Just think if we all Go Vegan shops would defecate more floor space to fruit and veg not corpses and food like products

Just think if we all Go Vegan shops would defecate more floor space to fruit and veg not corpses and food like products






> Defecate

Is this a new meme?

Why there is a "Z" in the salad but no ther letters?

I'll have a plate with 2/3rds of Life and 1/3rd of Death, thank you.

>Defecate more floor space
>Shit more floor space.


Also, maybe vegetarian one day. But not vegan. All you're doing refusing to eat dairy products is making the quality of life lower for the cows. The farmers won't go away. Them having less money just mean animals get worse food, worse hygiene and less veterenarian help.

Also, cheese. I love cheese.

Go vegetarian if you want farm animals to have good lives. Go vegan if you want them to have bad lives. Simple as that.

hey carrots have feelings too


Fuck your plant-based vegan diet.

Fungi masterrace reporting in.


i like meat a lot but I would choose left because eating too much meat takes energy away and I prefer having energy to feeling bloated after eating



Vegan food is merely a "food like product."

I can only swipe left??

Fuck they look so good




Fuck you. Mushrooms aren't vegan.

Fuck the vegans there's a reason why meat taste good. Its so you don't eat all fucking day being hungry.

mmh mmh mmmh with a good black n blue steak

Why are they not ?

Those plants are also dead, you know

ITT: Faggots argue about meats vs veggies

You faggots better recognize that mushrooms are the way to go; fuck your meat and plant diets.

Is all that edible?

Love shrooms but meat has higher energy density and won't kill your liver like fructose does.

Vegan ---> vegetation ---> plants
Mushrooms arent plants, they are fungi. Besides fungi are far more closely related to animals than to plants. Both the fungi and animal kingdoms belong to the opisthokonta group which plant do not belong to. So if you're gonna eat toadstools you might as well eat animals.

Yes all edible and tasty.

>not food like products
What is this thread supposed to be?

If meat is death then I'm suicidal

I'd rather eat meat than being dependent on artifical nutrition products to keep me alive.

Yeah, you could defecate your faggot ass off.

Went vegan for a while and it completely fucked my social life. Got fed up of living on potatoes. Happily vegetarian now.

You mongrels don't even use energy from meat.
You can seat in your basement all day eating two potatoes.
Pathetic. Don't equal yourselv with real man who needs meat.

Fuck you being a machinist is hard work.

Death with a small helping of life that has 15 shakes of salt on it because it tastes like shit.

Plants have feelings too. Go eat some rocks, veggymurder.

They are both death.

Only faggots I have met are vegans, only vegans I have met are faggots, C O I N C I D E N C E ??????


That's a Zupan's produce display from Portland, Oregon.

shrooms cells are similar to animal cells and completely different from plant cells