"Russia is plenty of threat" - Donald Trump

He muttered that toward the end of his speech tonight in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I thought he was pro-Russia and I don't know how to interpret it, it seems against all he's said so far.

Recently he had conversations with neocons like Lindsey Graham, did they turn him?

At least he's better than Shillary but damn, it'll be so disappointing if there's no Russia-America alliance in 2017.

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Only delusional retards actually believe the USA and Russia would ally. Our interests are diametrically opposed in every possible way.

Well his will reassure the Polishcucks here.

wake the fuck up man he is doing what he has to do to get elected either that or lose or get shot he has to play the game .

>Our interests are diametrically opposed in every possible way.
Only currently so. They are opposed because the U.S. supports European globalist interests and supports Saudi Arabia and therefore opposes Syria and Iran. There's no other reason for us to be enemies with Russia.

All that could change with a visionary that understands secular dictators are better than jihadists (Saddam Hussein killed terrorists, and many others too, but at least he kept the jihadists in check) and that Saudi Arabia is not a friend at all. Also, Israel could be convinced to support al-Assad if he were forced to support Israel and surrender the Golan Heights in exchange for U.S. support.

There's no reason for any of this to continue. Our policy of doing the Saudi's bidding in the M-E has failed. Changing that would align us squarely with Russia. European elites hate the United States so down the tubes they'll go.

Trump's comments on NATO suggest he sees that very well, but then again, maybe he doesn't and we're putting words in his mouth.

Well, then he won't win, that's a fact. The USA couldn't handle ISIS without russia, the military will literally will be irrelevant by 2018.

Trump isn't "pro-Russia," he's just willing to make deals with Russia, which no-one else running is willing to because russia is mean and scary and doesn't like the gays.

Russia is a threat right now but won't be when Trump destroys NATO and allies Russia to fight mudslimes in 10th Crusade to restore Constantinople.


so fucking this

i cant believe the putin-shilling over the past two years actually formed the delusion that russia is the good guy

>Trump elected
>cuts deal with Putin
>Russians fight ISIS on the ground with Assad
>We provide logistics
>Russia gets to keep Crimea but the UN will resolve Ukraine with Trump and Putin
>stability in Middle East

He's getting security briefings so he's probably getting red pills we don't have access to.

Trump is going to sell Eurabia to Putin.

No point is defending suicidal commie cunts who openly hate us.

Russia is not our friend, Russia has only ever been a tentative alley during wars against bigger threats.

we could use each other to destroy ISIS to both our benefits, but that doest make us friends.

Only a retard would believe in a Russia-US alliance.

Also, that's pretty obvious that Trump changed after Cruz defeat.
He is now, as expected just a avergae establishment politician

Because US is the good guy right ? Supporting saudi arabia and moderate rebels , kek fucking neocon

>shilling this much

Nobody believes Putin is a "good guy". What we do believe is that Putin is a reasonable guy that will work with us to quell a threat to all of us.

Cold war may have ended, but mutually assured destruction certainly has not. Russia won't do anything particularly drastic.

You're very simple-minded.

Just because he can acknowledge that Russia is a threat does not mean he can't also acknowledge that Russia could also be made to be not a threat.

It's like you believe that you can say 99 nice things about something, but if you say 1 bad thing, then you hate it completely.

Here's a red pill for you, Russia was our ally in WWII and has been ever since. The Cold War was staged.

>Putin is a reasonable guy

we are the good guys

we do and will continue to do everything to make sure the force of the entire world combined pose no challenge to us

i know that this is something euros get super butthurt as they are still under the delusion that we're living in a european age, but it's over

our only goal is to destabilse, not win. we do not need to win, we just need to make sure nobody can challenge us. and nobody on earth is even close to us. russia has the potential to be the only one, which is why we focus a lot of energy on them, which in turn, is good for euros

>we are the good guys

Lol keep thinking that, fellow burger.

keep thinking you arent a faggot, juancito de los santos maria rodriguez

>I thought he was pro-Russia
He is an American nationalist. He doesn't give a fuck about the Russians unless it is in the interest of the US.

This might be one of the most retarded thing I've ever read.
>nobody on earth is even close to us. russia has the potential to be the only one
How about the chinks there buddy? If we have anyone to be truly afraid of right now, it's them. They have a stronger economy than we do, a larger army than we do, and are approaching our level of military technology and getting closer every day. Putin would be a fool if he didn't realize that. And, we Amerifags are tired of being the world police. We want an isolationist policy. That, in and of itself would make Putin want to cooperate with us.

"russia is plenty of threat"

followed by

"that's why we need to ally with them to retake constantinopla"

HAHAHAHHA WEEEEEEW @ the entire post. nothing in there is even close to being right.

here let me help you out there Senpai
read the chapter titled 'paper tiger'

enjoy nigger


He never was pro russia, he said he would work with putin.

he's become henry kissingger's puppet

>Alliance with Jew Russia.

Stupid leaf Bastard.

This book isn't accurate. If it was accurate, it would have predicted Trump's Eternal Reich's conquest of Earth.

true. major flaw in this book

Putin is a good guy. He wants to unify the Russians and preserve Orthodox Christianity in the face of cultural Marxism and Zionism. He is a brave champion of the white race.

Trump saying vaguely positive things about Putin is the only reason I don't fully trust him.

Their citizens also live in abject poverty and inhale debilitating amounts of smog while building our iphones.

Anyone who thinks Trump would be anything but a Jewish puppet is in for bad news. Don't get your hopes up. A Trump Presidency would be close to George W Bush level mental retardation.

Haha. Funny. Only weaklings need this kind of propaganda. Us Americans propagandize with firepower.
Brazil has a greater GDP than Russia. Maybe it's because Russia only produces idiots, shitty propaganda, and whores for the Viagra Triangle.

more like a Reagan or Roosevelt.

That second video was a bit weak compared to the first one. Holy shit I wish we had this kind of in your face propaganda in the West (not kidding by the way). That video fucking owned it in a "yeah we're all that, deal with it" kind of way, which is obviously its goal as a psychological tool, but damn it works and it's so fucking cool.

I now identify as a Russian nationalist.

Fuck Russia.

good do the bidding of your kike overlords and refuse to ally with your fellow whites

good fucking goy

How is he gonna do that in New York?

How long do you think it would take them to go from making our IPhones to making avionics and guidance systems? Part of what makes america non-competitive is our inability to adapt. Trump even talks about it. If one of our factories need to make a different product, it may take months to make the transition. Chinese factories can do it overnight.

What, Trump isn't naive. He knows Putin is looking out for Russian interests. If you sit down at a bargaining table with Putin you know he's not looking out for American interests, and President Trump isn't looking out for Russia's interests. They're both trying to make the best deal for themselves.
no need to suck their cocks but never underestimate the russian

>mfw they secretely allied with muslims and china to fuck the west up

go to bed igor

That's a little simplistic. I happen to work in aviation and no, a factory can't turn from cell phones to avionics overnight, not in China, not anywhere else. In fact in high-tech stuff like avionics or surface components, especially composites where autoclaves are involved, it may take them longer to transition because their experience is severely lacking and frankly, it'll take decades for them to catch up.

Where they shine is in low-tech stuff, where we are indeed extremely uncompetitive, hence why we lost 55,000 factories and 8 million workers since 2000. And yeah, to turn some steel they can change overnight no problem, whereas we get cold feed due to inherent issues in capital allocations. Investors are very short sighted.

They should have added: "I occupied Georgia, then Georgians occupied my government and sent me to gulag"

He cut a deal with the jews in order to win the republican nomination. Now he's parroting all the same talking points they've been doing.

He's sold out. He's become establishment.

I had a feeling it was going to happen, but there it is.

Still a better option than hillary, but he's no longer a potential savior and will continue to work against the interests of the American people.

oh look a Neocon shows up

>and nobody on earth is even close to us
China has passed you
you are so scared of China that you barely bully Russia but don't dare bullying China

>which in turn, is good for euros
cuckoldy and cancer is good

please take your niggers back home, your multiculti and your poisonous finance

oh and btw
you can't destabilise Russia
you can't destabilise China
you can't destabilise India

together they have half of the world population and 3/4 of the resources

you are the bad guys and you lost
this is what will be written on history books

>An extended crisis between the United States and Mexico will ensue, one that the United States will be unable to resolve through the use of military force

the wall

>together they have half of the world population and 3/4 of the resources
>you are the bad guys and you lost
Yet our GDP is trillions ahead of all 3 put together. Russia has resources but they're still too fucking poor to do anything with them and neither China nor India have shit.

The US won and is still winning. Unless something catastrophic happens nothing is going to change.

>you can't destabilise China
>you can't destabilise India
>together they have half of the world population and 3/4 of the resources
I hate neocons and the guy you're replying to, but I just want to point out, to be fair, these two hate each other. So it's not that simple. Now if they happened to ally then yeah USA would lose real quick. But until then it can and does play them against one an another.

Russia is a threat, which is why the smart thing to do is to foster good relations instead of wantonly saber-rattling at each other.

> our GDP is trillions of all 3 put together
when was the last time you checked it? you are going to have a rough surpise

>also muh gdp
debt inflated gdp

paid by printing dollars

for now

which is why Putin has long started the de-dollarization something that not only both China and India agree on but Europe as wel

See my last line.
The day the dollar is no longer the international currency is the day the US can't pay debts anymore, can't import stuff anymore and collapses

No international currency lasts forever and a domination based on such factor is deemed to fail.

Once again, dear Neocon, you lost and what killed the US was you.

>we are the good guys

Fucking neocons. WE ARE THE EVIL EMPIRE. Shilling for the empire doesn't make you anymore of a patriot. Real patriots want our republic back

good goy

>Can't import stuff anymore

Not a fan of neocohens, but you do realize that the U.S is blessed with a very large amount of national resources, right?

We can, if the situation called for it, run an almost completely autarkic economy.

His Jewish handlers are correcting the narrative for him

I take it you skipped Trump's foreign policy speech? You know, the one where he explicitly states that he wants to turn old enemies into allies?

Recognizing that Russia can and does pose a threat to the U.S. is not the same as proposing a policy aimed at escalating or continuing a conflict with Russia. An assessment is not a policy proposal.

According to the IMF in 2015 the US had a GDP of 17.947 trillion dollars. China had 10.983 trillion, India was at 2.091 and Russia had 1.325 trillion (Italy is nearly half a trillion ahead of them if you want a reference point).

US GDP of 17.947 trillion > Combined GDP of others at 14.399 trillion.

Yes and no.
Until last year, the US did not have enough oil to run independently. Now with fracking it does which is why they'll lift the export ban.

Commodities wise, they US could run autarchically provided a number of years to adjust. See above the oil example. However a huge chunk of your manufacturing simply does not exist anymore on the US soil. The US imports and consumes waaaaaay more than it produces and this isn't something that can be fixed in a relatively small number of years (unlike the natural resources thing).
In short, if the dollar collapsed tomorrow, you'd have a primary and tertiary sector but no secondary nor a currency worthwhile to trade.
Ironically, that'd be Venezuela right now.

nominal GDP is poopie

GDP by purchasing parity power aka it discounts inflation

1. China 18 tril
EU 18 trl
2 US 17 trl
3 India 7 trl
5 Russia 3.7 trl

Now go tell Kagan that something isn't working and clean his asshole

Puppety Trump Drumpf puppety Drumpf Trump look at Zionald goooo

>this isn't something that can be fixed in a relatively small number of years (unlike the natural resources thing).
It can be fixed in 5 years in my estimation, so that's enough time for a Nationalist presidency (I was hoping for Trump but as I'm not sure now, btw I'm the op). I work in a high-tech field and while it does take a lot of time to build factories and processes, it can be done in a few years for the most complex of tasks if the money is there. The U.S. is one of four nations, excluding a potentially united Europe which would be the fourth, that has the actual ability to live in autarcy, and it's the only one that can do so without killing half its population (Russia and India would undergo massive famines, China could pull it off but would be heavily disrupted). That's a very big privilege for the US...

Without south america conveniently crumbling in time to create a new shithole

You have to remember that there are still lots of cold warriors who don't like the idea of Trump supporting Russia. He isn't anti-Russia he's just making a calculated attempt to calm those old fogies down.


shut the fuck up he will win you piece of shit have you seen the protests today? how can any american not vote for him after all these arrogants mexicunts waving their shitty beaner nation flag and rioting did?

If US keeps destabilizing Europe by supporting their refugee immigration Russia will only gain respect of the Europeans. Then the best ally of America will be Canada with their mighty 50k strong army.

Here's what I got out of it:

He's a realist.

Russia IS a US threat. It doesn't openly tote its hatred, but it does not like the US inherently.

He is admitting this, but....

I think his intetion is to, despite that mistrust, ease tensions. the US and Russia clinging to each other's throats will not help either of us.

Europe has 500 mil people, definitely not enough oil for everyone, nor metals, nor soft commodities (unless we include Ukraine for that). Kinda why Putin can occasionally bully us.

The US, depends. It's hard to make a prediction but you'd have to reverse a 40+ years process. In 5 years probably not, in 10 maybe. What truly matters is that you do it before the dollar stops being the international currency. If you do that, and the dollar international value goes, you'd still be fine.
If the dollar crashes before you have rebuilt your manufacture, then you'll have to go full soviet. Have your state forcefully transfer resources and people from other sectors to your secondary (the soviets did from primary to heavy secondary). That wouln't be painless.

Told ya.

Fuck you all, I'm already feeling the Bern of nuclear fire.

per capita is another skewed measure
per capita is as if everyone in the US gets 50k a year and that couldn't be further from true

if in that map you have American states divided by GDP (ppp) per capita, you'd have a completely different representation, NY would be black, most of the US brownish

I mean, look at the map. Do you really think that Saudi Arabia compares? Because they are also ''black''. Per capita would say that the average Saudi is well off. Oh wait that's not true, only Saudi Royals are, the rest can suck their cocks and fuck camels.

Hes bandering to the neocons so they dont assainate him

Its a false flag

You just made me realize how much of a gift a Sanders presidency would be to Russia. Putin would literally wipe the floor with the old yid.

Putin can bully because you have no army and are commiting demographic suicide

Here's the video lads, check it at 1:59:00

He mentions Russia is plenty of threat off-handedly, as part of a larger point about restructuring NATO. The main thrust of this point is still that NATO is obsolete and that it should be redirected, which is what he's been saying. Sure Russia is a threat on some level but this is hardly the anti-Russia hawkism we see from everyone else.

Russia is laughably weak, but better than those western eurofags. They both hate us so why bother with either of them?

More like we're tired of paying for everyone else's bullshit. We should start billing the countries we bomb into oblivion.

Actually at 2:00:00. Sorry lads

He has to be careful because he's married to a slavshit and his kids have a lot of slavshit blood. His penthouse literally is just him and a bunch of squatting fucks typing his dictated tweets.

He also can shut down the pipelines during a winter and we freeze our assholes.

why the fuck Canadians are such shitposters?

Don't you have to clean Mohammed's room while he fucks your sister as ordered by Trudeau?

>sanders sworn in jan 2017
>putin in warsaw and prague in feb 2017

sanders would literally be a huge mistake.

Why is this non-white country up so early?

but he is married to a slavshit

his kids will literally never be white

>pol will defend this

Come on, sorry but you know shitposts are the only way we can express ourselves now that our country is over. Sorry but have some sympathy.

I will put this simple. Trump is not, never was, and never will be pro-russian. He is pro-american. He already told months ago that he will be talking to Russia from the position of strength, not partnership. If Russia will continue to act like a "OOGA BOOGA MUH ETHNIC CLAY" then there will be no talking.

Fuck off if we can Wipe out the Iraqi army (which was the 4th or 5th largest army in the world at the time) we can glass a couple of sand niggers. All we need is a president to give the orders.

Watching Asian markets.
Canada is still a pretty good country to be in. Provided, Trudeau in 5 years will ask to kill all the white males and he'll start by cutting his balls off live on TV.


10/10 propaganda Ruskie bro.

Poland shut up, you aren't rational whenever Russia is mentioned.

Stick to giving the finger to the European Commission and being the bastion of the white race.

Nobody gives a fuck about Russia that shithole has two or three years left in it before it goes the way of Venezuela

>Only a retard would believe in a Russia-US alliance.

Sup Forumstards then.

>I will put this simple. Trump is not, never was, and never will be pro-russian. He is pro-american.


Polish bro knows his shit.