Well maybe it's the only place left on earth where women are still worth shit, who knows
Ryan Bailey
Fathers are too busy working.
Noah Turner
One Is rape the other is consensual. Just weirdly consensual. Oedipus Complex Is Real.
Anthony Foster
Mother-son incest is so hot though
Nips share your stories
Ryan Watson
Mom gets lonely because dad is an office worker drone who stays at work until midnight.
Jacob Martin
How about father-son incest?
Wyatt Parker
I would imagine it would be because if a dad wants to fuck his daughter, he would destroy her asshole. If a son wants to fuck his mom, his little dick won't do shit to that stretched out vagina.
you fucking pedos are disgusting...
Adam Russell
s..source pls
Landon Morgan
do any real japs who aren't american english teachers actually post on this board? maybe we could do an exchange program >send obnoxious tfw nip posters to japanese boards >send authentic japs here to talk about how their moms fugged them