week

yes, some people have a life outside work and the leverage to make that clear to HR.

Burn out is pretty high...but in saying that it's mostly swept under the carpet given the personality types and the environment that is medicine.
I just find it easy to switch off after work and spend whatever little bit of time I have relaxing and doing things I enjoy. Everyone is different.

+ the money makes the burnout seem like less of a problem

50-60 hours a week
God has forgotten me

in Australia, junior doctors make $30/hr. Compare that to a bartender who earns roughly $22-25 an hour. It goes up each year out of university, but still, we aren't paid that well off the bat considering the university duration, ongoing course expenses, expectations and level of stress and responsibilities.

isn't the majority driving around

Chem analyst for Big Petrol
~30 hours a week. It's all nightshifts though

Plus side I get to browse internet in between taking samples while the analyze-O-matic 9000 does all the work

my dream job is to do nothing for the majority of the time spent at work


>Working 60+ hours sounds retarded to me
I have literally nothing else going on in my life.

Get a job as a security guard then

Graduate student researcher
20 hours a week

Depends on the job. I travel for a living and often end up working 40+ hours just in travel time, not counting the actual working part.

I frequently work 70+ hours. I have a few 90 hour weeks and days where I'm on the clock for 18-24 hours.

retail hell
usually 32 hours a week, sometimes 40.

Probably arnt big enough kek

Substitute teacher atm (hoping to god to find something in the next 2 months)

"work" about 35-38 hours a week if I'm lucky enough to schedule it all.

But, see... not all teachers work the same.

High school and Middle school? They get 3-4 periods off a day. One for lunch and the others for "prep." Ostensibly this is for meetings and preparation but 80% of the time it's just chilling and cooling down from dealing with asshole kids. As a sub, those are fully off periods for me.

Elementary and below? Not so lucky. They get a lunch (they don't have periods, but the timing is roughly the same) and maybe another "period" because the kids are in gym class. So out of what would be 9 periods they work 7-8.

I prefer the older age level anyway, so if you look at real work it's more like 20 hours.

how's the job? if I was working that much I'd atleast have to enjoy it

primary reason I thought about teaching before going to college was the amount of off time

It has its ups and its downs. I travel all over the US so I see quite a bit of stuff and have fun where I can, been doing it for about 2.5 years. It was much better when I first started, company is sort of going to shit. I would recommend it for a younger single person to do for a few years just to see the sights and get some cool stories. Coming up on 3 years and I'm pretty burnt out.

Don't get me wrong, there's all the lesson planning and grading and shit, but your work day is definitely made to have built in breaks (plus the classes are often running by themselves after a certain point in the year or 15 minutes into a period)

It's good money for the effort if your district pays high. Just need a bachelors to sub and I get about 120 per diem for like 5 periods of work and I'm out by 2:30 with the older levels.. though that does mean early as fuck starts it also means I can work another job easily.

I'm also running the elementary after school homework help hour thing soon, and since teachers here have amazing contracts (and in most cases THEY would have been running it) that means $67 an hour (for that one hour a day, but still)

Really doesn't matter depending on where you work. There's a 5 foot nothing skinny woman working at the oil refinery. All they is buzz people in and out and keep an eye on the monitors while smoking and eating pizza. In case something weird actually happens all they have (or are even allowed) to do is put the place on lockdown and wait for the cops to show up.

I kinda envy the bastards. They get to hang around in a group and shoot the shit while I mostly sit on my own in an enforced sterile environment, which means labcoat, plastic shoe covers etc. while nothing ever happens. The only other person who I always on site is my supervisor who is a shell of a man who builds cardhouses on his desk. I've never even seen him enter or leave and all he ever does is make notes of whatever anomaly I report.

Like 15-25 hrs (part time tho)

I agree with the young person bit, no really sustainable long term mentally

holy fuck that sounds dismal

Also, the money isnt too bad. When I first started I was working the most, averaged about 75 hours for the first year, made a little less than 50k at about 12 bucks an hour. I've had a few raises since then so I'm doing better, so another reason I would recommend it to a single guy as a chance to build up a nice little nest egg

or spend it all on hookers and cocaine

depends on compensation, or if you enjoy it.

As long as I wasn't struggling to get by, I'd be happy to spend a large part of my time working towards something.

But like, sales or something? Only if it's insane money.

lol ok cool.

thinking back to all my teachers they didn't really have to do a lot of work, a lot of them complained about money though especially the younger ones

It's really not that bad. As I said I do about 30 hours a week. That's three 8 hour nightshifts + however long it takes to process results/deal with anomalies. Which is 99 times out of a 100 to simply take another sample untill everything checks out. The 1 in a 100 time something is actually wrong I report it to my supervisor who phones in the experts while we jack eachother off some more. 3500 merkelshekels a month isn't a bad deal for 3 nights a week.

The stupidest thing is I had to study chemistry for 3 years to land a job any fucking idiot could do

cheap hookers and cocaine

>systems engineer/product manager
>40 hrs
>26 years old

eh yeah 100 bucks a nut aint too bad

Working on ships fly in fly out as an engineer. 16 week swings working 7 days a week 8am to 5pm so 63 hours a week providing no call outs at night for shit blowing up or stopping (pretty common on older ships)
16 weeks at home after that though

It completely depends on where you live. More or less, the education requirement corresponds to the compensation.

I'm in NY, they require teaching certifications and that, if you don't already have one, you must earn a Masters within about 4 years of employment. On Long Island, the range is upper 60k to low 6 figure depending on district and seniority.

Go to Florida? Get fucked. They require just bachelors and know they can get any old fucker from teach for America. 40k-ish.

I've worked in schools for a little over 3 years now. There's a reason they say "those who can't do, teach." Their main skill is classroom management, not subject specialization. That's for universities.

Yeah your "job" is 20 hours a week but if you factor in your class time and HW/studying I'm sure it goes over 50 hours/week.

3 nights a week for 3500 a month is dope

I'm in community college and working as a Department Assistant for the Fine Arts Department. Lotta spreadsheets emails and phone calls, pays minimum wage but is p much tax free. That's only 15 hrs a week but I make much more money doing commissions which could mean 0 hours a week or 60+, which leads to $0 a week or a few hundred on top of my assistant job. Best sustaining is my Financial aid and scholarships and grants and what not though

>Working 60+ hours sounds retarded to me

I scrub shit tanks

Do you get free class for that?

Corporate sales.

I don't really have a schedule, so I only have to stay available online and in my phone for whatever comes up. I go to the office so people see me, but I don't really have to.

In terms of hrs, I guess I have worked up to 60 hrs a week in busy times, but for now it's been months since I have to dedicate more than 5 hrs a week to actual job duties. I spend my days browsing FB and Twitter, reading news outlets and overall just managing my stuff.

how the FUCK do i get a job at the post office?

Door to door sales. Whatever schedule I want but 20 hours is minimum for $750 check usually

Sorta sorta not. I get huge privileges, at least $2,000 of scholarship could have never happened if I hadn't had all of that in my application and the letters of rec. The job also makes it like literally 3x more likely I'll get into the schools I apply to later because my boss is statewide important. It's kind of how they make up for terrible hours and pay for a really hard job, pullin strings and what not.

Drywaller and I work 50-60 hours a week, but honestly it's not bad at all for me. I used to do this same job with the same amount of hours but I hated it because of who I was working with. Now I'm working with a crew that I very much enjoy and consider them friends (I haven't known them very long).

I'd say it all comes down to who your working with, because it's rare to find a job working with people that are fun and purpose driven. I worked 50 hours this week and I feel as though it's been 1 day, now I have 1000$ in my pocket and feel good because all my bills are paid and I have food AND I look forward to Monday coming. Working long and hard is good when good things come from it

This thread is a fucking joke. People just posting because they pretend somebody cares. Just like lame normie zodiac posts "lol paste youe zodiac mezsage below" like god damn everyone can read the original post we don't need you copy pasting it. Shit like this is just for dirty attention whores.

HR consultant. I work like 66 hours per week in the spring. FeelsBadMan

It's not an actual job but i get paid money + free stuff to attend to parties because i'm pretty

I work 36 hours a week but as long as i'm not late at all I get paid for 40. Friday sat and sunday overnights welding pressure vessels . I make 23.50 an hour

Actually the more complicated zodiacs are harder to read, there's an interesting thread on /x/ about it.