Non sexually active faggot here Sup Forums wtf is this on my dick and how do I get rid of it?

Non sexually active faggot here Sup Forums wtf is this on my dick and how do I get rid of it?


i mean they are normal. but still.

cut it off. fixes all future problems 2

DocFag here, board cert, clinical, internalist.

They are just blocked sweat. They get white bumps. Common, 0/10

We call them: penile papules

Smegma. Get that disgusting foreskin snipped off

It's nothing.
Unless it itches, it's purely esthetic and has no connection to your health.

Totally normal. It's similar to a canker sore on your tongue. Harmless slightly irritated tissue. My husband has them. Super sensitive during a blow job. Nothing to worry about.

i had those couple years back, basically you need to air your dick out more, walk around the house without your pants, ointments like icyhot can help.

amputation is the only answer

Smegma. Just wash your dick more thoroughly in the shower. Don't let the amerifags tell you to cut your foreskin off


lol op take more fucking showers you disgusting dog

>Non sexually active faggot here

we can see why lmaooooooo

get bob and vageen,
cut off peen

fordyce spots

next patient

I recognise these, they're caused by getting feces in the folds of skin

Well OP is clearly too retarded to wash his dick, so cutting it off is the only option. Not just the foreskin, the entire dick.

Go back in time and get a circumcision so you don't get your dick infected by your smegma-facilitating bad hygene.

this, I had them before from that
I had to use very hot water and a small bit of sodium hydroxide to clear them out

he is circumcised you idiot

I used vinegar and a little bleach when I had them

is the vinegar worth the temporary smell?

heard adding baking soda after vinegar fixes that

the vinegar doesn't smell for long, but the baking soda would help