Cubs 0-1 Cardinals
top 6
Cubs 0-1 Cardinals
top 6
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This is the year
mo'Lester tried to rape me!
shit teams shit fans
when are we going to get an o's jays classic
I hate ESPN so fucking much
>go 2 bar
>get drink
>fuckin mis my shit n that
>fuck lost what the fuck
How th fuck do I get back fuck I m lost fucking shit I need to get bak 2 game nd seat. I'm drink rn
Let's go doyers
Call the police and ask them to help you find your bomb that you use as a landmark to get home
I hope you get hit by a bus you lush.
tfw no cub fan bf to dom subby me
>Cubs haven't done shit all game
>announcers can't stop gushing over them and gossiping over stories of the player's personal lives
fuck Espn
First for classy softcore actresses.
>The Cubs are playing like complete shit
>It's still only 1-0
The moment the Cubs unfuck themselves, they're going to go on a tear.
>Martinez making the Cusbs look like shit
>pick twelve
Best booth in the bigs
>5 captcha puzzles
go home, you alkie whore
first for the 'dres!!!
Poodres get relocated to Vegas.
I just ate a whole pizza
what kind of diameter are we talking?
I just threw the whole pizza
5 feet 9 230 pounds
Molina has such a curious stance
feel better user
are there any cubs fans here into traps? I am craving dick.
shitposter getting rektd by the better team
That's tripfag size
you've been roofied
No, I am a cards fan, but I can offer you some low quality meth
16 inch deep dish pie
Do you have any idea how many calories that is
Go throw it up before it's too late
only little faggot bitch boys count calories
men work that shit off at the gym you little gay boy
muh launch angle
that's pretty solid tbhwyf
Says it all really.
>I have never played baseball, let alone in the MLB, and have next to zero experience as an analyst. Now let me lecture you on MLB during a primetime broadcast for the game of the week for no reason other than because I am a woman, and an ethnic minority
>Watching (((ESPN)))
Hungry skeleton spotted.
Make that 10
>Lester getting replaced by a nigger.
>Could only pitch half a game
Someone had a little too much fun in Boystown.
8/10 foreplay
i have seen more convincing trannys desu
ESPN needs to go
How the fuck do they calculate that fucking milenials never saw the great cobb
Please end your life
she's pretty good actually.
t. mexican tranny
>the great cobb
is that some kind of filthy flyover corn country deity or something?
good luck mr skelly
Male snownigger actually
so uncle tom
A smaller sample size leads to greater variability
>2nd base defense
wow it's fucking nothing, players who can't cut it at short
Stop shit-talking our girl Mendozy. She's actually unobtrusive as fuck and only talks when she has a specific anecdote or stat to mention
no it's the guy who invented the cobb salad duh you fucking ingrate
Second baseman couldn't get the ball out quick enough to turn 2
can someone pls tell me why javier baez is hyped up so much on espn?
How are her feet though
And women shouldn't talk about men's sports
ty cobb he hit .525 career and played short and 2nd at the same time, his team had 2 catchers.
>yankees lose
>giants lose
>cubs are on their way to losing
what went right?
she's a woman though and merely hearing the sound of one talking fills me with such rage that i am unable to pay attention to the game
Please excuse my dear aunt sally
Checks out perfectly then
This desu I don't mind her at all
it's 2017, the memes have become reality
Ok they are nice I like her
>putting brick behind home
Yes, but do you treat the
6/2(3) as saying that the (3) is a parenthesis and multiply first, or do you go left to right and divide then multiply?
>cubs saved by a meme bounce
>zero practical experience or technical analysis
>takes the job of a legend in Curt Schilling who did nothing but call out mudslimes in a single tweet, which violated the cuck contract of (((ESPN)))
I live in a rich, fairly conservative suburb of Chicago
No one here slurps semen except the kids who have no power
She has nice toes desu
why does molina look like he has been crying?
>A good hitter
>Hit .237 last season
Wow so this is the National league huh?
>baseball version of a hole in one is the ball fortunately bouncing back on a wild pitch
>not an unassisted triple play or perfect game or no hitter
who is this faggot that keeps chiming in?
It's 9, kiddies
>Not using common core and finding the correct answer to be 6
Naperville yuppie detected.
it's the current year
You sound sexually frustrated
>doesnt know who the great cobb is
>>not an unassisted triple play or perfect game or no hitter
a hole in one is easier and more common than those things
Kek fuck no I live 30 minutes north from naperville
and he's hyped up everywhere, they can't stop talking about him on MLB network also. pretty sure Vasgersian is actually in love with him
>Chicagoland Area baby who thinks he lives in Chicago
it's 1