EDC Thread. Or bag or car edc

EDC Thread. Or bag or car edc

these threads are gay and pointless.
grow up and stop roll playing.


You are gay and pointless.


my basic edc


so gay

glad u like

not pictured: glock 19 gen4, mag loaded w/hornady critical duty 9mm JHP

>hornady inferior gimmick ammo
lol get some HSTs or winchester bonded/PDX1s


i'd post but its just a bottle in a brown bag



join us

shut the fuck up, I'll put whatever I want in my gun.

he doesn't have any weapons you mongoloid

probably from some eurocuck sharia police-state

U backpacking around the spanish cuntryside or someshit

Nah he just has an high iq


you are free to be retarded if you want to, was just trying to help

hes backpacking at the barnes and noble starbucks counter


>being so much of an ammo snob for a 9mm cartridge that hornady crit defense isnt good enough

top fucking kek m8

keys, phone, wallet

>thongs (flip flops for all you amerilards)

you're fucking stupid man

what happens if you drop your keys in the grass during a power outtage but your phone is dead so you have no light while a nigger is trying to rob you in the middle of BLM rally and china detonates an EMP bomb? The fuck you gonna do with keys a phone and a wallet?

Edc in Orlando always Nov 4_5th. Plan wedding this year Nov 11. Edc Nov 10_11. Fml

i just prefer the best i can get, especially when it comes to something my life might one day rely on.

>buying anythign made by winchester
>the best I can get

pick one

I hope someone actually reads this. It's a work in progress.

>small flask
>spare lighter
>fishing line
>dog shoes
>musher's secret wax
>kriega reservoir
>spine pad
>retractable leash
>bike pump
>spare tubes
>garage remote
>poop bags

>coin bag - does not rattle
>keys on lanyard (batons illegal here)
>extra battery
>treat bag
>collapsible bowl
>7idp ankle guards
>mtb comfy shoes

media player is zune hd
camera is fujifilm x100f

shit..... satan is right

If china detonated an EMP bomb I'm pretty sure the last of my problems would be fixed by having a fucking gun.

If an emp went off how would i watch my virtual reality porn?


I carry HSTs. winchester is still objectively better than hornady crap. XTPs are good though

lol, I just tried imagining what kinda noise that shit in the altoid can would make as he walked around.

a gun is just about the only piece of technology that would work lmao

you could hunt with it for survival food, and defend yourself. what else is there to do at that point?

love my zune

it mainly stays in my car though

I thought they went outta business like a decade ago

they still supported the software for a while and this one was released in 2009 I think

easily the best pmp Ive ever used though


zune is cool guy. i have a gen 1 zune. had it since 2006ish, just died a few weeks ago. randomly reset to factory mode and needs updates but wont install them...

a buddy of mine had a zune and he had one of those sick ass media tables that they made for awhile. that shit was cool as fuck

husky actually, but thanks

it's not very noisy actually


Sorry wrong thread.
I do not carry an alien baby with me daily.

The only thing you should be carrying everyday is pic related.
Are you a girl? Retarded?

Forgot pic but my point still stands.

my edc is a fox emerson karambit and a walther ppq

>Apple user is the asshole
Whoda thunk it

So EDC means the stuff you go rob a bank with? And come out with BAG of cash? Or what? Electronic Dance Cucks?

calls other guy gay and pointless, calls him out for "roll" playing. My god does anybody actually read any of their posts before posting?

lol'd at the sink plug

Nevermind. Apparently EDC stands for Every Day Carry. Obviously everyone here is an armed felon. I carry a wallet, phone, and my keys. How about it? Sometimes a pen.

Apparently not

2/10 woefully unprepared



>add trekz air to existing tech setup
>build a better trash picker
>dog harness shit
>bike shit
>bike trailer shit
>camping shit
>shit shit shit
>nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger shit nigger


of all the shit in that pic it was the rifle round in the mag that got me

never know when you might need extra the firepower


nice digits my man...

is this a mofukin drain plug cuz???

holy shit


plus knife or multitool

He doesn't have his UK Knife Permitâ„¢ from his local Sharia office

my every day


cba posting another pic. i only blocked my name ironically name is soullbound

Not my pic.