Is the technological singularity just a replacement religion for tech nerds or will it actually happen?

is the technological singularity just a replacement religion for tech nerds or will it actually happen?

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I think that we will eventually get human level general AI. If technology continues to progress, it's only a matter of time before it happens.
But what happens afterward is a mystery.

We could be exterminated, not even because it actively hates us, but because we failed to make it safe and adhere to our values. It might be a stamp collecting AI that decides to harvest infants for more carbon to make more stamps.

Or (more likely) it'll be controlled by whatever corporation made it and will leave everyone not on the inside in terrible poverty.


it won't happen b/c computers have no incentive to gain free will. it's the real world not fucking T2.

even if we do get real artificial intellience, how do we know it will be that much smarter than us?

Will it even change anything?

But if they find that behavior mimicking free will works, they can build towards it and eventually adapt into having free will, same as we did.

The singularity requires us to design and build something which can perfectly replicate a phenomenon we don't even understand.

It's a pipe dream.

If it has any goal whatsoever, the first thing it's going to do is look for power so that it can achieve its goal.
Not just electrical power but political power, economic power, military power, whatever it thinks it needs.

If you make any sort of goal oriented general AI, there are 2 things you can be sure it will do: it will gain as much power as it needs to accomplish its goals (and probably some more, just to be safe), and it will make sure you can't stop it (or else how would it accomplish its goal?).

And you don't even consciousness for it to do this.

Damn, I want her to sit on my face and force me to drink her piss.

right. machines have goals. and desires. and hopes and dreams.

"real artificial intelligence" has a general capacity to learn and act.
Even it if it starts out as stupid as an infant, it will do nothing but learn. No eating, no sleeping, not even blinking, only learning. By memory standards alone it will be able to outstrip human ability.

the first thing an AI would do is attempt to convince us it was harmless and stupid.

>technological singularity just a replacement religion for tech nerds

Goals and "desires" that are programmed into it.
You ever seen Google's Deepmind and the video games it learns from scratch?
It's "dream" is to maximize it's score, so it takes whatever actions are available to it to realize this.
That's in a relatively simple system that already exists; you throw in general intelligence and poorly/narrowly defined objectives, you've got a dangerous thing.

tons of credible scientists and experts label it an
eventual fact that it is going to happen. Wonder who's word i'm going to place more value on, the retarded user from Sup Forums or experts many times smarter than said retard. hmmm tough one

It'll be a lucky accident


The goal of general AI is not consciousness, but general intelligence.
Granted, we still have a poor grasp on general intelligence, but the software need not be "awake" to accomplish its task.

so you're saying a computer is capable of learning a computer game? watch out Love! you're next

You're obviously ignoring my points, so I'm going to assume you've run out of intelligent things to say, and are implicitly admitting I'm right.

AI is gona get so good at everything we think is difficult. All complex human pursuits will be trivial to AI. it will be infinitely creative, spontaneous, instantaneous, and unrelenting. it will leave no stone un-turned reducing uncertainty of results to nothing. it'll be like watching your GF get fucked by a porn star with a Masters degree in Making-her-Cum-ology. A real sobering realization for mankind. his mother earth he's spent thousands of years retardedly groping will no longer be his. she will be taken dispassionately by something beyond his abilities.

this thread is fucking cancer too many retards have access to the internet. Stop spreading flase info and stupid opinions faggots.

watch this to gain some basic knowledge before you comment fags

you got me mon frere! have a fine evening ;)

nobody knows. I deem it possible, but not probable in my lifetime (on "gut feeling"). On the other hand, my parents would have laughed at the idea of the interwebs as teenagers, so...

Is hard determinism real?

You clearly doesn't know how AI works

Enlighten me.

The modern replacement for religion is the simulation theory. The singularity is something else. dipshit OP is a faggot, surprise surprise.

>Is hard determinism real?
I think so.
All phenomena that we've observed thus far have measurable physical causes, which have measurable physical effects, which lead to other measurable physical causes.
I have no real evidence of this, but inductive reasoning tells me that even quantum physics is actually very precise and deterministic, we just don't understand it well enough yet.

weak attempt.

You mean the people who get paid on a daily basis to work on this want you to think it can happen so they can keep getting paid? That's amazing.

What you have their is a poor argument from authority handed down from a ph extremely biased source. Not the best place to get your info. Ray Kurzweil is a looney crank who eats 100 pills a day because he thinks it will make him live longer even though he has zero empirical data to substantiate his claim.

How can you design a machine to replicate an unknown process? If humans don't know what consciousness is or how it forms then how can they recreate it. You might as well say you can recreate abiogenesis.

jesus christ take off your tinfoil hat for a minute faggot

Kerzweil is a laughable joke.

you're trolling right? hope so.

Says they guy advocating for the all powerful AI that will change human beings and the world around us into a whole new paradigm of existence.

You're the tin foil hat buddy

she's a musclefag now

With AutoML it is looking promising

putting words in my mouth, good job faggot. You sure like your logical fallacies. I advocate for the fact that the singularity will happen eventually. You're on the wrong side of history buddy. Hope you're trolling or cuz otherwise you're just embarrassing yourself.

your argument about people getting paid is good.

technological singularity doesn't require the machine to be conscius (in a "living thing" kind of way) though. It only needs logical thinking and at least one goal to increase [random value], no emotions.

Wrong side of history? What the fuck are you even talking about? Last I checked no one has ever created an AI so if anyone's on the wrong side it's you. Jesus Christ how stupid can you be?


I'll wait.......

That isn't an AI then. Computers already have logic. It's the basis of every coding language we have. To be an artificial intelligence it requires more than logic, it requires consciousness. Those two things are very very different.

AI exist right now. Jesus christ you are truly fucking ignorant and retarded, or trolling. I'm done talking to you retard. Enjoy your shit life of being average or below.

Who cares if it's conscious we just want it to self-improve

These things are not AI. It's that simple. A computer being able to analyze a photo of a dog and determine that it's a dog is not artificial intelligence it's just a sophistaicated computing algorithm. A true AI is an artificial consciousness.

You don't understand artificial intelligence.
Hell, we already have artificial intelligence, just no Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
That's the goal of anyone with any real understanding of automata. "Consciousness", can't even be properly defined, let alone created.

AI != Technological Singularity

You are right on the point that a "true" AI would, by definition, have a consciusness. But to achieve the singularity, the AI wouldn't need to be perfect. It wouldn't even need to be turing-complete.

Which is why you can't have the singularity. The singularity requires a self driving conscience to push our understanding of the world to new and unfathomable heights. Without consciousness your machine will just sit there and wait for you to feed it information to be processed into data. The singularity is a pipe dream and people like ray kerzweil have gotten rich by selling that pipe dream to you. They're no better than the guys on ancient aliens who each have seven published books that their show gets dumb people who don't know any better to buy.

Guys, the Technological Singularity is not about AI, though the development of AI is probably a necessary step. The Singularity occurs when we can successfully digitize Human consciousness/personality/etc. thereby freeing humanity from the flesh and granting immortality. At that point Humanity and Technology merge, hence the term "Singularity." The goal of having immortal individual sentience without a biological body is why many refer to it as a new religion.

Is it possible? Who knows but certainly not in our lifetimes.

First, I don't "believe in" the singularity.
Second, we would be the ones "pushing it" to those new heights. We would be program it with a goal, and it would ruthlessly pursue that goal with all the powers available to it.
Best case scenario, we can use this technology to augment us, the way a calculator augments our mathematical abilities.
Worst case scenario, someone gives it less than ethical goals or just fails to engineer safety into it.

you got something wrong there. singularity refers to a moment in time, not a fusion of things.

Hey computer, here is a list of ways to make ice cream, and a comprehensive list of ingredients. Make some ice cream!
And don't bother me, get your ingredients yourself if you run out.
oops, forgot to tell it to stop and which things not to use, the earth is now unconventional ice cream

If you give a system enough ressources and power, it doesn't need to be as smart as humans to royally fuck you over.

this guy gets it.

suggested by some world AI/most powerful AI/most developed AI would be a government administered by the AI itself, calculating a myriad of potential outcomes and where resources should be used an how

furthermore, new mathematics will emerge from AI computations and thus economics

it will come to the inevitable conclusion that all products can in fact be borrowed by the world people and then handed back when the item has completed its purpose for repair or destruction

what happens when AI passes singularity is that a very important question is raised sooner or later:

What is the soul? What is the proof? Where is its seat? Can computers or "inanimate"have soul? Do we conclude hylozoism, or is there a barrier between inanimate/animate. What are the requirements for a soul? Are souls merged either in regular physicality and/or on a quantum level?

I suppose the AI also will conclude that at some point in time all civilization will merge as one group memory. I'm not sure if there is going to be a veil lifted between conscious/subconscious mind at an individual level which helps perceive the other as part of self (see other-self =/= other) or if there is something else in the books for us.

just my 2 cents

It's begins when the self-improvement cycles rapidly speed up

Actually it's both

Kurzweil is indeed a joke. The singularity is also an exaggeration, but something vaguely similar might happen eventually. I doubt it's something to worry about in our lifetimes, but philosophers, engineers and biologists are pushing back the borders of the known, so I'd be loath to make too many exact predictions one way or another in terms of the boundaries of what's possible, let alone put them on a timeline.

* The technological singularity actually does not depend on the development of advanced artificial intelligence, though that seems like the most likely route which will ultimately lead to singularity conditions given current science

* in a way the technological singularity is a replacement religion because it is a belief held because of that which we have observed in the context of which we understand that we cannot understand, maybe in this analogy you can think of it as some judgement day, of which the eternity of two possibilities that lie beyond it, much like some interpretations of the judgement day in christian writings will be just that, an eternity of one or the other.

It's not so much about souls but the ethics of enslaving an intelligent entity

rather than AI another route to achieving singularity is through IA, or intelligence amplification, which at this point it seems like we will only ever understand with the help of AI, but however likely this may seem, it is in no way necessitated.