What is the best horror game you've played?

What is the best horror game you've played?


This one

Jesus dude. Remembering that game, I'm not sleeping tonight forsure

Dead Space 1 and before that Bioshock. that's about it because after that it was all about sequels and sagas and shit

Dead space 1. +1

The Room was better. Those ghost were scary as fuck.

bioshock is one of the most overrated games ive ever played.

when the original came out it was revolutionary.

Killer 7

The suffering was so fucking badass! I really enjoyed both of them and wish wb interactive would makes a new game. Since they gobbled up midway

Project zomboid. Atmosphere is tense as fuck, and these scenarios actually made be a bit anxious.

I really like it.

Is that battletoads?

Either Nocturne or the original Resident Evil. Undead + ambiance is scary, bit intentionally scarce ammunition make the game so much more intense.


Stalker is pretty good early on... mid to late game, it turns into an average fps


Have any of you ever played fatal frame 2? It scared the crap out of me when I was younger. I loved it.


I love it. I rented it and it seemed so fucking awesome. I wish they would make a new one.