so was this faggot antifa?
So was this faggot antifa?
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A militant Sup Forumstard
Conservative gun lover. Who couldn't make it in the military.
He was a liberal Antifa atheist, you faggot.
anyone know why he shot up a church
There's been conflicting reports. Some are saying right wing, some are saying disgruntled dishonorable discharge, some are saying atheist making a point, some are saying his ex-mother in law went to that church.
I don't think we'll get the full story any time soon. Everyone uses these events to demonize a group they don't agree with.
Oxygen deprivation at birth?
He wasn’t liberal or antifa. You have zero evidence of that, Ivan.
you are the same!
He looks like a poor misunderstood good Ole boy. Bless his poor heart
The guy was religious (taught the bible to poor kids) gamer who liked anime. Typical Sup Forumstard
He looks like a typical Sup Forums fag.
[citation needed]
If he was Antifa the story will disappear from the news. If he was a right winger we’ll nevef hear the end of it.
They confirmed video footage of inside the church. Which one of you faggots has it?
He was right wing. He is picture of him taken a few days earlier
This. Just watched press conference as well.
>Sup Forumsleavesthebasement.jpeg
what the actual fuck are these kids?
It’s Sup Forums.
Definitely Antifa, nig-nog. Accept responsibility for your own for once
He was in the armed forces, he beat his wife and kids and then shot up a church. What about him screams antifa to you? You're really trying to blame everything ok liberals. There is a 90 percent chance he voted Republican. Texas, white, Air Force, owned a lot of guns. All the boxes check.
[citation needed]
The church recorded every service, so where is the video?
he was atheist
He was a self admitted atheist who made kool aid for the kids at bible school because his wife made him.
Not remotely the same thing.
The main preacher was out that day, how convenient he's probably the only one who knows how to run the video system.
He shot up a Church. He must be a liberal. It's the only thing that makes sense. Right?
Antifa is anti-guns. He was not anti-fascist... obviously. Fucking idiot.
political violence
he was the guy who posted always these "u mad white boi" threads, I think they are a lot rarer since it happened.
Atheist ≠ liberal
I doubt that. The video system is probably ran by some kid who volunteered to do it or some old guy who also works the pa system. You think when the head guy leaves every just falls apart? That's stupid.
Yeah. The whole thing is probably on film, but the cops will have the only copy.
Apparently you missed the veiled Alex Jones reference there...
Get more coffee.
I think they found motive.
It's not anti religion. He just fucking hated his in-laws
I bet the shooter was a big Alex Jones/Infowars fan. Seems like the type
I don't pay much attention to Jones.
>tfw he had in-laws, and you never will.
>a lot rarer since it happened
Yeah, because you can totally tell that after less than 24 hours.
nice thumbnail
I do and they suck so much. They're racist hicks
Atheist and convicted felon? That's pretty much all down the Left side of the aisle I'm afraid.