Fuck these millennials

How the fuck does anyone like this team?

The """face"" of the franchise is a spoiled rich mullatto kid who never knew anything close to a struggle in life. If he never made it into the NBA, he would've been JUST fine as his dad made $42.8 million in his career

His "splash" brother is another rich kid of a millionaire basketball player who tries too hard to act like a spacey pothead, but really is covering up the fact he has absolutely no fucking personality besides being a fucking spacey pothead

Their """""defensive""""" anchor is a loud-mouth nigger piece of shit who talks a lot of shit but rarely backs it up and the only reason why anyone pays attention to him is because his teammates bail him out since he has no offensive give.

Their newest free agent acquisition is a bitch and coward of the highest order, betraying the very principles we all hold dear in the world by being a fucking traitor

Their coach is a loudmouth SJW who can't keep his fucking mouth shut when it comes to things that don't involve basketball.

Not to mention this might be the most millennial team of all fucking time, and everyone fucking hates millennials

Fuck them.

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Damn did Steph Curry fuck your girl or something?

It's not that serious.

-No one is particularly alpha.
-Everyone tries to shortcut their way to success without going through the lumps.
-All the players are soft-spoken and autistic, except Draymond who's a loudmouth donkey
-Most entitled team in NBA history

If you disagree with this statement, you deserve to be gassed or hung from a tree.

I can get infinitely more girls than that beta cuckold of a white boy.

Back to your containment board buddy.

I'm guessing that's a yes, he did fuck your girl. It's alright homie. Light skin dudes steal girls all the time.

I could steal your girl right now and she'd leave you in a fucking second. Where do you live, faggot?


You can shitpost better than you can, faggot. Don't let me down.

Did DRaymond green not call you back or something?

Theyre popular because they're good

No one cares about the personality of the athlete, just the performance.

If you want depth of character, go watch a movie or a tv show. This is sports.

>being this buttmad because your team will never be this good
deny it all you want but steph curry has infinitely more talent in his left pinky than you can ever hope to have. Besides it's basketball theyre pretty much all niggers. You can't judge them based on their personality think of it like mandingo fighting


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA on what planet? The Cavs, Hawks, Spurs, Clippers, Grizzlies, and Thunder are all significantly better than the memechucking faggots built for millennial faggots such as yourself.

t. Millennial

Stephen Curry is a half-nigger piece of shit who would be a garbage player if it wasn't for his memechucking. You and I both know this. The fact that you're disagreeing with what 80% of Sup Forums thinks, leads me to thinking you're from reddit. Gas yourself or we'll hang you from a tree, fucking millennial faggot.

>if you play basketball you have to be a REAL OG ONE HUNNED NIGGA FROM DA BLOCK MAYNE and play exclusively by niggaslamjam dunking
Ok kid. Go get your homework done, you've got school in the morning.

I love millennials

That's not a refutation, just ad hominem.

>>Sup Forums
Go to tv if you want to see character development

>The Cavs

Stopped reading there. Go do your homework you underage piece of shit.

>unironically getting this mad that the warriors consistently BTFO the team you bandwagon

I don't have to do homework. I'm the manager of a construction firm.

Gas yourself.

It doesn't matter. If you want to correct yourself, you should gas yourself. Millennials are the scourge of the Earth and should all be collectively gassed. 80% of this board agrees with you as it's mainly Gen Xers and Gen Z.

Not mad, just stating the truth that you cannot accept.

Damn how you hate the Warriors so much you have to go online and complain about it?

Think you need some help man. You might actually kill yourself if they win this year.

I was born in 1979, can't possibly be underaged. I've been following basketball longer than you. Besides, the Cavs have drive, something at least two thirds of the teams in the NBA do not have.

millennials seem like decent folk.

>Gas yourself or we'll hang you from a tree, fucking millennial faggot.
>"im not mad"
Ok Kid. I think mom just called you for bedtime.

Do your workers know you go into autistic ragefits on a Thai Basket Weaving Imageboard??

I'm not complaining. I'm just stating the truth. Now refute this.

>No one is particularly alpha.
>Everyone tries to shortcut their way to success without going through the lumps.
>All the players are soft-spoken and autistic, except Draymond who's a loudmouth donkey
>Most entitled team in NBA history
>Their fanbase is from the limp-wristed cesspool of a place known as the San Francisco Bay Area. (Excluding the nignogs in inner Oakland who relate more with Draymond)

>I was born in 1979

Please tell me there really aren't people born in the 70s here

we're not here forever...are we?

>the cavs have drive
That's why they sucked LeBron's dick the moment he decided to come home after leaving you guys to get fucked up the ass for years while he went and chased a ring

people born in the 70s literally use the internet

this hasn't been a secret club since long before you ever found out about it

>decent people

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you don't know what they fucking are to make a conclusion, you fucking dunce. Millennials are ruining the country. All the economic crises are being caused by them. The Warriors are another example of millennial entitlement.

And I was born in 1979. Nice try, millennial.

My workers give me respect because I can effectively make men out of their former millennial selves. You must be a lazy virgin NEET, correct?

literally nothing wrong with 3 of those things
1 other is just flat out untrue
the other is just whiny faggotry on your part

> getting this mad

>All the economic crises are being caused by them
this doesn't even begin to make sense

you realize millennials just got here, right?
all economic crises are being caused by boomers. Fact is that all of the economic crises caused by old farts are being borne by them, and they are handling it decently well (by recognizing how fucked the system is)

in conclusion, Trump is clinically retarded

No, their players had drive because they listened to the authority and got it passed down from the generation to below. This is what millennials fail to recognize. Steve Kerr is an enabler.

I'm an originalfag. Been here since 2003 when I was 24, but then took a long break until about 2011 to start up my construction firm, now I have time to post here and make myself clear.

When did you join, faggot?

2005, except I actually "joined" (wtf) in 2005

Who cares?

You clearly aren't a fan of the Warriors. Why does it matter at all what the players are like?

t. Millennial

> im the manager of a construction firm

>i was born in 1979.
No you weren't.

You're a 20-24 year old university student who lives with his parents in some shitty Midwestern bedroom suburb

Grandpa shit himself again, someone call In Home Supportive Services.

cant wait for this pasta again tomorrow tbqhwyfamily

Curry is the goat


And go 0/4

We all saw the 3-1 collapse. Imagine if LeBron James got raped like that in the Finals?

>tfw millenialposting has replace career-ending-injury-posting

But the Warriors ARE full of millennials

How is that even disputable?

turns out every team is full of millennials, since most nba players are in their 20s

Why are you so autistically obsessed with that word? Has "cuck" finally been replaced as Sup Forums's meme buzzword of choice?

>canadian flag
>warriors fan

99.99999% this is a small dick chink

almost every athlete in every sport is a millennial except for the ones in the twilight of their careers

how ass mad do you have to be to post the same gripes over and over again?

at what point is pasta merely spam, and therefore against the rules?


Most teams don't have a franchise face that are straight up silver spooner millennial soft SJW faggots

I can't wait for Generation Z, I like that they're all racists and right wing

>this faggot has spent the past hour+ spamming the refresh button and nerd raging at everyone he believes to be a "millennial" because the warriors are a better basketball team than his favorite.
How can anyone be ok with themselves knowing they've just spent their evening this way?


Except Colin Cowherd was the first one to point out how millennial the Warriors are, and he's an even keeled mainstream commentator with no biases


Don't worry LeGod will stop them

What's the Warrior copypasta gonna be for next year?

>Colin Cowherd was the first one to point out how millennial the Warriors are

Then it makes it more pathetic that Sup Forums has people parroting Colin Cowherd's mainstream bullshit FOR FREE.

Why don't you dispute what he said

I don't think I've ever seen a more rage induced thread
calm down m8