Before gay marriage legalization: come on guys saying gay marriage will lead to legalizing pedophilia is stupid and...

>before gay marriage legalization: come on guys saying gay marriage will lead to legalizing pedophilia is stupid and won't happen.
>after gay marriage legalization: guys stop being so mean to pedos

Don't blame fags, blame libshits and their constant meddling.


>the holes are in the butt cheeks
>this plane has no discernable anus

into the spud locker it goes

Libtards have always been secretly pro pedophile.

Just ask Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill "I'm Just a Rape Machine" Clinton.

The slippery slope is real, senpai. What else is knew?


One feeds the other in a reciprocal relationship.

Why is everyone obsessed with this game anyway? It's not even out yet and it looks stupid, like WoW with fat girls

This, but you have to blame the church as well. In most European/Western societies before Christianity homosexuality was very normalised. Most gay people are just that, normal, and they want to marry their partner like I do mine and it doesn't really infringe on my freedom if they do. The left just want to break down social barriers, whatever they may be.

Trump raped his wife.

Exactly, ty user

>I am a pedophile
>"You want to rape children!"
>I am a straight man
>"You want to rape women!"

Look in the mirror, Sup Forums.

Everyone here is attracted to young girls. If you aren't you're lying. youth is fucking sexy

kill yourself you fucking degenerate

theyre is literally nothing attractive about a woman with no womanly features.

gross desu senpai

The next step ot social marxism is transexual rights. Pedophilia is too absurd at the moment, society needs to get weaker before breaking down that barrier.

that's not how the slippery slope works, the left still cares about sexual consent and children can not consent.

the next slope is obviously polygamy

why isn't Sup Forums talking about this? it's always PEDOS ARE NEXT!! talking about cucks is as close Sup Forums gets.

youth IS fucking sexy, but only within reason
your pic is quite too young to have any sexual features, she's just not there yet

>the left still cares about sexual consent
You mean the left cares about creating rape hysteria and destroying the concept of presumed innocence.

>break down social barriers
That is exactly why we oppose it. You break one, then another and soon, all will be lost.

they do that by hiding behind holding consent sacred, which reinforces why pedos wont be their next cause

the already defend cuckolding, so polygamy is definitely the next thing, but no one seems to care, its always pedos this and trannies that.

polygamy is a much bigger threat to our society because it effects everyone, not just barely existent minorities.

This is fucked up even for Hueland standards.
You need help.

The liberals hate pedophiles. I imagine that the Jewish elite need to keep it tabuu so there's something they can out their subordinates as if they ever step out of line.

I'm a pedophile and I don't even like that picture. It's not so bad if I cover up her face though. That hat sure isn't doing her any favors.

I really don't think it was gay marriage that did it, I really think it's the tranny shit
I've always thought of all the stuff like being gay/tranny/pedo was a mental illness, but the problem is how accepted and how far our medicine have come
Two guys fucking really isn't worth dumping the billions in r&d to fix their mental issues and learn more about how they end up being attracted to same sex
Tranny's wouldnt be an issue if the surgery wasn't just attatching a sausage or cutting their dick off, and they need to start early to have any good effect with the hormones, which just makes it so kids are getting pushed into life changing shit without any way to go back if therapy ends up helping them
Pedos are really where people will be split, we shouldn't be punishing people for their mental problems, but fucking kids just isn't gonna work out for 99% of the people
Hopefully in the future we'll have enough knowledge of the brain to figure out how to fix their thinking, or in the case of trannies, make them not so damn ugly, but I feel it's gonna be too late with pedos with how much sjw shit is going on, and they're gonna be accepted then the treatment will be considered "bad" like gay camps, which are obviously bad but you get my jist

>can consent, so most sex with them isn't rape

>can not consent, so any sex with them amounts to rape

Please keep in mind the difference. The idea is that women are at least slightly more intelligent than children and just a bit more capable of understanding the consequences of their actions, which seems to be a fair assumption.

>the point
>your head
Assuming that someone who is attracted to children is going to rape children is equally ridiculous as assuming someone who is attracted to women is going to rape women. If anything I would bet the proportion of pedophiles who have actually tried anything with a kid is far lower than the proportion of the general population that has committed rape. The societal pressure and denial/self loathing must be pretty serious inhibitors.


Child Robots/VR will be the only cure for pedos
At least until there's a permanent cure that involves re-wiring their brains somehow

>have child robots with skin as good as humans
>make their actions/personalities customizeable
>make it such intercourse with the robot is infinitely more preferable than with a real human
>no reason to go after real children any more
>save millions in tax payers money in keeping pedos in jail which doesn't do shit to solve the problem
>save millions of children being trafficked as sex slaves as prostitutes because no fucking reason to use what is outdated versus what is efficient and legal

It's all about implementation. You could save so many lives with this and not just children, but women too which already gives a huge argument weapon against liberals wanting to forbid this.

We already have a superior substitute.