I work at a gym AMA

>I work at a gym AMA

if you saw a fat guy trying would you judge him poorly for it?

it makes me proud when i see fat people in the gym. especially sweaty ones.
the only time i judge is when it comes to form. if anyone throws weights around like a jackass ill treat them like a jackass
>fatties in the gym make me happy.




How big is your wiener? What's your favorite film? Fav animated series? Fav ice cream flavor? Fav food? Fav band? Fav youtuber? Any Netflix recommendations? Do you prefer furry or shaved? Do you eat the Booty? Any fetishes? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest how would you rate yourself in appearance? Opinion on the Pakistan India conflict? Opinion on trump? Difference between existing and living? Do chicks ever leave their panties on the floor? If so are you required to throw them away or do you sniff and keep them?

Interested in the panty question tbh....do hot chicks ever leave panties in the changing room?

What's the best way to blood out of a boys underwear?

>7"on a good day

>Fight Club.. i know, cliche

>afro samurai

>Bubble gum or chocolate

>Indian curry chicken

>DVSN has been on my pandora station a lot lately during commute. and ive been working out to Magic Sword

>youtubers stopped being interesting in 2010, but i guess Mark Rippetoe has been my most viewed video series

>dont watch much tv, and i dont have netflix so i dont know whats good. i have an awesome library of movies though

>shaved the older they are and furry the younger they are. trimmed.