>Family thinks I'm a disappointment, and blames me for all the issues they have. >>at the same time, dependent on me to fix everything.
>terrible at my job. Just started, and within a few days, people already thought I was strange.
>slowly becoming more and more distant from everyone and everything
>emotions feel supressed, if they come up at all
>one thing I still feel is constant hatred, either toward myself, the world, or both.
>want to die, but can't even summon up motivation to kill myself.
Right now, I'm basically a ghost, just drifting through the days, lost in my own head.
I'm not looking for advice, or even sympathy really, because I know damn well there's none to be found here. I just feel alone, and I had to get it out before I exploded.
I can tell you're under 25. Move away from where you're at and take ownership for your life. It's your own damn fault your a ghost.
Jordan Diaz
drink, thats howe people have gotten through tough times for ages.
Nolan Cook
I'll hang out with you, California?
Landon Rivera
Explore yourself and the world until you find something that makes you happy. There's more to life than feeling sorry for yourself
Michael Russell
it's been hard for me to contain my hatred lately. i've been snapping at customers at work, leaving early and coming in late, just because i hate myself and what i do so much. people always tell me it's my fault but every time i've tried to connect with someone they've eventually left me behind with no explanation. sometimes i feel like other people don't consider me to be on the same level as other human beings.
Christopher Cook
mm man I'm sorry you're going through this shit, sometimes things get worse before they get better though