All you Sup Forumstards who play league, what is an unconventional yet still OP/ fun to play meta?

all you Sup Forumstards who play league, what is an unconventional yet still OP/ fun to play meta?
I want to try some of your favorites. mine is jungle garen, I don't see why not with his silence, slow, AOE and fast jungle clears. but you have to build full AD to do well.

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dota 2 is better

DOTA 2 is much better.

but you're wrong.

"I dont see why not" Because Garen in itself is pretty much the most usefull champ in League. There is nothing he can provide for his team and thats why he sucks ass in anything above Bronze

hate that skin, looks like darius

>most usefull
>nothing he can provide

pick one

diana jg

Garen doesn't have a slow you dumbfuck

jungles where she belongs though

Seen a decent amount of Ez jungle, tends to win

shes played mid more i thought

That's cause her jungles fucked at the moment but jungle's where she originates

OP here, yes i've tried this one! i think she is better in jungle than lane tbh haha

Ez is meta as fuck right now... Till the 8th when everything goes out the window.
I've seen a couple soraka jugglers tho. As long as you keep your eyes glued to the mini map post 6

Fiddlesticks. Always fun.

ooohhhhh i seee thanks for the information


i was boosting my buddies account to gold and diana in bronze is hilarious everyone just dies

by my buddy i really mean someone payed me

How about a heimer jungle? I saw one once and it did meh. Maybe you can do better than shitty with it

Try Akali jungle, you can gank pre 6 (not very well admittedly) but after 6 you're just a fucking monster

ive tried that, its fun a fuck

if you wanna play heimer you should start off with shaco

I had a game where I made 4 people in a row burst their flashes pre 6 because I wandered out of a bush.

Not OP but I really should pick him up at some point

I really like to get bard top. If I go against ad/squishy enemies is the easiest lane. Tanky enemies are a pain in the ass tho. Sometimes I jg with bard and even though early is tough, ganks are pretty fun.

I'm a wood tier player so my junglers are ww, yi, and ram (and old xin, rip) I tend to stay away from ap in the jungle.


Try jarv then, a fed jarv just makes people want to kill themselves.


Yeah stupid people don't know how to deal with some champs

Do you build him bruiser or full tank. What I mean is, which is better?

Can always go Irelia or Riven jungle too. Takes a bit of work but if either get fed, congrats you will make the enemy surrender.


depends on the team composition

Don't play him personally, just been bent over and fucked by one too many. Bruiser all the way dude. The idea is to just pick them off one by one then walk away.


I have yet to beat an irelia in lane, years now I've played and of all the brain dead champs I've come across she's impossible to beat for me.

Nah she's shit. So far I've only seen one decent one in the past few months

that image pisses me off. where the fuck are her areolas???

I play varus bot as an ap attack speed, also aatrox dominates mid some games like vs yasuo or kata

It's pretty much, is she good? She wins.

I had a noob on my team with irelia, something like 2-3 games, fucker carried hard core. We were all feeding too so she should have lost.

I think I'll give that a shot when I get home. I've been needing a new champ to play

or build lethality and have your ult do around 1000 damage

It's just poorly drawn in general

well she is a difficult champ, mechanically

Isn't she in line for a rework? I know they named about ten champs a couple weeks back.

He's not hard just take a little prac - good luck

LoL Fags need to die

not really, the rest of the image gets me diamonds, but as soon as i look at her nipples its gone

You like something I don't like and I want you to know it!

>throw spear

rinse and repeat. Most nids fuck up their early jungle/ganks so they fall off near instantly

While her Q's long it's thin as fuck



"im better than you because you play a game i dont like"

Yep, cause while she's OP as balls, no one plays her anymore. That one I was talking about was one of probably 4 I've seen this year

Cause it's got big tits? Fair enough

Nidalee requires more than just abilities to do damage, as you need to aa between abilities

Forget the areokas. Why is she fucking bald? That shaved side head sucks.

Cause that's what her skin is?

I'm hyped as sick for the swain rw. I've been playing swain top lately and having a blast. But to give him a global ult might make him op for once

That's her main damage though, if you fuck up your abilities (which many do) you might as well afk

well it is part of her skin

Can't believe he's getting reworked again, could he be the new Ryze?

I've been getting down on some TF support his early damage is pretty great burst with a Jinx or Xayah

AD soraka top

Oh Lord! Maybe that's just ryzes thing tho. Always getting new spells and shit. I'd like to see an annie rework where they make her older every couple years. No one ages in this game and that'd be a cool thing to witness

reading this made my testicles throb in pain.

To be fair that same principles applies to any champs that dont aa as there main source of damage. , you cant really isolate nidalee as an example of it.

Might as well play any apc support

Most champs have better spells. She pretty much has her Q to land, she fucks that up she's done

Nah they won't do anything like that mainly because if they did you'd have a whole bunch of non sexy women wandering around the rift.

At least they're adding Zoe

I've tried it out, the 3.3 second cdr is good, especially as the stun is 2 seconds







Great and cool concept but holy shit she looks too cartoony imo. Like she doesn't look like she's from lol



league is for casuals


Meh we've had too many negative champs lately. The last happy go lucky one was Rakan and even then he came with his edgelord girlfriend nose ring and all.


yeah, one "bright" champ is announced and everyone all of a sudden goes "zomg my league is becoming a kids' game"

it's like they weren't there for the naked shadow seductress, the literal meatgrinder, and the two edgelords (kanye and and the bird)

seems to fall short about 25 million players

>replying to such obvious bait

I'm all for dark champs but it just gets repetitive

>telling me what I can reply to

i'm an oldfag, this means I can reply to bait if I choose to.

I used to play full AP Yi, before he got a rework, it was fun diving an entire team, doing 500 dmg with Q and then finishing one person off with a double strike basic empowered by Lich Bane. Then you go to your Meditation, which at that point was so powerful that unless you got stunned in some way nobody could kill you, and by the time you done meditating your Q is ready again. Getting a quadra on squishies with a single Q was ez

Nowadays I just mess around with Mord on mid

>rules34 on adc is afk
motherfucking hell.
how hard has riot failed that people JACK OFF to the fact that their matchmaking sucks