What are some dog-safe ways to get rid of cockroaches?

what are some dog-safe ways to get rid of cockroaches?

I have a small dog that chews/licks random stuff so I can't use bug spray. my room is absolutely infested at this point.

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Blow your fucking brains out nasty ass child

Heavy shoe or boot

Get some food your dog won't eat (onions or some shit, roaches will eat anything). Lay some duct tape on the ground in a corner or behind furniture, sticky side up. Put the food in the middle. Works basically like a fly trap.

Clean up your shit.
Don't leave edible food in the open.
Put dog outside until you house is clean and bombed with poison.

Seriously. Roach infestations are a bad life for anybody.
Don't be lazy about it.
Remove your fucking dog and bug bomb the house.

Call an exterminator and ask of their poisons are toxic to dogs, usually they aren't, and it would be important to get one that is, cause the little shit might try eating the dead roaches


I would have bombed it long time ago but I live in an apartment building, which is also the reason for the infestation.

trust me I would absolutely love to douse it all in poison. I even have a can ready in my room but can't use it for fear of killing my dog. even if I could keep the dog out for a while I fear there would still be residual poison.

>Clean up your shit.
oddly enough, my room which is the dirtiest (sometimes it gets Sup Forums-level bad) was the last one to get infested. my parents room was the first one to get infested (after the bathroom which is where they come from) and is pretty clean.

Then don't ask for advice.
Maybe you should move the fuck out or something.
You can't fix it if you can't fix it.

>Then don't ask for advice.
there are some non-poison traps I'm just curious which are the best. or maybe a poisoned bait type but idk if that would be dog-safe.

Joe's Apartment

that's what it feels like lmao. at this point I'm used to seeing them and them walking on my feet/ hands sometimes at night. the small ones are already starting to seem cute.


If it's an infestation, you need an exterminator.
Not a trap.

Kek how old are you op?


Depends. Usually only good if the person has experience doing it.

Two simple solutions.
1 Clean your house and seal off all food stuffs including dog food. Sprinkle boric acid liberally on windowsills, doorways, cracks and crevices.
2 Blow out the pilot light in your stove. Turn on burners to high. Shoot yourself in the forehead with a .357 magnum revolver.

Get Advion Roach Bait gel. Best out there

Literally just sat down after dealing with these little fuckers after they came in from a disgusting ass neighbors apartment. Get some combat gel bait and put it in the corners of cabinets and stuff away from the puppet. Then clean all your cabinets out, under the fridge, behind the washing machine, any cracks, and plug up any holes through the wall. If you're in an apartment in the US at least, they're legally required to help you get the bugs out. Ask to use expansion foam wherever to close holes. This got most of them dead in my place in about two weeks

find and seal crevices. use caulking and steel pot scrubbers to fill the holes

25. And before you shame me for living with my parents, most everybody here does (europe). Rent is way too expensive compared to wages.

To put things into perspective my dad lived with his parents and brother his whole life including after he married my mom and I was born, plus my aunt and cousin.

I've never seen a cockroach until my current job. I'd have to say they're pretty cute, and try to stay out of the way.

Oh also I plan on moving soon regardless. I'd still like to solve this tho.

You live in a shithole in europe


isnt europe just a shithole tho?

train your dog to eat the cockroaches. just gotta catch enough for the initial training, then just watch the results.

Boric acid is toxic to insects but safe around dogs. Useless if you're not going to clean tho

For fucks sake kid. Here ill give you some advice from someone who is in pest control. Go down to your nearest pest supplier or go to www.domyownpestcontrol.com Get some Alpine WSG and nyguard IGR. Mix the 2 of them according to label into a 20 FL bottle. Then clean your nasty ass house, then spray the mixture directly on the roaches, and don't fucking step on them or kill them, the shit takes about 48hrs to 2 weeks to end them all and they pass the shit around since they are positively-thigmotactic. also get a large glue board and place it in the corner of the area. Finally dont let your retarded dog in the room for the next 4 hours (Untill the shit is dry). your dog would have to drink the entire 20Oz bottle to even feel the effects of this stuff. So there, your fucking welcome.

Shit. Im in the same situation op. Same age and shit. Just keep saving your money man. Im so close to paying my car off so i can move the fuck out too

This. This user knows. Boric acid is what the pros use.

Thanks a lot user. Have a cute kitty for your trouble.

No, pros dont use Boric acid for roaches. Boric acid has little to no effect on most roaches.

place chocolate around the house



Boric acid is a contact killer. they would need to walk over the shit you place it at. further more it does not dust out in an entire area like delta dust nor does it pass it along to other roaches, hence using that fucking shit HAS NO EFFECT ON AN INFESTATION AT ALL. Will it kill one or 2 that pass by it? Sure it will, but it wont pass it along, and you can't properly dust it. Further more it can irritate your fucking respiratory system. If boric acid worked, there would be no need for me to do my job, everyone's issues would be solved.