What's his name again?

What's his name again?

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i never noticed how symmetrical his face is

>name threads
pure cancer

Julian Gil

Adam touch my Johnson

Clark Kent

15 year olds aren't children, seriously 15 year olds in the UK all dress and act like massive sluts

Disgraced Nonce


Average teenage British girl

I literally got perma banned once for posting a 17 year old british slag who texted me despite her being fully clothed and 16 being the age of consent in the UK


>perma banned
And yet here you are.

I got banned for posting a pic of a real doll that wasn't even showing anything

That's just sensible.


I'll always be behind you adam, I love you, you're the best
ruining a mans life for kissing a fucking slut, that's europe for you guys

the whole world should support him, but people in UK believe that 15 year olds don't know what they're doing

i got perma banned because i posted a photo of neymar and his son( a photo he posted on his social media) atleast the mods fixed it

i got perma banned because lel

The courts will always look to protect the child in cases such as Johnson's.
Johnson is a actual mong for getting involved.

>TFW no qt 15 yr old slag gf

a 15 year old isn't a child

that's like calling someone who is 2 months away from being 18 a child, it doesn't make sense

she knew what she was doing and a fucking 15 year old won't get damaged in the head for kissing a footballer, I really don't know why they believe every word that slut is saying

>that's like calling someone who is 2 months away from being 18 a child
No it's like calling a 15 year old a child

>I really don't know why they believe every word that slut is saying
Because it'd be frowned upon for a judge to call a15 year old at the centre of a high profile sexual crime case a liar when there's evidence Johnson was doing something he knew he shouldn't

He was a man in his late twenties talking to a 1 year old, he knew he shouldn't have been, he knew it was against the law and he knew something like this would happen should he get caught, what's so fucking difficult to understand

it's complete bullshit because he should only be punished that hard if there is serious damage.
that bitch is just partying every night and is probably laughing about that whole case and about the fact that all these idiots are believing her when she says that she can't sleep at night is emberassed because adam johnson kissed her - is that so fucking difficult to understand, dude? she is fucking lying and his life is over

do you want me to get thrown in jail because I was riding my bicycle without a light last night? I knew that it's illegal but no one was hurt

>want to bang hot 15 year old who idolises you
>google age of consent>
>fuck it
>pat her fanny
>put her hand on your peepee
>get caught
>deny it and go to trial
>daily newspapers print all your sordid texts
>also caught with animal porn

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

we know she wasnt, but she says she was and its hard to prove shes lying.

the law is dumb of course, especially the punishments severity, but the fact that its the law means you cant do it or atleast dont be dumb enough to get caught. 15 year olds of course will gossip and eventually someone will find out

He fingered her, it wasn't just a kiss.

Chad Thundercock Evans

You don't know that she was lying, riding a bike without a light is a very different crime to what he is in prison for, that shouldn't be difficult to understand, and again, let me reiterate because you seem to be struggling but he knew it was against the law, he knew this risk existed and he did it anyway

don't forget all this happened while
>having a hot wife
>making '''millions''' playing football
and he lost it all lmao

that doesn't change anything. fingering a bitch who wants it does not hurt anybody

He's still a multi-millionaire and is still playing footy in jail.

he knew what the law was and he broke it so he gets the punishment. i think its as dumb as you do but lots of laws are dumb.

>nonce enabler

Nothing to see here

to be fair its not in his country

>He's still a multi-millionaire
nope, his wife is
>and is still playing footy in jail
yes, with jamal's and ahmed's balls

I heard his career ended after a stairwell noncebashing left him quadrospazzed on a lifeglug.

No. He is a multi-millionnaire, kid.

>noncebashing left him quadrospazzed on a lifeglug
Clockwork Orange?

Rape McRapeface.

brass eye

he's ruined, la, it's ogre

>building £2m pedopad


pedos are attracted to girls/boys who haven't hit puberty yet.

>His next-door neighbours have put their home on the market and dropped the price by more than £250,000 to £975,000.
So he's fighting against the crazy property prices in UK? Sounds like a good guy after all.

Pipe down, kuntz.

>fucking this is a crime

he's right
Hebephilia ≠ Pedophilia

it's more the fact he googled 'age of consent' and was like fuck it, I don't care that fucked him up. I know in the letter of the law not knowing the law doesnt equal it's fine, but if he hadn't googled that the jury would have looked upon him far more favourably

>it's a pedo gets uptight and pedantic episode

t. nonce

>a 15 year old isn't a child

it is in the UK, legally speaking

there's nothing ambiguous about the Johnson case if you actually look at the legal precedent.

>Tfw thought this was Wes welker for a second

Fuck off Adam Johnson,
You're going down for noncing,
You're a pedophile,
You're a pee-doh-phile.

the last cry of every filthy nonce

>So he's fighting against the crazy property prices in UK? Sounds like a good guy after all.

brilliant plan btw

>live in a respectable UK neighborhood
>make friends with the mob or some rich arabs
>pay 30 quid to some slag to touch your dick and call the cops and make sure theres a media outrage
>neighbors want to flee, sell their houses at 50%
>arab friends and mob buys them for cheap, like five at a time
>go to a british """"prison"""" for a couple of years, pic related
>get out of prison, meet with arab mob
>"allahu akbar friend, here's 5 million, you've earned it, thanks for the cheap real estate"
>not bad


> white trash
Brexit have not even taken effect yet jesus

>make friends with the mob or some arabs

I found the flaw in your plan