kind user thread! :3
Sup Forums can be really mean sometimes so let’s make a thread where we be nice to each other :o how is everyone? i have a lot of homework and it’s stressing me out :( but i’m getting a job at target soon!
kind user thread! :3
Sup Forums can be really mean sometimes so let’s make a thread where we be nice to each other :o how is everyone? i have a lot of homework and it’s stressing me out :( but i’m getting a job at target soon!
get to work nigger
i’m not black and that’s really not a nice word to use!
Why do you talk all cutesy with emotes and such? Do you believe that you won't come across as nice unless you protect femininity?
*project femininity, dumb phonepost
this is just how i talk, user :3 if you don’t like it i’m sorry, you seem really sweet :’(
I'm not sure how you'd get that I'm sweet from one inquiry... I'm indifferent to it, really. I probably wouldn't bother entering the thread if it was written in a way I disliked. Makes no sense to do otherwise.
do you need a kissy?
I'm unconfortable
no! i’m sorry if i made you feel that way, here’s a kiss!